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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. You're going to get very mixed replies, but I'd be very ok with Kolb starting if he earns it. I'm cautiously optomistic that he can be a quality NFL QB. Staying healthy throughout the year is another question...
  2. Well, Safety is a completely different position, so there's that. Also, it's looking like he won't have to cover guys one-on-one for 9+ seconds each down. We may actually blitz a little this year.
  3. The only difference between today and say, 10-15 years ago, is social media. You're hearing more of what used to not get reported. Guess you weren't a fan of the Bills team that went to 4 Superbowls? Some guys on that team would certainly make you blush...
  4. What Coupon Book did you steal this gem of an idea from??
  5. you completely missed my point. I was speaking to the notion that his thread would be interesting to us here. It had nothing to do with this thread.
  6. So DON'T voice your opinion if you don't agree, got it.
  7. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/158654-lawson-and-branch-vacationing-together/
  8. I'm shocked more people haven't spoken to this. these guys have been left out to dry for years with no real blitz schemes. They should be better off not having to cover for 7-10 seconds a down.
  9. Wow, 265. Good for him. I hope he gets what he's looking for.
  10. I don't think that word means what you think it means...
  11. Yep, kinda where I'm at, too.
  12. How many more Seahawks players need to be caught before they start getting the * treatment?
  13. What's sad is he has already reproduced. The amount of dumb in this guy is earth shattering.
  14. Perhaps you were watching the wrong guy, or maybe you don't fully understand the role of his position...
  15. That's my feelings on it as well. He's being paid to be the best player on the field, and the best player on the field is your leader, like it or not. If we're talking vocal leaders in the locker room, how would we know who's the most vocal in there?
  16. Actually I think the consensus was this thread is ridiculously premature.
  17. That's one of the more irresponsible remarks I've seen posted here in quite some time. You couldn't be more wrong, and I'll leave it at that.
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