Simple response: you and the right would never treat a Republican this way. If a Democrat criticized a Republican's war record just slightly, let alone using blatant lies and smears, the Right would brand them a unAmerican, unpatriotic, country-hating, military bashing, communist.
Why is OK to smear McCain, smear Max Cleland and bash Kerry on highly suspect charges about details of a "skirmish" in the friggen field, but give Bush a total free ride? There was enough crap on Bush's embarrassing "service" record to fill 3 Democratic presidental campaigns.
When will so-called military and veteran supporters (including vets themselves) apply the same standards to Democrats as they do to Republicans? When will they put the honor of service and the interests of veterans (health care for instance, pay, etc) before partisan politics?
At one time I used to think that Republicans had a point about Democratic attitudes toward the military. I truly believe Democrats have improved public attitudes toward veterans (health care) and there virtually no "anti-military" pockets of note, and very little resistance to military spending (though never enough for the Republicans).
However, nearly everytime Democrat has a respectable service record they are bashed like a serious political threat -- their mere presence sends Republican veterans and ardent military supporters into tailspin ("does not compute, danger, Will Robinson") This is particular maddening when it's a Democrat with a respetable record vs. a Republican with a (ahem) questionable record (Bush, Chamblis, Rumsfeld, Cheney, etc, etc). This also extends to veteran issues, problems in military decision making, proper equipment and funding. Republicans get a pass -- and if an officer or any ex-military criticseThe concerns of partisan victories consistently outweigh the respect of service -- no matter how impressive.
To put it mildly, the Republicans and Right have lost all credibility on military matters.