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Posts posted by billsrcursed

  1. There are too many places where Garcia could start. To be honest, I don't know why someone hasn't already made an offer for him?


    Minnesota and Kansas City come to mind, although I know how much Herm is in love with Croyle who's due back this week.


    He's still a starter in this league, he won't play back up. This year OR next year....... nice idea though.....

  2. What the hell are you talking about? The point I am trying to make is that even though we are 4-1, I(not the players) am not confident in the Bills so far. THEY ARE NOT PLAYING GOOD FOOTBALL RIGHT NOW. WITH THE WAY WE ARE PLAYING, GOOD TEAMS ARE GOING TO BEAT US. I AM NOT CONFIDENT IN THE BILLS RIGHT NOW. I HOPE THEY GET IT TOGETHER



    For your information I stated that I would have more confidence if the Bills had a close lose against a good team while playing well. Last year against Dallas the Bill's offence scored 3 points. That means the Bills did not play well. Take more time to think before you respond.


    I get what you're saying. You're referencing your "personal confidence" in the Bills. That's great. My point wasn't to bash you, I was simply separating the desire for a team to win vs. confidence in the team. Your concern is confidence, whereas my concern is that we win. I get it. Sorry if I came off as rude, that wasn't my intentions.....


    Here's my point with this; Patriots last year had the most confident fans EVER..... and they lost the Superbowl. Sometimes wins, ugly or beautiful, can get the job done. The goal here is to make it to the playoffs. After that, it's anybody's Championship to take, as the Giants proved last year, and many other teams who weren't the "favorites" have been proving for years. Was my confidence shaken after the Cardinal loss? Hell ya. BUT, up until that game, my confidence in this team didn't budge even though we had 2 come from behind wins against lesser opponents.


    Again, I'm not dumping on your view. Just bringing another perspective to the conversation, that's all.

  3. When your defensive game plan each week is to bend but don't break, I don't see the difficulty in out-game planning that scheme. My dog could march a team of kittens down the field against that philosophy. The idea is that, come 2nd half, we make adjustments and execute. I saw that the first 4 weeks, but not against Arizona. I doubt DJ allows that to ever happen again....... by doubt I mean hope, pray, and put it on the top of my x-mas list........

  4. I did not say I would rather have a "good" lose over a bad win. I said I would have more CONFIDENCE. If we played Dallas and we battle them toe to toe, had some good run blocking, some good pass rush and because of a mistake or two we lost the game by 3 or 7 points I would have CONFIDENCE in the Bills. These come from behind wins against garbage teams do not give me CONFIDENCE. UNDERSTAND! Not being in the playoffs since 2000 is BULLSH-T.


    That happened last year with Dallas....... what did that get us???


    I don't think you're realizing what you are saying. Confidence, yours in particular, isn't going to get this team into the playoffs (unless you plan on trying out for QB and getting the starting nod). WINS are going to get us into the playoffs. Confidence from the players is built throughout the year. The more wins, the more confidence they will have. Do you think they're going to go into their first playoff game and say, " man, Oakland almost beat us earlier in the year, we might suck...." I doubt it.


    I'll tell you what, you keep trying to build that confidence of yours, I'll keep hoping the Bills win, however that may be......

  5. When we blitzed that didn't work either. They seemed to have the right play called for taking advantage. What bothered me most abour today was the resurfacing of some of the same problems as last year.; an inability to run with any consistency and no four man pass rush. We still need an edge pass rusher in the worst way.



    Uh, twice?? Blitzing 2 times and basing a decision off of those 2 times is how b*tches get fired, IMHO.


    Did you catch the Jets-Cards highlights from the previous week? No? Well, neither did Fewell, apparantly.


    I know this is getting a beat down, but our D will never be good enough to contend if we continue down this "bend but don't break" road. It's garbage, vulnarable, and worst of all, extremely painful to watch.

  6. this hit was clean....


    until he continued to bury his helmet into trents helmet as they hit the ground.


    key word there...until



    Right on.


    Really, the question should be, "SHOULD this hit be illegal?? There's two sides, those who want to protect the QB, and those who want to see men hitting each other with as much force and anger as possible....... you have to pick a side and then argue. If it's Ko burying Warner, we cheer. Those who say otherwise are liars and should go to time out for lying........

  7. We got out-coached...


    Sad thing is, this is the same song as last year. Our defense (although admittedly banged up last year) has been a BIG waste of talent. We have TONS of young athletic head hunters who should be given the opportunity to play aggressive, and instead, our D-coordinator (I don't even want to say his name I'm so pissed) is afraid of giving up a "big play".... News flash RETARD, you succeeded in giving up 40pts!!!!!


