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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. So wait, black people don't get scared during shootouts??
  2. Really? I doubt it, bud, because I played AFTER the D-1 level, as DE and LB, so check up on who you're threatening next time... You're right, I'm not concerned, because it's WEEK1 TRAINING CAMP!!!! The first thing the staff says on the first minute of the first day is, "don't touch the QB, run right by him." They say that for a reason, all star. It's because the D WILL in fact get back there, and should, on just about every play. You obviously are one of those old O-Lineman who used to get butt-hurt during the first week of practice after getting blown over by a DE. It's cool, I used to deal with guys like you all the time. And another thing, we have a "I can predict the future with my record pick" thread elsewhere. Take your 5 games with you on the way out....
  3. Hey Drew Bledsoe, I thought we asked you to GTFO.......
  4. Crap, I forgot about my screen name, well played - I agree with you about our O-Line being a huge question mark, that wasn't really the topic here, though. The thread was about how our line was getting beat, during training camp, the first week. As much as we all know our O-Line will probably be our weakest link, screaming it's over because you saw some guys at camp beat the line is a little premature. Call me after Monday night when Trent gets ran on the first series and Fitz eats a grass sammich on his first play, then we'll have problems! (nothing against the chroisen one)
  5. Some people don't get it. They would be the ones who have never participated in or visited a Football training camp... They come here to blow off steam because they've been getting picked on all day in real life and figure since they don't need to see anyone face to face, they can spew their crack-like ideas to us. "Ya, I'm gonna go on-line and compare our new Offensive Line to some meat tenderizer, that sounds like a cool idea" - Really?? A week into camp and you're convinced Trent's dead meat?? All this while in Miami?? You're pretty good, Harami, you should submit your resume to the FO...
  6. It sucks having to read a thread started by someone who obviously has NEVER played Football before..... no kidding the Defense beat the O-Line, welcome to TRAINING CAMP!!!!!!!!!!! All disgust aside, I'm sure Mr. Brown was reporting as if each touchdown was an ESPN top 10 highlight and that the receivers danced the night away in the end zone with each grab, but this is business as usual in camp. Defenses aren't typically working on as much as the Offense is, and especially in regards to the O-Line. Throw in the fact we're sporting 2 rookies and a LT that doesn't want to be there, and ya, our D guys had BETTER be getting to Edwards this early on in camp...
  7. Yikes, this would be unfortunate if in fact true. You don't want a guy at LT that doesn't want to be there, or lacks the confidence, whatever. I'm sure this position is the team's biggest concern, so I hope if Langston really feels this way, there's been some communication with the coaching staff about this. Hey, it's the coaching staff's job to MAKE him want to be at LT, or at least be as prepared as he can be to play there. If I were Trent and I heard this, I'd be worried....
  8. I think some of this will change this year. In the past, the only way to get open was to run faster than the 2 or 3 guys covering him. Not pulling LB's and Safety's toward him this year should enable him to see more throws in the middle. He hasn't had a chance to actually beat someone one-on-one route-wise in the flats or over the middle. Also, I disagree with him in regards to blocking. True, he's no Hines Ward (not many are) but he's been downfield plenty of times blocking for others and NEVER quits. It's kind of the same argument some have for Whitner; these guys haven't been able to do what they can because they are too busy either playing someone else's position, or in Evans case, being a decoy pulling 2-3 guys with him. I'm hoping both of these guys are able to get some breathing room and showcase their talents...
  9. Excellent post, took the words right out of my mouth!!
  10. RIP The NFL and it's fans lost a genius today...prayers to the family.
  11. Then why are you still here??? Seriously, have you been paying any attention to anything Dean has said?? Skooby got caught lying red-handed in another thread. Common sense would then lead someone to have to question anything Skooby posts from that point forward. Skooby then came here, posted that a player was WAIVED, and failed (yet again) to provide a link. How is this so hard to follow??? It doesn't matter if Skooby is right this time, not telling the truth previously would lead SOME people to not quite trust what you say going forward, especially without a link or proof. Skooby can post whatever he wants, free world, blah blah blah, but some here reserve the right to question these posts because of his past posts. That's really hard to get?? Seriously??
