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scoring is not hardy

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Everything posted by scoring is not hardy

  1. As long as we don't give up any extra super long runs we may be ok. Maybe one super long run mixed in with a few long runs and a couple short long runs- that's my prediction
  2. Very encouraging. However, I think you posted this in the wrong forum. This place is only for negative bills bashing.
  3. What amazes me is how fast this happens. Rookies are now being declared busts in the preseason. Incredible.
  4. I did not want 'rak. He actually reminds me of David Boston if that makes sense. Tight muscles that look like they are ready to pop- I see him struggling with injures throughout his career. I still like the Maybin pick- he is more of a natural athlete, with much more upside in my opinion. I guess we will all see in a couple of years. If you go back and look even the maybin supporters, like myself, said that rak would start out faster than Maybin. He is more NFL ready, and a couple of years older- this is not some big surprise. One more point. I'm reading a lot that we could not afford to take a "project player," only good teams could do that. Then I read that we don't draft like the good teams. Well which is it? We need to draft different than good teams, or more like them? Just because we have screwed up in the past doesn't mean that we are not going in the right direction now. I actually like our player/personnel moves, since marv left.
  5. It's funny no one is beating the drum on the Byrd pick now. I'm sure I could go back and find some nice posts about that one.
  6. It is quite the showcase
  7. Great Post This place is incredible, I think I need a little break. Coming here and reading some of these posts is sucking the life out of me. I can't imagine being so miserable all the time. If I ever felt this way I would do something else, that I enjoyed. Life is too short. I follow the bills because I enjoy it and I have hope, not to say "I told you so and so sucks."
  8. Yeah, it's pretty hilarious. It's easy to sit on your couch and type on your computer how soft some players are.
  9. I think the dolphins are a much better team, so I am rooting for them to lose,
  10. http://rope.wedg-fm.fimc.net/edgeaudio/maybinsong.mp3 People are ridiculous. The kid is 21, and we are running him out of town already.
  11. Geez, can't anyone read between the lines?
  12. Sorry. misunderstood you.
  13. Sorry for posting a supermodel talking about football, and one of our own players. My fault. Now back to our regularly scheduled program- Jauron would make a good mortician. haha
  14. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-tota...ks-Joanna-Krupa She's much more attractive when she doesn't speak.
  15. I think when we were going four wide we were splitting either Nelson, Lynch, or Jackson out. Parrish wasn't seeing the field much.
  16. who exactly is Johnson better than right now- Owens, Evans, or Reed?
  17. our new starting linebacker- the waterboy
  18. Same way they figured he was on the field for one snap
  19. You think it's true that trent likes to run his mouth?
  20. Next he's going to say that he's sick of all the junk Jauron has been talking.
  21. I was agreeing with you. Anyways this isn't the right forum. I'm done.
  22. Yep. Get them to vote against their own economic self interests in the name of stem cell research, or gay rights. Brilliant.
  23. Sounds pretty cool. The TV broadcast was good too because they had the coaches miked up, and even brought the cameras into the locker room. It was neat to get a inside look.
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