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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. Someone PLEASE restrict this clown from creating threads.
  2. If miserable is seeing things for what they are, then color us all clinically depressed. There is no way in holy scoldering hell that you have ever watched a down of football in your life. You obviously eat paint, now please go away....
  3. You came into a thread that was titled specifically for who we thought the QB in 2010 would be, and then proceeded to tell us that you don't care who it will be??? I like your style. I also agree with you...
  4. If you don't like the way Ralph is running his team, feel free to purchase your own team and run it how you see fit.... Christ, by your logic, any Tom, Dick, and Harry can run an NFL organization. Where do these people come from???
  5. Not that I believe a word you're saying here, but if you REALLY want to run every "dirtbag" and "punk" on the Bills out of town, you're gonna need a real big bus....
  6. So if you're done with the Bills, are you going to cheer for another team or just quit the NFL all together? Oh, and next time you write an essay, please include cliffnotes at the end, mmmkay??
  7. Shame on you JW!!!!! BTW, this thread F'n delivers!!!! Can someone do a re-make of Xzibits "Yo-Dawg". Insert "I heard you like Bill Cowher so we put some Bill Cowher in your Bill Cowher so you can Bill Cowher while you Bill Cowher... " Keep it up boys, great stuff here!!!
  8. Repost, but good for my post count nonetheless...
  9. At what point does someone get banned for this crap??
  10. Well........ it all starts when a Mommy and Daddy love each other..... Sorry, couldn't help myself. The pointlessness this conversation was about to endure would have otherwise ruined this thread. You're right, though, his statement was silly.
  11. this place needs a "Buffalo Bills house cleaning". There are some real tools around here lately....
  12. Excellent thread!! My wife couldn't believe the guys with no shirts on. She has no clue, she was born and raised in Florida. Great to see for sure, it truly does say something about WNY'ers as a community. Best people in the world, IMO.
  13. Your thread title should be changed to "I" instead of "we". You don't speak for all of us (thank god).
  14. You're the one with the problem towards this guy. Look it up yourself if you're so torn over Nix. Unless of course you're offering to pay someone to do it for you. PM me if you are, I'll take nothing less than $50. Don't worry, I won't be holding my breath....
  15. Really??? GTFO...... now.
  16. WOW. WTF are you talking about???? You obviously do not know ANY LEO's, because that's the furthest thing from the truth. BTW, I'm sure the person who posted about Domestic Violence meant in regards to ACTUAL abuse, not some random arguement.
  17. I feel the same way. I hope he doesn't get hurt.... but I'm excited to see him get a shot. Not gonna be much of a playbook, though.
  18. Explain to me, please, what exactly R.B. did this year that "took part in the demise of the team this year". I'll be waiting....
  19. I don't want to "micro-manage" what you wrote, but they were engaged, not dating. There were also kids involved. Typically, the scenario they were in together would prompt a woman to be more "forgiving". So we're clear, I disagree with this mentality, but it is what it is. Like someone else said, I feel bad for the kids involved, and although he may have F'ed up some, I still hope he pulls through.
  20. No its his claim to be Christian as an excuse for being the BMOC for four years and not having a girlfriend let alone having sex, when he goes to Florida where the hottest chicks in the world study. In 2010. Seems odd. Maybe he's a serial killer??? I understand maybe not liking his mechanics as a QB, or not being a fan of Florida, but why would you question his personal lifestyle?? Is it that hard to believe that maybe he really is a good kid with a good christian upbringing?? Maybe you're being sarcastic and I'm totally missing it, and frankly, I hope that's it. OTOH, Vick may be available to us for the right price. Let's bring him in instead, we don't have enough thuggery in our locker room as is.... edit - stupid quote function, sorry.....
  21. Well put, I agree. Rushing him now would be counter-productive. Thanks for helping me clear that up with myself!! Now, about that Losman guy.....
  22. Did you seriously just call Tim Tebow gay because he's a Christian???
  23. Fair enough, I took your post wrong, my apologies. I don't think it's that far of a reach to let Brohm start. OC's shorten up playbooks all of the time. I distinctly recall hearing we run a very "vanilla" offense to begin with, so I'm sure it wouldn't take longer than say, 3 weeks, for Brohm to get the gist of things and show what he has. I'm actually against this, like I already said, and mostly agree with you that it wouldn't put us in the best position to win now, which is what I think we should be doing. I also agree that this shouldn't show what Brohm's potential is going into next year. I was wrong for saying that.
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