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Posts posted by OrangeJuiceSimpson

  1. I don`t think he`s in town about Cutler since he has not gotten permission to talk TRADE about Cutler from the Bronc`s. Just saw this on the NFL Network with Mike Lombardi. Must be Tony Time. Whew ,I didn`t want that whinny beech. :beer:


    Good point. It didn't even occur to me that the Bills could not talk to Cutler or his agent.

  2. LMAO, what is the deal with posters on this board using the Bills-Denver game to show that Cutler isnt good enough and that Edwards is better...geezus, one game doesnt define a player. There have been games where QB's like Farve, Montanna, Brady, Manning, and every other Elite QB has thrown 3, 4, even 5 interceptions in a game and single handeldy cost their team wins, even big wins. Heck, Manning had a huge cloud over his head until he won the Super Bowl because until then he had a lot more bad games than good games in the post season...does any of this mean those QB's were terrible?


    Not at all...so how does this Bills-Denver game make Cutler a bad QB...No QB will ever have a perfect season or never make a bad decision...it comes with the territory. Cutler is NOT the reason the Broncos missed the playoffs...and thats the bottom line. Not to mention, he still led that offense to the 2nd rated offense in the NFL despite playing with a midget ROOKIE WR, not having his #1 WR for the first 2 games, and having no running backs...


    And FYI: Edwards Cleveland game was one of the worst QB performances I have ever seen, and few would disagree with that, and far worse than any game Cutler has ever had and a CRITICAL game for our playoff hopes...so go ahead, make excuses for Trent on that game and label Cutler a hack for his game against the Bills... :thumbsup:


    FYI: In that game agaisnt the Broncos, Trent was facing the worst D in the league that was missing its best player in Bailey...


    Man, the rationale on this board sometimes is just puzzling...


    Very good post. Camparing QB's head to head in a game is absolutely rediculous and Cutler did pretty good last season considering what he had to work with. If Edwards was in a Broncos uniform last year he would not have put up Cutler's numbers.

  3. I think nothing of Cassel, and agree with you 100% about Cutler being the better QB, but whether it's a product of their team or not...Cassel beat the Bills twice this season, and the Bills beat Cutler in a pressure situation at home.


    I think Cutler is the better QB, no doubt, I'm just saying it's not entirely unfair for biased McDaniels to have tried to make a move. I mean thus far, Cassel has proven to be a winner, Cutler, a loser.


    He's a product of the team. Did you watch that game in week 17? Cassel was nothing special. We got coached the sh-- out of that game. I think Cassel is the product of the system and Cutler is the product of a crappy defense.

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