    I remember everyone saying last year, week in and week out, the only way to beat the Patriots was to get to Brady. You here that about any good offensive team. Look at all of the top defenses in the NFL.......Eagles, Titans, Steelers, Bears, etc... What do they all have in common?? Several Blitz schemes. But hey, we didn't get beat on a BIG play, so we can save face.


    Fairchild was a big problem last year. Everyone knew it. It's time someone let Jauron know that Fewell is a problem as well. I like Jauron and all, but if he allows this to continue, he's as much to blame as anyone else.


    By the way, this all came AFTER they practically killed our QB..... now I don't wanna wish harm on anyone, but if you've played football on any level, you know what the answer to that is....... and it ain't getting done by sitting on your heels waiting for the beatdown....... this defensive showing made me spit up in my mouth, alot......

  8. Do you realize that 14 of the 16 games played by every team in the NFL has been set in stone since 2002? How have the Bills played a tough schedule? You play the Pats twice a year and that's it. While you guys play the 3rd or 4th place teams in the other 2 games, the Pats play the 1st place teams.


    When was the last time you guys played the Colts? How about the Steelers? Was that 2005 when you lost to their backups at home?


    The Bills are off to an excellent start this season. Enjoy it.



    Uh, each year there's this thing called "Strength of Schedule". I'd post a link, but the fact that I'd have to implies you've never heard of it, thus, my time would be wasted. It's an official "stat" that's based on teams you play and....... why am I explaining this to a Pats fan????? Somebody else can do this......... Go Cassell!!

  9. In my very humble opinion, this game comes down to 2 factors;


    1.) Boldin - if he plays we might have our hands full, especially if we're down McGee. I have faith in Mckelvin, but let's be real....... If he doesn't play it gives us a better chance to blitz. I don't think our blitzing has been overly impressive, simply because, shy of Youboty, we don't mask it very well. Here's hoping that changes.


    2.) Our O-line - One thing I can't figure out is why we don't try more screens and slants, especially if Edwards is being pressured as much as he has. We have so many fast, athletic weapons on Offense that could be utilized much more than they have, although I did see more of it in the 2nd half of the Rams game. I'd like to see more Jackson and Jenkins either on dump offs, quick hitches, or slants. Let those guys make plays. And what happened to Lynch being more involved in the passing game?? Oh ya, he's had to block........


    Overall I think our coaching staff is underrated and fully prepared. I trust them to lead us in every game, and I fully expect for our guys to be hungry and competitive come Sunday. They want to be 5-0 headed into the bye as much as we do....... Good luck boys!!

  10. Why is this being brought up now, going into week 3 with a chance to be 3-0?


    The decision's been made, and frankly, while AC played pretty well last year for us, he's not our best player. Everyone wishes they could be the owner and make decisions, but when it comes down to crunch time, situations like this are never easy. Ralph did what he felt was best for the team at the time. Accept, and move on. Letting this linger could hurt the team, and I think it needs to die.... just my 2 cents


    Tim-sorry for being so harsh in the comments section of your piece. It got me upset and I should have just walked away from the computer. I don't really think you're a Dolphins fan trying to stir up the pot :bag: Seriously, sorry for that.

  11. I had to, I hope you understand....There was no passion like we should have before a game!!! Lets not take this team for granted! We're 2-0 and I don't want us getting lazy!!


    GO BILLS!!!!!



    I just read this WHOLE thing while at work.......... thanks alot!!!!!!!





    You guys really thought the Raiders fan base would have a TROLL?? ???? suckers............

  12. Porter is gonna play. that about leaves him, Jones, and Lewis (TE) for WR's. I'm only slightly worried about Jones because of the height thing, but a couple of hits from Ko and Donte and he should be fine. Lewis can't catch a cold. We'll prob. keep Ellison on him. Porter's busted, and I think they'll try TOO HARD to go to him, so look for Terrance to have a big day.


    I'm assuming we're gonna blitz quite a lot 'cause their O-line is so banged up, which means they're preparing for that as well. I'd look for some swing passes to the flats with Jones-drew, maybe even some screens. With our LB's though, we should be able to contain that as well.


    Maybe I'm just a homer, but I just don't see how they're gonna function on O this weekend. I think the key for us is to contain the QB, not let him run around too much.

  13. I love snow and hurricanes, and just about everything else. Mother Nature is amazing!


    That's a wonderful thing to say, especially when I still have sandbags around my house, standing water, and flood damage from a TROPICAL STORM that happened weeks ago.


    Seriously, the city I live in (Debary, FL) received over 20" of rain in 2-3 days. It was horrible. The after affects from a storm like that are horrid, including the bugs, frogs, smells, etc. If you love them so much, how about coming over and helping with the clean up!!!


    Remember this; you can shovel snow, you can't shovel water and stank!!!! But the winters are nice.....

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