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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. Oilers game will be tough to beat. Magical doesn't describe what took place on that field that day.
  2. How quickly people forget.... game over.
  3. No he didn't, OP is spamming us. She wrote the piece linked, and her pic is at the bottom of the article. Keep up, would ya, geesh!!??!! And..... no, I wouldn't.
  4. Uhhh... did I miss something?
  5. Cool site. Anything that benefits kids is a fantastic cause, so good on ya... Unfortunately I'm a Magic fan, so I won't be purchasing any Heat merchandise. However, my brother is a Heat fan so I'll let him know about the site. I'll also let him know you'd like some traffic, I'm sure with the cause, he'll be more than happy to pass along the info. Good luck!!
  6. If it happened in the pre-season, then it shall be..... they suck too.
  7. I'm not sure the Jets could have signed a back up QB that DIDN'T cause a QB controversy. Rex was looking for a QB to bring in that could run some "wildcat" plays and ended up with a media sh*tstorm. Best of both worlds in his eyes I'm sure. As mentioned above, game 6 is a good guess.
  8. I'm pretty sure your points about it being Fitz's first "full" year have been discussed quite a bit, actually. It's a key piece in someone's argument for why they feel he will improve and be successful. Actually, his injury and Mr. Lee are the only other fallback points most use when explaining why he should be better this year when compared to last. I'm on board with this argument, and agree he "should" improve this year. No more excuses... Also, I find it incredibly easy to root for him, much like the rest of the guys on our current squad.
  9. IMO, I thinks it's easier to believe a very good team returning most of it's players and adding some key talent will maintain that level of success over a poor performing team. In other words, and what I think was the point, what has San Fran done to warrant such a poor record prediction?
  10. Either somebody dropkicked my sarcasm meter in the throat, or you've been "misremembering" PTR's posts. His sarcasm towards those who truly are doom-and-gloom are nearing legendary status. He's one of the most positive posters (in a weird, sarcastic way) on the board. Also, your screen name is hindering any chance of you being taken seriously, just an FYI.
  11. It's getting to the point where I'm saying this at least once a day... and I'm not even that old, or, maybe I am.
  12. Friday. I wouldn't even dare post a link.
  13. One of my favorite Bills of all time. Stupid storytime; Me and a buddy were finishing up a round of golf when I decided to go another 18 alone. Another guy walks up and asks if he can join me,so I said sure. He notices the Bills towel on my bag and asks how long I'd been a Bills fan, so I told him since I moved to Buffalo in 1989. He asks me who my favorite player was growing up and I told him a few guys, naming Darryl as one of them. He went on to say how him and Darryl were really good friends and golfed together all the time (this is in Florida). Fast forward to Hole #2. I'm on the tee box when this guy pulls out his cell phone and starts talking on his phone. Just when I was about to ask him what the hell he was doing talking when I was trying to tee off, he looks at me and says, "here, someone wants to talk to you." It was Darryl Talley. Never felt so awkard in all my life. This was in like 03-04, so I was like 24 years old. I felt like a little kid and rambled on about how great he was and blah blah blah. He just thanked me for all the support and how he missed Buffalo and all the great people, and food. Weaksauce I know, but it was a great moment in my life I'll likely never forget. Some of those guys on that team back then were truly great people, not just great football players. Glad to see some good things coming to them.
  14. Haven't heard this referenced in quite some time. Well done.
  15. Ya, I didn't get that one either. Maybe they're dumping a ton of money to help sponsor the event...
  16. Must be. Only Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana appear to have a "LaRosa Pizzeria" that I can find. Also, Dunkin but no Timmy's?? Booo.... EDIT - eh, finding more locations like CA, PA, Hempstead, NY... DOUBLE EDIT LA Rosa Pizza Eastern Hill Mall Williamsville NY 14221 (716) 626-2277 Never heard of them...
  17. No problem. Hope more people are able to hear about this. Seems pretty cool.
  18. Here ya go; http://news.yahoo.com/wbbz-tv-hosting-buffalo-night-america-july-21st-130358047.html
  19. I thought last year was injuries. Who the hell has the "Excuse List"? I'm so confused....
  20. Ya, I stabbed a man in the heart.
  21. He'll be lucky to get a job in the USFL. Guy's a bum....
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