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Posts posted by OrangeJuiceSimpson

  1. BTW, this is from the Tim Graham article.


    Bills coach Dick Jauron on Thursday noted how receiving tight ends still can curtail defensive penetration because of their threat in the passing game.


    "Given some degree of blocking proficiency, the better receiver you are the better blocker it makes you because the defense is busy defending you all the time," Jauron said. "They're defending you in the run game because they fear you in the pass game.


    "If he's got some kind of blocking ability and he's a really good pass receiver, it'll make him a better blocker. They're worried about him escaping and getting down the field."


    Holy shoot! Dick Jauron has an actual opinion on something!...It makes a little sense. First thing that has come out of his mouth in a long time that hasn't made me wanna smash his face in with a crowbar.

  2. If we take a WR on day one, it'd better be Darrius Heyward-Bey.


    Bucky is loving some DHB. I'm becoming a fan myself. Nobody that tall should be able to run that fast. That being said I still think you gotta go Crabtree if he's there.

  3. What is this google that you speak of?


    You mean you can put Alex Mack's name in it and find out more about him? :sick:


    It's essentially just a time machine for really smart people. I could get into all that right now but it's pretty complicated.

  4. Like to know more about him. Senior bowl activity?


    I looked up the name on google here's what I got. In junior high he was contaminated by some kind of secret chemical product. He can change shape, move objects, and zap people.


    Sounds like a nice addition to any team.

  5. I gotta go with my favorite WR in this draft Darrius Heyward-Bey. I'll go so far as to say he runs a 4.26. then Harvin 4.30


    If DHB is as big as advertised (Crabtree shrunk 2"!!!!) he may go no1 wr if he runs well into the 4.2s. Al Davis bait.


    I'd love to have DHB here. if he is 6'3, can jump as advertised, and runs even a 4.3 flat he'd be a sick no 2/ no1. WR


    Ya I think DHB's stock will sky-rocket after the combine.


    Question: Where did you get the info on Crabtree? I thought they didn't do height and weigh-ins yet.

  6. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/...ick?eref=fromSI


    Down near the bottom of the article...


    Buffalo is at a crossroads at quarterback. The Bills need Trent Edwards to stay healthy and be the Trent Edwards of the first four weeks of the season. They have an owner who's not afraid to take chances and is willing to do what it takes to win


    Those first two sentences scared me. But then that third sentence made me think the writer is either joking or stupid


    already posted.

  7. does that make us a playoff team? This is obviously a HUGE hypothetical, but if we got let's say Haynesworth and Birk and in the draft got a OLB and DE, would those players be all we need to make that push to get into the playoffs, or are they still not enough?


    I think it gives us a pretty good chance. And your right. It's a huge IF.


    This team wasn't 0-16. We were 7-9. If we got 2 pro bowlers and two impact free agents that could easily equate to 2 or 3 wins. Luckily for us we aren't losing too much this offseason. If we can stay healthy we could be a playoff team with those pick-ups.


    I know we love to hate DJ but the guy has made the playoffs and if you give the credit to the players on the bears and not him it does mean you can win with a mildly retarded head coach.

  8. I hear what your saying, but that is'nt how the real NFL world works.


    It is unreasonable for him to play out 3 more years of his contract, being SEVERELY underpaid. He is a big, probably not that bright of a football player, and his last agent made a HUGE mistake by havng him sign an undervalued contract. Please, enough of the Bills were "generous" and gave him an extension talk. They were not generous, they got a STEAL out of it.


    He did the right thing. He fired his agent and hired one of the best in the business. Do you really believe that it was his idea to sit out the training camp? Of course not, it was his superstar Agent.


    Please, let's not pretend to say that we would behave like good little boyscouts and be not even in the top 5 on your team in pay at a position similar to yours without you having any beef. Think about it, people with his skill set are getting payed %300 -%500 more pay than he is, and heis suppose to just sit there and accept it for the next three years. I don't think so. He could get injured and there goes his future big contract,just because he was a good little boy scout..


    Your question about what would I do? If My boss was benefiting off of me, and I knew that he knew that, and I saw that there were many other people inferior to me, that brought the company less money in than I did, and were getting payed as much as %150 more than me, and he wasn't willing to work out a deal with me, and jerking me around, then HELL YA!! I would play hard ball. Because if he doesn't pay me my fair value, then I will go to a company that values me, and shows me that they value me by paying me fair value.


