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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. First of all, you get a lot of grief on this board because you are a fair-weathered fan of the Patriots* trying to stir up trouble on our boards with your biased opinion and fairy tale "troubles' the Bills face. Listen, if Trent Edwards ever starts puking in the huddle because he's nervous, I hope T.O. slaps the sh@t out of him and tells him to man up!! If we lose a game and the score sheet indicates we through to T.O. only 3 times the whole game and the tapes show him open, I hope he Chris Brown's someone in the locker room. And finally, if the Bills are out of Playoff contention in Nov.-Dec. who the hell cares how T.O. acts??? Nobody's going to be listeneing, we'll all be too busy standing outside of Dick's house ready to run his @ss...... your opinions of how things are going to go may be accurate, but did you ever stop to think that maybe some of these things are just what this team needs? You're not a Bills fan, I get it, so your education on these topics may not be up to par. BUT....if you're gonna come on a fanboard and start whispering "the sky is falling on your team..." then I suggest you take your circus of FAIL elsewhere.......
  2. If there's no skeet, you must aqueet??
  3. Then you didn't read the article. Hell, the title alone was aimed at fans, not the organization. It's fine if that's your opinion, or Dan's in this case, and you can write/think/say whatever you want. But be prepared to have to face the people you criticize when you do. Now it's my turn to share my opinion; that article wouldn't be used to wipe the sunshine from my vertical smiley if it were the last piece of paper known to man. It was childish, inaccurate, and down-right hateful. If I saw him in person, I'd react just as childish as his article was, landing one squarely on the button, then I'd simply walk away, not saying a word, just smiling......
  4. Really?? Post supporting stats, pics, links ...... or GTFO
  5. This coming from the same person who bags on TO for being "old"..... please just GTFO.......
  6. Gary Carter and Don Mattingly were my 2 favorite players growing up (spent the first 10 years of my life in Connecticut, so yes, I was confused at to which team to cheer for). That 86 Mets team was incredible. Mookie Wilson FTW !!!!!
  7. This isn't news..... we do this ALL THE TIME here in Florida. It's kinda like cow-tipping in South Carolina, Car Jacking in New Jersey, selling drugs on the Claire in Cleveland, being white and rapping in Detroit, rubbing one out in the shadows on a hot, Florida night.... I don't see the problem -
  8. Exactly. This guy leaves an obvious "trail" to the likes of a snail. He's an agitator bent on interaction with anyone that will bite. Simply punch your computer in the face and move on to the next post. Eventually, he'll get sick of no one paying any attention and move on to the Dolphins fan forum. Besides, this douche knuckle has been bouncing from thread to thread writing the same exact thing in each one; how bad T.O. will be this year. Jealousy is a stinky fragrance my friends, avoid the stank and keep it moving....
  9. Week 1 Mon, Sep 14 @ New England Patriots* W Week 2 Sun, Sep 20 Tampa Bay Buccaneers W Week 3 Sun, Sep 27 New Orleans Saints W Week 4 Sun, Oct 04 @ Miami Dolphins W Week 5 Sun, Oct 11 Cleveland Browns W Week 6 Sun, Oct 18 @ New York Jets W Week 7 Sun, Oct 25 @ Carolina Panthers L Week 8 Sun, Nov 01 Houston Texans L Week 9 Sun, Nov 08 BYE Week 10 Sun, Nov 15 @ Tennessee Titans W Week 11 Sun, Nov 22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars W Week 12 Sun, Nov 29 Miami Dolphins W Week 13 Thu, Dec 03 New York Jets (Toronto) W Week 14 Sun, Dec 13 @ Kansas City Chiefs W Week 15 Sun, Dec 20 New England Patriots* W Week 16 Sun, Dec 27 @ Atlanta Falcons L Week 17 Sun, Jan 03 Indianapolis Colts W (12-3)
  10. Where do you come up with this crap??? Your generalizations are borderline offensive and pure speculation based on what YOU believe may or may not have happened. Look, the KID has made a couple of stupid mistakes, but you are totally jumping the gun as to where his life could or could not be headed. Why don't you just say you don't like him as a person and be done with it....
  11. Really? Are you a betting man?? I'll take that wager....
  12. Couple of things here; who are you referring to by "everyone is trying to stay mum..."?? Are you suggesting that the media is trying to cover this up by not talking about it more than they have?? For what purpose?? That makes no sense... Second, who is talking about trading Lynch?? What source told you he wants to be back home?? Lastly, please list the other 2 things ahead of the NFL in terms of his worries (please don't say God and his Mom, that would be yet another assumption on both accounts. God could be in favor of bearing arms and his Mom could despise white Canadian women )
  13. I guess I'm in the minority, but I disagree with Williams. I think he has what it takes to start in the NFL. If Maybin pans out ( and we can actually blitz like an NFL team) I'd imagine things will open up for him. I've been watching some replays of games last year on NFL Network and I am seeing more and more some of the things he was able to do for us that may have been overlooked by many. Is he Stroud, no. BUT, I actually expect him to really break out this year if my above points play out. Either way, guess we'll see....
  14. Excellent post! What did he say that you weren't expecting, OP?? I'm shocked more people haven't jumped on the "circus bandwagon".... who cares?? Besides, it's on VH1. Who else besides Bills fans will be tuning in to watch?? It's a gap filler story that most radio/TV guys are running with because Football news is becoming hard to come by now that the draft is over. We all knew the majority of the media would give us a hard time for signing the guy, let it happen. If T.O. goes off the deep end in week 4 and punches DJ out then everyone can tell us they told us so....... I'll take that over another debacle like last year!!
  15. I'm not sure who's worse, the OP, or the people who carry on his gayness with other attempts at giving a player who's not even on our team a dreadful nickname. Please make it stop.......
  16. awesome.....again.....
  17. Patriots fans FTL, leave please.......
  18. Who exactly are you referring to when you say, "you great fans"?? The mere fact you typed in your 2nd point proves point 1 to be false. You are, in fact, a FANBOI. Point 2 is nothing more than a "my wee-wee is bigger than yours.." post, discrediting anything else you've said up until then and anything else you may say. Great, you and Mike spend lots of money on the Bills, that's awesome, you and Mike are the winners.....of.......nothing.....at all. Good day, sir!
  19. To be fair, he brings it on himself. It's no mystery that the Bills are the 1 TRUE love of Buffalo, although the Sabres are a close 2nd. To insinuate he only speaks of the Bills because it's his job, coupled with his tasteless remarks to most callers, certainly begs insults, crude comments, and threads such as this epic beauty.... I'm actually shocked you're so taken by some of the posts here. Do you mingle with Buffalonians much? Do you not realize the attachment between team and city? We may hate how bad the team has been, how the FO('s) handles things, blah blah blah, but insult the Bills or Buffalo as a city and you can pretty much expect a pooh storm that may never end. I thought that was common knowledge??
  20. That's just stupid .... Even though it's not a Bills name, you could go with Russert. If that doesn't work, call him Ralph, that way he'll live forever!!
  21. You obviously didn't read this thread very carefully, they're wearing their "throwback whites".... per Nucci above.
  22. You're about to receive a visit from the Religious References Police....
  23. Wow, I didn't think I'd have to say this, but I'm part Jewish as well (mother's side) and I fail to see your point. If I'd have used the word "jazz" instead would the music police have thrown a fit because this isn't a music thread?? Lighten up, dude. Sorry you (and no one else by the way) took it the wrong way. Examine the surrounding text next time.
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