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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. Nice.... And I'll also add; Cutler>>"insert any Bills QB" And no chance in hell does Collins get a shot unless Cutler gets hurt, which in the Bears O-Line's case, may in fact happen this year.
  2. Ibthreadtitlechange
  3. He's a D-bag for forgetting to take off an earing??? I don't buy your attempt at redirecting your anger; tell us what's really bothering you.
  4. That is fantastic news. Boy, Trent threw a 70 yard touchdown, the Bills beat Indy (pre-season, I know) and now we get GOOD news about an injury.... hmmmmm * waits for some numbnut to try and divide by zero and seal our fates *
  5. Must resist.... don't do it..... walk away .... Sorry, couldn't help it, you asked for it. This should help, though, - There, all better.
  6. Wow.....you're just plain wrong here. Sorry.
  7. John Kitna Luke Mccown JP Losman - Dennis Dixon
  8. Of course he/she doesn't... And shame on you for not recognizing the OP and his/her "bag o' crap". Enjoy getting trolled everyone...
  9. Hmmm, that was the one thing I thought TE wasn't "totally" at fault for. While I agree it wasn't the smartest thing to do, Lee Evans shouldn't have stopped his route. TE was running for his life and threw it short, Lee should have kept coming to the ball instead of stopping and waiting for the ball to come to him. But ya, TE should have just thrown it away and lived to see another down. These guys frustrate my soul. Bring on Indy....
  10. I usually like to "ignore" your faith in Edwards, but you're F'n crazy if you thought for 1 second Trent looked better than Fitz Friday night... Seriously, I'm trying real hard to cheer for Trent, but he looked completely lost and scared, whereas Fitz was more mobile and more willing to take shots, kinda like last year. I'm afraid Trent's days here are numbered... And I'm not looking forward to a season with Ryan Fitzpatrick as our starting QB.... I hope Trent proves me wrong.
  11. I was thinking Byrd with my 3rd D pick as well.
  12. "Sleeper" is such a mis-used word... Anyway, in terms of "sleeper" I would say it depends on the League you're in. All of these guys make the cut if you're playing with rookies or dummies. If you're in a relatively seasoned league, I would think Aromashodu and Benn could be considered potential sleepers. The rest I'd say don't count on it, especially if you're in a Keeper League.
  13. Hmmmmm, 5 pages and OP hasn't replied to his/her own thread once. Someone want to run the definition of "TROLL" by me one more time?? Dean, I count 6-8 posters who should apologize to you, but who's counting. I commend your attempt to call out a troll. This site has been over-run with crap lately and it's nice to see someone else cares. mpl6876 - Do you have an off button? Seriously, make it stop...
  14. I justed started counting, but I've found 12 threads this could have been posted in already... Oh well, season can't start soon enough.
  15. Naw, it's cool. I thought it was funny, figured it was just a glitch... I lived in all three actually, Town, City, and North Tonawanda. I graduated from Tonawanda High in '97. Moved to Florida in 2000. You?
  16. ^^^ ibninjaedit....lol post whore!!!
  17. ^ Wow, what are you 12?
  18. Wow, are you interested, Pedobear???? Like everyone else, except for you, I was answering the thread question. Why is that so hard for you to do?? This place has been over-run with douchery lately. The season can't start soon enough. Thanks for making me remember your screen name, noob... EDIT: I just realized you may be a drive-thru employee. If I offended you, I'm sorry.
  19. This guy.... And Izell Reese, too. They both were drive-thru employees disguised as NFL DB's.
  20. WRONG... The saying goes, "It isn't rape if you yell SURPRISE first". Wait, what???
  21. So I'm clear here; Drew Brees is tougher than Trent Edwards because he may have been able to take the same Wilson hit, maybe?? I guess Trent should have not attempted to complete that pass, and instead tucked and tried to avoid injury. Look, I'm not even a Trent fan, but to question his toughness because of a couple of unavoidable injuries is baseless and uneducated. Call him Captain checkdown, call him scared, even weak-armed if you wish, but that's about where the name-calling should end, but that's just my opinion...
  22. I have to admit, while I do feel Evans is a legit #1 in the NFL, this comparison shocked me a little...
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