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Posts posted by OrangeJuiceSimpson

  1. in all honesty, i can't hate on donte's prediction. i like to see a player with some cockiness and confidence that good things are going to happen. if they had 52 other guys with that same attitude things might be different


    What does donte whitner have to be confident and cocky about?

  2. Come on, the guy had 110 tackles in what was essentially his rookie season. Overrated? Perhaps. Absolute crap? No way. He was an average starting MLB for us, not a piece of crap. The term "bust" is thrown around too lightly here. It seems like a lot of people define "bust" as simply not being in the upper eschelon of starters at a given position.


    I'll admit absolute crap might have been over the top, but he's ranked 16th in tackles for MLB or ILB. I think that's pretty poor for a projected first rounder that was a "steal" when we took him. DiGiorgio had 113 tackles in 07 and did it in 13 games. No I'm not saying Digiorgio should start but I think we should be expecting more from Poz.

  3. 12. Buffalo — RB Marshawn Lynch —


    There’s enough talent to suggest he can have a good year or two, like Willis McGahee did, but I think Lynch’s problems will lie elsewhere. His character has been considered a little different by some NFL types, and he might not ever work out in Buffalo. And like McGahee, he could end up with another team after 3-4 years.





    Pretty impressive prediction. I love spending first round picks on running backs. It always works out.

  4. I'm sure I'll get slammed for posting this, but I cannot possibly be the only one who feels a bit hopeless entering the offseason. The FO has shown no signs of good decision-making in the past couple years apart from drafting Pos. While we were 7-9 a couple seasons ago, at least we appeared to be resilient. In its current incarnation I can't see this team being better than 8-8. Unfortunately, I can't say I hold on to much hope that we will bring in the right people to change that this offseason. This is the first time in a long time that I find myself struggling to see a silver lining with the Bills. I still support the team 100%, but I gotta admit it's frustrating. Anyone else with me here? Feel free to agree or call me a piece of Stevestojan for venting.


    I agree with you on everything except the fact that drafting Pos was a good move. I think next offseason people will be calling him a bust. I realize the possible crucifiction I may face by saying this but I think the guy is absolute crap. I pray he proves me wrong.

  5. A funny line today when asking a source how odd it would be to see a black man in a Mercedes in Culver City ...


    "The officers that arrested him might drive Mercedes."


    The town is wealthy and loaded with entertainers. These guys aren't backwoods hicks trying to make a name on a celebrity arrest. If anything, they know the scrutiny that comes with it.


    Ha. That or they're CROOKED COPS!

  6. Not really. If the reporter is to be believed then Carolina will franchise Peppers(within 24 hours) unless something major happens to change their plan.


    OJS didn't say "Peppers has been franchised"......"Peppers to be franchised" is exactly what the article says.


    Thnx Dibs


    Just trying to put some info out there for discussion. My fault.

  7. A minority of fans , myself included, recognized early on that Fred Jackson was the best all around running back on the Bills roster.

    As last season played out that observation was confirmed.

    Now with Lynch as a repeat offender there is even better reason to drop the charade and give the bulk of playing time to Jackson.


    Lynch is going to be Buffalo's next Maghee, they're better off getting rid of him before it goes from bad to worse.


    Lynch will never be Buffalo's next McGahee. McGahee trashed Buffalo. Lynch hasn't and won't talk $#!+ about this city.

  8. Just poking furn at the guys who always throw up a post of we know his name lets grab him. But Seriously i wouldn't mind bringing in a Vet running back for cheap. Since Marshawn Lynch is probably on the shelf for atleast four games. Fred Jackson is your number one back but will definetly need a solid back up. McAllister reminds me too much of Anthony Thomas though. But a back like him or Taylor would be a good compliment to Freddie. And could probably be got for cheap. maybe like 2 million.


    I would not pay 2 million a year for either of those old buttheads.

  9. I'm on board with the keep Greer, deal McGee people.


    I don't know if Greer is better, but they're very close to being equals IMO. Greer is younger, bigger, and after McGee hits free agency next year, most likely cheaper as well.


    What happens if they ignore Greer, let him walk, and then McGee bolts via free agency next year? If it's an uncapped year like a lot of people are speculating, he won't sign the franchise tender the Bills would give him. If they don't give him the franchise tender, well, he's gone seeing as how it's an uncapped year. McGee would be an idiot to sign a contract extension right now.


    Gotta know how to manage your assets- at best, McGee is SLIGHTLY better than Greer, and that's arguable. But, my guess is we just let Greer go, McGee follows suit, and it's back to drafting corners in the first round to play a defensive system that corners aren't even valued that highly in.


    I'm so upset with these comments because they are so true.

  10. trade him to the Browns for Kellen Winslow Jr.


    A popular idea on this board...I think that's a better deal than letting him walk for nothing after this season and we could probably get more than just winslow out of it considering he's been on the trading block for awhile.

  11. I just took a look at Mike mayocks updates rankings for position and Brown isn't listed in the top 5 for either DE or OLB. I wonder why he fell so far?


    I saw that. That was a surprise. On the contrary Mcshay just said on espn that he thinks he's gonna go 5th overall to the Browns. But I'm not a fan of either of these a$$ faces.

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