    As far as you being sick of "these" guys securing their future. That is an argumnt that doesn't fly with me or the restof the NFL. DOn't be counting his chips, this is what the NFL pays their players. Everything is about fair pay, and what fair market value is. Just because he has Millions doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to get paid fair value, and if fair value is Millions more, then so be it.


    I know what you mean. And I do think he is underpaid. I just think if he wanted his payday he should have been more motivated than ever to do it this season. I would love to pay him around 8 million a year right now. But I don't think that is a figure we can sign him for. If he can make it through this season and he actually plays like a pro bowl LT I'm all for making him the highest paid LT in the NFL. But I don't think he has proven it yet.

  9. I don't care what any of you Peters bashers say. He is the 6th highest paid lineman on the team and he is the best player on the team. hmmmm


    doesn't make sense. The Bills made a huge mistake letting this happen. They should of approached after the 2007 season, gave him a fair contract, and none of this would of ever of been an issue.


    All the people who say,"he signed the contract, he has to play through it" really don't understand too much how the NFL works.


    If you worked for a company, and you knew that you were the most valuable employee for the company, and there were 6 other guys that held a similar position that you hold and were getting paid more than you. You would do something about it, and if not, then in my view your a spineless wimp who doesn't know how to ask for what is rightfully yours. Sure you "honored" your contract, and fans will respect that, but that doesn't secure your future. The pay does.


    The Bills should of restructured his contract, and they did not have the forsight to do so, and as a result we had a player that was a malcontent, and we got a shotty performance from him, by his standards.


    So chris Brown, was right on about the comparison regarding the Peters Gross comparison.


    Give me a break. Gross 4x higher pay. Thats Insane!


    I would be all for making him the highest paid lineman on the team but it's not that simple. This contract could be near twelve million a year for a guy that has only had one stellar season and has had some injury issues.


    And yes he does have to honor his contract. That's what a contract is. This guy was undrafted and the Bills gave him a shot and an extension. If he wanted it he would have came out this past season and played his ass off for it.


    This guy gave his team the silent treatment when he wanted a new contract. If you were the 6th highest paid employee in your office would you not show up to work and make your boss figure it out? Or would you request a raise and keep showing him how valuable you are?


    And I'm so sick of hearing about these guys securing their future. This guy is a millionaire. He's not collecting food stamps anytime soon.

  10. Screw poz! He is rotten. Poz gets his share of tackles but all of them are 5-10 yards down field. He's a great guy though with a never ending motor and a guy with great character. Just ask coach DICK


    Thankyou kind sir! Come next offseason Poz will be the new "most hated" guy on this roster. I really wish he could prove me wrong but I just don't see it.

  11. The thing is, all tagging Greer does is give him and teams wanting to trade for him more leverage. It actually hurts the Bills. Teams would know that the Bills wouldn't want to keep Greer at that price, so they would offer lowball deals. If Greer was tagged, he would ask for more in a long term deal than he would if he was an UFA, for the same reason.


    I know what you mean but I would rather take something or anything than just letting him walk.

  12. Asomugha will be re-signed today and Dunta Robinson was franchised. The options at CB are dwindling with these two moves.


    Now is the time to franchise Greer to trade him, as plenty of teams are seeing their UFA options grow smaller.


    Should the Bills allow Greer to leave, it's akin to letting draft picks walk out the door. Then again, it's this kind of inactivity I've come to expect from OBD.


    At this point we would be absolute idiots not to franchise him.

  13. I suggest people step back from the Bills for a little while and enjoy some good hockey. Whatever happens to Lynch happens...tune out until the draft and you will be a lot happier. As soon as Jauron was kept, I realized it is just not worth caring about this team until the season starts again.


    Getting fired up over stupid decisions that you KNOW are going to be made is just too exhausting to deal with anymore. I refuse to let let the Bills sour me anymore outside of the actual season. The people in charge at One Bills Drive don't care about the fans so don't expend any negative energy towards them. Go Sabres and Go Bills in September!!


    I would rather watch a five hour special on how the menstrual cycle works than sit through a hockey game.

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