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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. We should come up with a "board" of members, say 3-4, who analyze submissions from members regarding potential threads. This way, crap like this wouldn't clog up this place. As it is now, any "Skooby" can start a thread about whatever they want, which is fine because I don't have to click on it. Problem is, the thread title says nothing about "the likely chance this thread is ridiculous and pointless". Thanks for making me dumber, OP....
  2. So was he hurt or something???
  3. This is one of the better posts I've read tonight. I distinctly recall seeing both Lee and T.O. running streaks downfield on 2 separate 3rd and short situations, I'm assuming to open up the short middle for Reed/Fine/Stupar, etc. So ya, decoys, and it makes no sense to me whatsoever using 2 of the better WR's in the league as friggin decoys. It's embarassing. Like someone else said, Trent doesn't seem to have it in him to throw the deep ball. It's like he doesn't trust his guys to make plays. And don't give me that, "he didn't have time crap". I was screaming "get rid of the ball" more times than not. Our line is young and has very little experience, but there were plenty of times where Trent had too much time, and he stood around looking helplessly for the nearest dump-off. T.O.'s comments regarding him just running the plays that were called pretty much sums it up; the play calling needs to change first, they're not being paid to be decoys. Trent, though, needs to start trusting his 2 WR's to make plays, and downfield somtetimes as well... hope we bounce back next week against the fish.
  4. Envy is a stinky cologne...
  5. Agreed. Limiting turnovers will certainly be key in this game (not that it's not in any other game, but with this offense...). The game against Philly was actually a 4 point game going into halftime. Turnovers ultimately killed the Eagles. I expect our guys will certainly be reviewing lots of first half tape from that game.
  6. About 15 interceptions, but who's really counting??
  7. Ya, you guys were AWESOME against Matt Stafford and Kolb!!!!!!!
  8. WTF does beef on weck have to do with NFL Football players???? Please put your bag back on and die......kthxbai.
  9. Sure, me too. Why not?? BTW, where were you, Jax?? Because you sure as hell weren't at a Jags game, nobody was!!!!
  10. +1 I thought I saw him say, "I heard it pop", thought for sure he was done for the year. Maybe he said, "that catch was hot!!"
  11. Aren't you the same one who said stats were for losers??? This conversation will go nowhere fast, then, won't it?? But ya, to answer your question, their stats. To even type something as stupid as Kolb is better than Fitz, let alone Trent, goes to show how much of a Football fan you really are. You should be posting in a Tennis thread somewhere...
  12. With the way our D was playing, I was actually a little shocked we didn't go for it in that situation. No way they march down the field on us from there. Meh, we won, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it's worth noting that, once again, our Coach did make a "questionable" decision. My brother pointed out, though; Jauron has never really been in that kind of situation with our Offense before, all circumstances considered. Shocked he didn't burn the rest of our Time outs to "ponder" his options...
  13. I fail to see how Jauron gets credit for this single play...
  14. Maybe you're on to something.... pigs.....swine flu epidemic..... maybe this means Jauron realizes the crapfest that is Fewell and he's about to fire him???? Ya, probably not.
  15. Impossible, we play not to lose. *needs to stop making this point in every single thread I open*
  16. This place would be a friggin ghost town if we did that to everyone who picked the Pats to win.
  17. that's great! Would you like to coach our D?? Because that's what it's gonna take in order to really pound someone. Staying agressive in the second half is a big no no around these parts....
  18. Thanks, I was gonna say that. You can blame Jauron for personnel, even our D coordinator, but Dick didn't let Ben Watson burn us 2 times in 2 minutes, and he didn't tell Bell to **** the bed on our last drive. If I were Jauron, I'd be taking this game out on Fewell. Our defensive mindset in the second half of every game the last 3 years has been bend don't break, play to not lose. Frankly, it's getting old. We have too much talent out there to NOT be playing more agressive. It pains me to know the Bills have to come out for the second half each week. You just know the opposing Offense is going to pick us apart and light us up. Sorry, I'm done now.
  19. Yep. I was a little shocked they traded Luke, thought for sure he would win that battle. Here's to hoping Leftwich has another bad game. You were right, though, pressure should throw him off enough to keep their offense honest and confused. I was one of those guys who thought the Bucs were on to something, guess I was wrong...
  20. Sorry dude, but I can't let you go on any further. Are you sure you watched that game?? Leftwich looked HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! He was missing WR's left and right, and when he was hitting guys, they were 3 yards downfield and he was throwing heat seeking missiles at them. This game boils down to one thing for the Bills, stop the run. Stack the box, stop the run, and for the love of GOD, please allow Byron to throw the ball. There is not 1 WR on that team that we cannot cover one on one. I'd say Winslow is their biggest WR threat, at best. If we lose to this team, it won't be because of Leftwich, I promise.
  21. I'm only going to say this one more time; The bills are NOT cursed!!! signed, me, of course.
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