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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. Is he getting first team reps?? Is he getting ANY reps?? You would think with the way Fitz is playing, that were he the answer to our QB woes, he would be. Hey, I hope I'm wrong and Brohm is the second coming of Joe Montana. My point was you go with the guys that are getting it done now. Actually, you kind of proved my point, so I should thank you. Since you decided to insult me and say my post was stupid, I'll save that Thank You for someone more deserving... Hope the Brohm jersey pans out for you, though...
  2. If Brohm were better than Fitz, he'd be starting. Since he's not, I'd assume Brohm is NOT our future. Sitting T.O. for Hardy is just silly, and nobobdy would ever do that. EVER.... Auditioning guys for 3-4 games does not give insight as to what we'll have for next year. This isn't Baseball. Back ups play in the NFL when there's an injury, when a starter is sucking it up, or when a team wants to rest it's starters for the playoffs, that's it.
  3. ^This. You slept through half the game, then watched the second half, then went on-line to tell us all about it. Thank god, I was worried about you..... douche.
  4. You must be kidding if you think nobody cares about changing our uniforms....
  5. Funny how you read the title of the thread, which indicated "twitter", which is gossip, and yet decide to insult everyone else who came into this thread. Awesometown misses you, hurry back please.....
  6. I was actually thinking it may pursuade someone like Shanny to come here and prove everyone wrong.
  7. Yes. twice, to make sure everyone heard him the first time. He's a douche.
  8. What the media guesses at shouldn't really be our concern. The positive thing here is that our team is actually looking at these guys. It's out of ours and the media's hands as to who accepts the offer. The offer itself, though, should be encouraging to Bills fans.
  9. Wasn't Ellison leading the league in tackles up until his injury??? Just sayin, if we're gonna praise Scott for tackles, why not Ellison?? And don't give me that, "Ellison makes tackles downfield crap, that's a cop-out, oh wait, no it's not..... See how I answered my own question? (Just wanted to clear this up before the "Ellison" crowd came in here).
  10. Likely and probably, two words that translate to you being lazy and not looking up the ACTUAL numbers. Way to look awesome, you should guess for a living.... BTW, you're wrong, by a whole lot.
  11. That would be fair. I would like to point out, however, that none of this is Brandon's fault, and I stand by my opinion that Brandon (if he had anything to do with TO coming here, which I don't really think he did) should not be blamed for anything in the above.
  12. Well, that home game in Toronto is keeping YOUR team in YOUR town, so you should be thankful. And TO not working out is because of your hero Trent Edwards, not because of TO. RW eating DJ's contract has nothing to do with Brandon. Frankly, I don't even know WTF you're talking about..... at all. Do you??
  13. Brandon has just been doing his job. If you believe Brandon is REALLY a GM, I've got some ocean front property in Louisiana for ya, on the cheap, too!! Brandon is great at Marketing, no reason he should go anywhere...
  14. I'd agree. Cheap is not the right word for him. Meddling would better.
  15. I think Cowher was just mentioned as a guy the Bills had on their list, whereas Shanahan is actually coming in for a "meeting" sometime next week. I think, for now anyway, Shanahan is more realistic. Either way, exciting news all around the Ralph is willing to spend "whatever it takes". BTW, the link in post 12 is the same as yours, at least I thought it was. It doesn't matter....
  16. Post whore...... that's all.
  17. Shanahan, as in 1 N, not two..... jeesh. This is why people don't want to coach in Buffalo... Just kidding, but seriously, spell it right please. kthxbai
  18. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=101720 post #12 But ya, if that offer to Shanahan is true, this may have some wheels to it....
  19. Nice sources, appears you were right.
  20. You have no idea how hard I'm trying to not get my hopes up.... you're not helping at all!!!! (thanx for the link!)
  21. Perhaps, but I still question the TE move during the Titans game. Not because he didn't deserve it, but because to me, it didn't seem to fit "Jauron Protocal". Now that he's been fired, it just magnifies that move to RF, to me anyway. Trust me, I could totally be selling myself on this, I'm rarely right...
  22. Obvious Jim Kelly is obvious....
  23. ^^ Does your source driver a Beamer??
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