  12. The game where Trent made references to communication and not getting calls in was against the Pats (2nd game I believe). I agree, and think I said so, that gameday is choke city for our coaching staff. No arguments here, and anybody who watches the games would be foolish to disagree. My stance is that this team is as prepared as any Monday through Saturday and that Dick's demeanor in pressers has nothing to do with our on-field product. Do they prepare for an entire Defense to change their scheme? Doubtful. Do they prepare for an offense to throw in a Wildcat? Not if they haven't seen it before. Not sure if you've ever played Football, and I'm not being a smart-ass here, but experience has always been this; when preparing for an opponent, you look at game tapes from previous games the SAME year, what their tendencies are. You prepare as best as possible for what you ASSUME will be shown come gameday. So ya, in that sense, you're right, the Bills are NEVER fully prepared for what MIGHT and sometimes DOES happen. Also, I wasn't denying what some guys said last year, but if you do the research, you'll see plain as day that most of what was said regarding not being prepared was due to what I said above as opposed to our Coache's neglegeance. Other than that, though, we're probably on the same page and just nit-picking to get our points across, which at this time of year, is certainly common and acceptable!
  13. That's actually pretty weak.... Where's your link? You and I both know that was NOT the extent of the quote, so let's just let this one slip by. I'm not saying the coaching staff has been PERFECT week in and week out in regards to preparation, I was responding to a post that consisted of a blanket remark that we never look confident or prepared. That's just not true. I get it, half of us will admit that Dick does some good things along with some really bonehead, conservative things, and those of us looking for that 1 single scapegoat will scream for his beheading, no need to continually post outlandish, far-fetched reaches to prove your points. .... unless you're simply working on your post count, in which case, fire away!
  14. I whole-heartedly disagree with the team not looking prepared. Play calling, yes, that is sub-par and often times just plain wrong. But the players themselves have said that they are fully prepared each and every game (I know, what else would they say). Aside from the Willis comment regarding not knowing what down it was, I have not seen a game where the players looked "unprepared" OR lacking confidence. I would think the appearance of these would be a direct result of bad play calling by the coaches, but that's just me...
  15. Well then that makes 2 of us. I think your opinion of our coach is dead on, and even though most won't admit to it, is probably the consensus of most fans. On another note, I was up your way last weekend. My wife teaches 4th grade and takes her kids their each year. She's been bugging me to go to learn some "Florida History". I kept telling her there wasn't any but finally caved in and went (5 year anniversary). I must say I was extremely impressed! Flagler College is the most beautiful College I've ever seen. We were able to take a tour of it, very impressive. Also toured the Fort, and took the Trolley Tour. Had a fantastic time learning about the area, seeing all the sites, and it was cool having someone explain it all to me. Learned a lot and can't wait to go back. Thought I'd share, I'm sure you know all of this, though.
  16. I hate to say this, and don't agree with it, but I think some people are just so angry with the lack of playoff appearances that they just want to see Dick go into a presser and rip anything and everything that moves, just to show he cares. Fact is, any man in his right mind would care about posting 7-9 records, and the fact Dick puts himself above being an A-hole in front of the press should be welcoming to fans. I don't know, some people are probably hoping for a T.O. like reaction, but I don't see how that would change anything, certainly not his gameplan...
  17. Blah blah blah..... Just start whining so we can all enjoy the lulz!!!!
  18. +1 There have been many coaches that could put a room full of heroin addicts to sleep, but win. OTOH, there have been many loud mouth tough guy coaches who sucked when it came to their overall record. It's one thing to not like a coach because of his on-field approach, but to criticize a guy for the way he speaks or the phrases he uses during a presser is bordering "playing for the other team". What's next, threads about the way he eats his food, or why he doesn't grow a beard, and how that "translates" to on-field play?? Please spare us
  19. So wait, you're saying that adding Vick would get us to the Playoffs?? The National Football League is great! You should check out one of their games sometime.....
  20. I was just wondering the same thing....
  21. I like the ones who click on the thread titled "Some Photos of Big Ben's Accuser", and then tell us we shouldn't talk about it.... then why are YOU here? I also like the ones who tell me, on a public forum, to keep my opinions to myself, because they may be rude.... rule #1 of the ever-mighty interwebs; If you're going to get butt-hurt by what someone else might say, remove yourself from said environment and create your own forum with rules about expressing your opinion, or move to China, whichever.... that said, this bish is uuuuuugggggllllyyyy!!! Do not want -
  22. Orlando has a team. Rumor is if Vick can't play in the NFL, he plays for Orlando (they own his rights, not sure how). I don't know, I'm getting tickets They have some good players on their team and I'm interested to see how it does first hand. Should be decent....
  23. Wow, 7 pages of puke... You are cool -
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