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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. He's a friggin rookie playing on a horrible defense. It's like if you were working at 7/11 with a bunch of High School flunkies and it was your first week. Trust me, you wouldn't be fired. Also, you just posted earlier you haven't seen much of his play, so how do you know whether or not he looks like he knows what he's doing?? Trust me, he's the least of our worries on D right now.
  2. I remember saying before the season started how easy it was to root for this group of guys, that they all seemed like blue-collar no names with chips on their shoulders. 5 weeks in and I feel like slapping myself in the face for thinking that. Also, twitter gives us that glimpse into players we really want, until we get it. Someone in the front office really needs to shut these guys up for a while.
  3. What is this weird "blitz" you speak of? Yes, successful teams use it and use it well.
  4. Although he most certainly blew the Gronk play, I wonder if some of the problem is the amount of time he's been required to fulfill each play. No pressure = a ridiculous amount of time trying to cover WR's. Again, that would only be part of the problem, but it's a legit issue nonetheless. * I feel like I'm on a "blitz, you idiots" crusade. *
  5. I just can't comprehend how a bunch of everyday 9 to 5 Joes talked all week about how we'd better pressure Brady and how that's the way to beat the Pats, and yet come gameday, the people responsible for gameplanning had not figured it out.
  6. So this is what it's come to... accept the sub-par player/coach performance and change the actual field instead. F it, I'm in.
  7. Saw this on Twitter. Good on 'ya Northtown.
  8. There's a difference between kicking it out of bounds 45-50 yds. downfield, and pooching it out of bounds 25 yds. downfield, basically 15-25 yards. That's my take anyway. I think alot of teams are trying to get away from guys returning punts, and instead focusing on directional kicking. Moorman looked to not be able to successfully do that, so what good would keeping him do?
  9. I don't know what the offensive goal was, but defensively, not allowing Mark Sanchez to light us up like it was the 4th of July should have been listed somewhere under 'Goals of the Game'.
  10. I'd agree. I'm very afraid of our defense falling into a 'bend but don't break' scheme. I hope I'm wrong... you beat Brady by pressuring him. If I know it, so should Wanny.
  11. til it's time for dinner.
  12. We're pretty close to a 70% Vick with what we have now, minus throwing left-handed...
  13. Cover 3-Prevent Championship....
  14. I was 10 when we moved to Buffalo in the summer of 1989. I was a Giants fan (coming from Connecticut). The second half of my school year after that Superbowl was pure hell. I was forced to become a Bills fan after that year. Being the new kid and the fan of the team that just broke the hearts of millions of Buffalonians isn't the way to make friends, and kids are mean, real mean. I blame every kid in that 5th grade class for my now torment and misery. Guess I should have sucked it up...
  15. I'm more concerned about our coaching staff. There's just no excuse for being unprepared in that fashion against a division rival on opening weekend. Our gameplans were horrible, and what's worse was they appeared to do nothing in the way of adjustments come the second half, especially on the defensive side. If we don't bring more pressure on D this Sunday, this team is in BIG trouble. You simply cannot win in the NFL sending 4 guys on every down, I don't care who those 4 guys are. I hope Wanny shuts me up, big time.
  16. Nonsense.
  17. Shawn Merriman had an awesome tweet yesterday..... shoulda kept him, man. Pass rush woulda been nuts!! smh
  18. If we continue to send only 4 on our pass rush, then no, they won't even break top 20. Someone above mentioned Dallas and their CB's, I'd like to point out their ability to blitz and pressure QB's as a focal point of their CB's success. Wanny is setting them up to fail without bringing pressure. Seems like I've seen this movie before....
  19. I'd have to disagree with "constantly outcoached". I've seen plenty of games where our coaching was better than our opponents while Chan's been here. I'm more concerned with our lack of in-game adjustments. We did nothing to put players in positions to succeed. I know alot of people are down on our CB's, but with no blitzing whatsoever, they were left out to dry on most plays.
  20. I'm as dumbfounded as anyone else, but I'm afraid you're wrong about WR being the easiest position for a rookie to play. It's probably the 2nd or 3rd toughest position for a rookie. That said, I'd find it very difficult to believe that he was inactive due to performance or lack of playbook knowledge. Something else must have been going on. Sorry if someone already posted the reasons, I haven't seen it anywhere as of yet.
  21. All of the above. Also, as mad as I am at our players for that crapfest of a showing, I cannot believe how deficient our play calling on both sides of the field was. That coaching staff should be embarrassingly ashamed of themselves. They were absolutely outclassed from the opening kickoff on.
  22. I'm shocked more people aren't questioning our lack of blitzing. We literally sent 4 guys on almost every defensive play. In fact, I don't think we've blitzed in about 5-6 years. I don't know if I can sit and watch this "bend but don't break" crap one more week. It's very frustrating. You can gush all you want about how fabulous our front 4 is, but when you're sending them against 5-6 guys every down, well you don't have to be a math major to figure it out. You pressure QB's like Sanchez, or so I learned in pee-wee football...
  23. There's definitely a different feel to this season, and it's reflective here on the board. I think when a team finally has legit playoff possibilities, the reaction to a season opening division game on the road becomes more of a " finished product first" reaction as opposed to a typical "we're gonna kill 'em" rant. That and maybe people are growing sick of being left out on the ledge with their foot in their mouths... Either way, I expect the Bills to win convincingly Sunday afternoon, or so says my prediction post.
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