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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. I'm curious as to if we ever run IP checks here... Either way, ban.
  2. A fair, clean hit cannot be spoken about when "payback" precedes it. Hitting a player for any other reason than to stop him from gaining more yards is exactly what the NFL is trying to get rid of. He should be fined for insinuating his players would hit to get payback.
  3. Great. So after 3 games, I guess that's that. Blow it up... Get real. Not even YOU live by this assertion.
  4. 3 games in.... clearly.
  5. That's what I figured, but wasn't sure. Thanks.
  6. Isn't Mario playing with it?
  7. Yep, just looked at it again. Still laughing.
  8. You know, a lot of people often type "lol"... I want you to know that your post actually made me laugh out loud, at work, in front of other people, and I didn't care. Awesome!
  9. Please tell me when/where you've ever seen that happen since Tom Brady has worn a Pats jersey. It wouldn't have mattered.
  10. Ya, I was just joking, sort of.
  11. Tip of the hat to you, good sir. I don't really do anything other than use my Bills coffee mug Sunday mornings. Oh I guess I curse alot on Sundays, too. That's what my wife says anyway.
  12. Honestly, it might be better that we derail this mutha into an actual constructive conversation, like what Goodwin brings to the real life table. Starting Goodwin on your Fantasy Football Team wreaks of "Rookie Homer's Delight", and that's just a stinky cologne.
  13. I'm actually pretty shocked at how little respect the NFL inury report gets around here.
  14. I'm excited about his potential. That said, you're making a very common Fantasy Football mistake. You cannot allow Homer to control your Fantasy team, you'll end up bitter and confused. Good luck!
  15. I think you're missing my point, which was more on target with what the 2nd poster typed; I'm not expecting a Super Bowl. The difference between this year and year's past is a fresh start with promising young talent. I expect bumps in the road, they're young and raw. BUT I do like the direction the organization is going and am excited about our guys this year. I don't care about 6 weeks from now. If they suck, my life still will not have changed. I have other things going on, you know, like a family, work, social life, etc.
  16. I completely disagree. I feel like we have a lot of young talented guys that are easy to root for, and while there may be some growing pains, that's a helluva lot easier to embrace than complete and utter failure. I'm not expecting Super Bowl, but I look forward to some exciting football this year from the Bills.
  17. Me too. People need to learn how to have fun with this stuff.
  18. Scolded? Easy there, Columbo. I don't think that word means what you think it means.
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