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Posts posted by OrangeJuiceSimpson

  1. The spin doctors have just begun. Wait'll we hit season ticket renew time and the marketing folks go into full-on spin mode.


    This reminds me of the time the Jets went 1-15 and NFL Films had to do a season retrospective. Watching that made you think they went to the playoffs.


    Exactly what I was thinking!...This is pathetic, but it's more depressing than anything.

  2. I heard a rumor that we are not going after any free agents, and were planning on skipping the draft completely. It has something to do with continuity. :worthy:


    Hah awesome..Peters will also sign an extension for the same amount as his current contract for continuities sake.

  3. If I'm Brandon, this info. gets "leaked" to the local press a bunch of times, particularly right when the sides sit down to talk extension.


    Of course, how much do you want to bet no one in the Bills organization will either know this stat or bring it up during contract negotiations?


    Trade him!! This doesn't even include his penalties. Which were just as awful.

  4. Dierdorf calls him "one of the hardest hitters in the NFL" huh?


    What's worse than Donte getting ran over was how Morris owned Ellison on that play with a stiff arm. !@#$ these guys can't even tackle man.....


    It goes to show that if enough people say it, people believe it. I may be wrong but I I'm willing to bet no one on this board can name three great or even good hits that Donte has had in his career.

  5. Say they beat NE at NE on sunday. Are they legit playoff contenders??? I say why not?


    I'm probbly like some of you...I like rooting for some dark horse team other than the Bills...an underdog that people have written off...and that is not direct competition to the Bills. St. Louis. Why not?? Gotta admire their grit.0-4 and facing the Skins away,the Cowboys at home and NE away.


    Anythings possible and if they do beat NE they definitely won't be a team to walk all over this season anymore.

  6. I just watched some highlights of Trent Edwards throwing the football, take notice at the pocket he had around him. I mean SD didnt even sniff him at all........


    Is it me or did Duke Preston look solid at center? Honestly, I have more confidence in him then I do Fowler.


    Great job to the OL, now just open some more holes for Lynch.


    Oh and FINALLY Jason Peters looked good!


    Preston looked good in pass blocking but I thought he looked pretty bad when we were running. The good runs we got were to the outside. Between the tackles it was a disaster IMO.

  7. If you're a Bills player the only thing you should be thinking about is reaching 6-1 by squishing the Fish. Thinking too much as a player about going 2-1 in the next games is how you end up going 0-3.


    As for us fans I also disagree with the concept of hoping we go at least 2-1 in the next three games.


    3-0 is what we plan and hope for.


    False. We hope for 3-0 but plan for 0-3. Or some bs like that. I'm not sure of the saying.

  8. It may sound rediculous to some of you but I don't think we have more than 3 or 4 wins without Fred. He came up big w/ over 100 all purpose yards against the jags, He made a couple big plays in St. Louis includind a 22 yard td, and he played great again today throwing a key block you don't see in the stats and had 3 catches. He's a huge part of this team.

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