One of my favorite Bills of all time.
Stupid storytime;
Me and a buddy were finishing up a round of golf when I decided to go another 18 alone. Another guy walks up and asks if he can join me,so I said sure. He notices the Bills towel on my bag and asks how long I'd been a Bills fan, so I told him since I moved to Buffalo in 1989. He asks me who my favorite player was growing up and I told him a few guys, naming Darryl as one of them. He went on to say how him and Darryl were really good friends and golfed together all the time (this is in Florida).
Fast forward to Hole #2. I'm on the tee box when this guy pulls out his cell phone and starts talking on his phone. Just when I was about to ask him what the hell he was doing talking when I was trying to tee off, he looks at me and says, "here, someone wants to talk to you." It was Darryl Talley. Never felt so awkard in all my life. This was in like 03-04, so I was like 24 years old. I felt like a little kid and rambled on about how great he was and blah blah blah. He just thanked me for all the support and how he missed Buffalo and all the great people, and food.
Weaksauce I know, but it was a great moment in my life I'll likely never forget. Some of those guys on that team back then were truly great people, not just great football players. Glad to see some good things coming to them.