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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. No. I actually like your posts, jokes or not...
  2. Based on your join date, I would have expected you to have read more "jokes" around here. Not so funny, for the most part...
  3. One could argue Andre Johnson, but other than that, ya. And yes, Warner should be in the HOF.
  4. I got nervous when I saw your name next to this thread, but am now relieved to find it a joke. Close call, there, buddy....
  5. Yikes... get well soon, man. Prayers sent.
  6. WOW..... uninformed poster is uninformed.... you need a tall glass of Google, my friend. You actually have NO idea what you are talking about, at all, not even a little bit. You're actually saying the EXACT opposite of what Mike Vick himself said. This is actually kinda funny.... But ya, he's an upgrade over what we have now.
  7. Wow, pure gold. John Madden, that you??
  8. I was thinking "NOCHIN-CHAN", but same idea I guess.
  9. I came in here to bash your head in, but then I realized I kind of feel the same way. Good to see you're one of the ones sticking around to cheer for YOUR team. Sorry for the dog, though, that kinda sucks... We'll get there, eventually.
  10. Welcome to the board!! Feel free to take an open spot from any one of these losers who are bailing.
  11. Well, he hangs out in Fort Mill, SC, so...... not so much.
  12. What I don't understand is why the ones claiming to be "done" with the team still come here and post. If you're "done", then be done. Stop coming around. Maybe the mods could place a tag on everyone who "jumps ship" so we can keep up with them. That could be interesting...
  13. You'll be missed, I'm sure.
  14. Hey everybody, look at me!!!!!!! I'm sad so I'm taking my ball and I'm going home. Seriously, just leave....
  15. One thing it's taught me is that we are in urgent need of a restriction on Thread starting around here.
  16. O RLY? So I'm Rude, obnoxious, and STUPID because I support the team I love through thick and thin? Or is it because I'm sick and tired of "supposed" fans telling me what to do with my money to get back at said team? Your post was nothing short of school yard name calling with no basis whatsoever, so who really needs the education?? I thought about reporting your post, but I think it'll be better to watch you wiggle your way out of your own dribble. In short, like I've already mentioned to another fellow "mind blower" of a poster; Please lock yourself in a room and divide by zero. TSW will be better for it.
  17. It's a dirty word surrounded by Get The ..... Out. BTW (by the way), I was just joking with you...
  18. Begin the " I think we're gonna get..." posts in 5....4...3...2...
  19. Yes, now GTFO....
  20. Wow. Desparation is a stinky cologne, and that dude wreaks of it. I am disappoint...
  21. Oh look, someone telling me what to do with my money again.... Dude, your approach doesn't work, get over it. You either support the team or you don't. If you don't, then fine, give us all your "I quit this team" thread, we'll all make fun of you and remind you how much you won't be missed, and then you'll find your peace of mind. c-ya.
  22. baahhaahaaa!!!!!!! I hope you wear a helmet in life.
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