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Tim Russert

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Everything posted by Tim Russert

  1. Timmy has got a long way to go. The guys that fetched my coffee were better journalists and actually knew their role. They had some humility. Tim, since I know you're reading this, you're a blogger for ESPN. Big deal. Get over yourself.
  2. Seasons like this one make me feel bad for those of you down there that have to live through it. Even the Big Guy up here was laughing at Jauron's playcall on sunday.
  3. Miss you guys too. And don't even get me started on the Bills.
  4. This article and thread is about ME, not you.
  5. Nice article. You should believe. The view is great and the power outage didn't affect me at all last sunday.
  6. Hey, i do what i can. But let me tell you, both me and the big guy got a kick out of Brady getting injured on sunday. Not because he got hurt, but because it looks like Lucifer is finally cashing in on his end of the deal with Kraft, Belichick, and Brady.
  7. Classless response from a classless (to be expected) canuck. You see, over here in America, we believe in things that you obviously do not, such as "manners" and "exercise" and "paper bags over the head." You should try them sometime.
  8. I resemble you for trying to drag down the name of my beloved football team. And don't think that your money grubbing tactics have gone unnoticed up here by the big guy.
  9. This place does come up with some good screen names.
  10. <-------------------------------this is me.
  11. Yes it is. I approve of this thread!
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