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Everything posted by NicholasCal1

  1. i heard soem os the sweet home football team talk about wanting to play for ub so i think this kind of stage ub will realy help recruiting even if turner leaves.
  2. a very winable game for UB I don't think Uconn can stop UBs offense.
  3. a cloud has left. [ but its snowing out ] maybe a sign
  4. clearly ball state was looking past ub. they were trowing partys as if ub didn't even belong on the field with them. ball state didn't pay attention,coughing up 5 turnovers.namen rosevelt treated the deffense like a [ insert any politicaly incorrect punch line here ] GO UB just busting on ya lv.
  5. ub gave the number 12th ranked team in the country a behind the shed @ss kicking. lmao
  6. promo.... how sweet it is.wow maybe its ralph who will speak to turner gill
  7. lv you look kinda goofy now. i guess we will have to wait until next year for that butt whooping you promised. meanwile UB Bulls are MAC Champions.
  8. scott sarama of two bills drive. http://www.wben.com/
  9. joe d for mayor
  10. what are your favorite christmas songs and by what artist. and whats the worst christmas song you have ever had to put up with ? my favorite is white christmas by bing crosby.a case can be made for chestnuts roasting on an open fire by nat king cole. the worst has to go to that song about a kid trying to buy shoes for his dying mother. i thought christmas was suposed to be joyous not depressing.
  11. its going to be a tall order for UB especialy with the deffense playing weak.if UB pulled off the upset i would to see this town go nuts over the bulls. good luck blue.
  12. good pics. thanks for posting.i'm sure you were wishing for snow instead of rain.
  13. great picture. i hope more people post christmas pics.
  14. i like the zone blitz or the 46.imo a deffense needs to be aggresive and dictate to the offense. cover 2 is a girly deffense.i think we have players suited for a 4 three zone blitz style.we could use a 350 lb. plus run plugger to line up next to stroud and use williams on passing downs.
  15. ralph would never pay the money that would be needed to sign most of the coaches on that list. i wouldn't mind getting steve mariucci.cower would also want total control.
  16. i moved in the area 2 years ago. i'm not a fan of buzzies.i like papa leos or joeys on buffalo ave.i love the subs at jacos
  17. thanks for the link . i look foward to these shows every year
  18. i knew it. congrats to all the players coaches and staffs of the schools plus the students of orchard park, sweet home, southwestern and maple grove
  19. i did notice an oder
  20. keep bobby april get rid of the rest
  21. great win for sweet home as section 6 continues to roll.lets go orchard park make it 4 for 4.
  22. a win also helps with recruiting
  23. a stinger sub, steak and chicken finger or a meatball royal, meatball,sausage and capacola with melted provolone. get them at jackos on buffalo ave in niagara falls
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