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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. I actually heard Mike Golic mention this on his show this morning. Hope that's not where Shefter got this from.... On a side note, John Clayton speculated that Parrish would be a possibility to Washington because they're unhappy with Randle El, and that the T.O. thing was NOT going to happen... for what it's worth.
  2. So wait, A-Rod really DID use steroids????
  3. Link isn't working... ^ Damn you!!!!!!!!
  4. I missed your list of who you would have brought in, I guess.... And sorry to say, the hope was gone LONG before these 2 were signed...
  5. This place has officially self-destructed... Thanks for keeping it real around here.....
  6. The only other person I've heard use the word "dang" is Joe Dirt. After reading your entire post, I see the similarity....
  7. Sorry dude, but you're just not that important. I mean that in the nicest way possible, though...
  8. He's not sticking around to "save face". He's in it for the money, just like every other red-blooded American would....
  9. Thought you were gonna suggest streaking...... thanks for nothing.
  10. This. Do you really think RW doesn't realize the overwhelming majority of fans want Dick gone?? I know he's old, but if he doesn't realize it already, screaming it at him won't get it done, either. It's a waste of time, and no matter what circumstances surrounded Mckelvin and Whitner's cases (not to mention "other" media-grabbing Buffalo stories) it still grabbed negative media for the Bills and it's fans. Adding to that would be pointless and embarassing. let him have his moment, he earned it and deserves it...
  11. Not yet..... wait until the off-season, it's coming...
  12. He was talking about those guys when they were in College.... I agree on Locker, he looks like he has "it". Should be interesting to see if he comes out this year, and how teams react to his rising stock....
  13. This is boarderline brilliance!!!! OP, not even close.
  14. This whole thread is weaksauce. "Fair-weathered" is the new ghey. You're awesome OP. I guess we won't be seeing too much of you around here since you don't want to cheer your team on. We'll call you when things start getting better, maybe then you'll be able to stand your "favorite" team....
  15. You're wrong about me not being in a local Buffalo area bar in a while, but whatever.... The mere fact that you say you can "understand the concept" of wishing your favorite team to lose just tells me we're going to need to agree to disagree. I understand frustration, but not so much so that I wish my team would lose. Luckily, I don't have to watch the games with those people. My statement about the OP and Biscuit was exactly what you said about it, they're on opposite sides of the "fan fence", so not sure what you meant there. I went to a "Bills bar" last season for every game. There were only a handful (maybe 12-20) Bills fans who showed up each week. Not once, not even a little, did anyone suggest the team should lose so Dick could get fired. I do want to say again that I am just as frustrated as everyone else about the Bills, just not enough to wish they would lose. Regarding the rest of your post, maybe you're right. Maybe I should go elsewhere if misery is to be the norm here. But I would disagree with you that the majority here are that miserable. Most of us are sick and tired of the same old crap rolled out year after year. We're sick of Coach Jauron's approach, blah blah blah. But most of us would not WISH the team to lose, that's all I'm trying to say. My life consists of much more than just the Buffalo Bills, so my emotions are typically reserved for Sundays with the occasional Monday hangover (if the loss warrants it). After that, I'm on to the next week. I should not expect others to be the same. BTW, I wouldn't REALLY punch another person in the throat for saying out loud that he wishes the Bills would lose on purpose to get rid of the coach, I was just pointing out the stupidity of actually wishing that. In the same sense, I'm sure most people who initially say that don't REALLY want the Bills to lose, they're just frustrated and desparate. We'd get along in real life, I'm certain of it. Here, maybe not so much....
  16. I'm glad someone else brought this up. It's tough to look at, and I've often wondered why he continues to even use the hand while on TV. Lulz at "wear a mitten"!!!!!!!!
  17. What's he/she gonna say, they're the one team actually below us in the division.... Thanks for the warm intro, OP. Nice to see some class.
  18. So you're saying that your observational opoinion is Mitchell has played better than Ellison so far this year??
  19. I don't see how me living in Florida has relevance to people wishing the Bills would lose. I get it that the Bills aren't playing good. I get it we haven't been to the playoffs. I get it people don't like Jauron. But wishing your/my supposed team loses is enough, for me, to question your existence. So ya, regardless of the bar, if someone kept spewing on and on about hoping the Bills would lose so we could get a different coach, I'd expect he'd be silenced. And not sure why you need to know this either, but I watch the games at home, maybe for this very reason! Lastly, people like the OP and others here ARE my reality check. But I have to agree with Biscuit in that it's one thing to complain about a game the Bills lost. That's why we're here. But to forecast misery is selfish and stupid. If you truly feel that the Bills are going to suck all season long, don't watch. Don't follow the team, and don't come here. Frankly, I find it very confusing that people who feel this way still bother with the team. Are you that confused, or is it the love for misery?? I just don't get it....
  20. Well they were the team to beat last year.... just sayin.
  21. Tim, sorry to hear your house isn't ready yet. I can sympathize with your situation. It's quite frustrating, but in the end it'll be worth the wait, I'm sure. Concerning this TO issue, I'm fairly certain had it been any other Bills player, this would not be as big a deal as it has turned into. It was a frustrated player after a bad loss who didn't want to answer questions. Were people fishing, sure. But I think TO brought that on himself, if for no other reason, because he's an interesting figure who has been known in the past for creating great pieces to report about. I don't see the problem.... Keep on fighting the good fight, and good on you for coming here to face some of these posts. It shows your character.
  22. Friggin truth, thank you!!! I'm getting sick and tired of these, "I hope the Bills lose so Jauron leaves" threads. In real life, you'd be punched in the mouth at any local Buffalo area bar for mumbling such idiocy. If you hate the team so much, just leave. Go cheer for the Pats*....
  23. You're leaving out our leading WR on the first play of the game?? Who is Trent going to check down to? FAIL..... /sarcasm
  24. How is asking a group of people who have been tormented with the idea that their Football team may be ripped from them legitimate?? Aside from the fact this has been asked now for the millionth time on this site and could have easily been bumped with a simple search, it's completely moronic to think that a life-long Bills fan would still root for their team should it move to another city. This is nothing more than someone looking for attention and doing so by posting a thread he/she KNOWS will get under people's skin. Unless, of course, you're insinuating that you would proudly where a Toronto Bills (or whatever team name they decide upon should the Bills name not be allowed) shirt and cheer THEIR team on. If that's the case, than ya, this thread is relevant to you, so my bad. I also liked the idea that moving the team would make the Bills "significant" as so eloquently put by the OP. Trash...
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