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Everything posted by UBinVA
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. 2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory. 3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. 1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. 2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved. 1. a political theory advocating state ownership of industry 2. an economic system based on state ownership of capital [ant: capitalism] An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity. There are many varieties of socialism. Some socialists tolerate capitalism, as long as the government maintains the dominant influence over the economy; others insist on an abolition of private enterprise. All communists are socialists, but not all socialists are communists. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/socialism Now do you understand the difference?
Government issuing money? What the hell does that mean? Who's money is the government is "Issuing" anyway? I think it's mine and yours if you pay taxes. Listen, the gov't is a necessary evil and they do have a role but it should be a limited one. That's what everyone in this day in age does not understand. Everyone relies to much on the Government to bail them out. It wasn't always that way and we were better off for it. Now, the Gov't is way to proactive in places that it should not be in. The constitution is not being followed and we the people are not holding our representatives accountable. Tariffs? Tariffs are nothing more than a tax used to alter market share and favor certain markets pro and con. Tariffs always gets paid by the consumer. I'm not totally against them in certain instances but it should be a last resort. bankruptcy courts? People can't pay their obligations they go to bankruptcy court. That's what I think about bankruptcy courts. We have the freedom in this country to be as stupid as we like. The government owes us one thing, the ability to succeed or fail on our own. Except today, if we succeed they call us evil big money makers and tax the hell out of us, if we fail, they want to give us the money the evil big money makers pay.
Of course McCain is not involved with this matter. As the leader of the Republican party, he returned to Washington to talk to all the lobbyists and special interest groups. How dare John McCain think he has any say on the $700B bail out. He has some nerve.
A person who believes in capitalism in a free and open market place. Duh! In other words, just the opposite of socialism where the government controls price, products in anticipation of demand. Supply and demand be damned.
So your father-in-law talked to a bunch of Democrats that strongly support a Republican (Bush/Paulson) Bailout plan for big business at the tax payer expense. Bush and the Dems want this thing done as fast as possible without regard to looking at the big picture and long term consequences of such an action to save their political ass. Conservatives are NOT "Republicans". We are conservatives first. We can disagree with the Republicans just like we disagree with Democrats. If a policy is bad, it's bad regardless of who is pushing for it. In this case, it happens to be the President and the Democratic congress. Why such strange bed fellow? Is it because they both have their finger prints on this problem (Dems with poor policy decisions under Clinton when they started lending to unqualified minorites "Working Class" http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2086781/posts) and Bush by not warning the American people about the pending financial crises and also pushing home ownership as a means to pump up the economy) I'm a true market capitalist and when the government stepped in and starting telling Fanny/Freddie to start making loans in a market that could not support the obligations they created a monster. The unintended consequences of forcing markets into areas based on social justice concerns is flat out irresponsible no matter how justified they may seem to be. So, now what? I support a plan that protects the tax payer, punishes those responsible for this mess (CEO's, lenders and stupid home owners) and has guarantees that every penny gets repaid. Great job McCain, Country First!!!! Get a deal done that works for America in the long term.
Obama WILL give tax CUTS to 95% of Americans!
UBinVA replied to UBinVA's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Stop wasteful government programs and spending and you'll recover that 10 fold in five years. -
Republican Chuck Hagel: Palin not ready
UBinVA replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And Obama does? This argument just blows back two fold because Obama is the Presidential Candidate and Palin is the V.P. I've traveled around the world many times over the past 30 years visiting many countries, does that make me more qualified on foreign affairs than someone who hasn't. I think not. -
Obama WILL give tax CUTS to 95% of Americans!
UBinVA replied to UBinVA's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Once you start to devise rules and regulations that favor wealth, status, race, gender, etc. you start down the road of social engineering and that becomes very dangerous and exclusionary as we have today. Either we have equal rights for everyone or we don't. In most cases, the unintended consequences of social engineering are more dangerous than the intended protection of those rights in the first place. One of the main reason we are in this financial crises (besides the piss poor mismanagement of Fanny/Freddy/AIG), is that the government required these lending institutions to make loans to those who had no right to even qualify for that loan in the first place. This was done to increase the ownership of homes to the lower middle class, which included a large minority population and housing speculators wanting to make a buck on flipping. Well, the housing market was flooded with new buyers, houses became scarce, and housing prices soared. Once these people realized they could not keep pace with their ill gotten mortgages and home equity loans that people were constantly drawing on, the bubble burst. So, the well intended policy of allowing "everybody" the ability to own a home by lowering lending standards resulted in this mess today. Common sense solutions have been replaced by social engineering (to right the so called wrongs) that our society sees though the lens of class warfare. It really comes down to fundamental principles. Either you're a capitalist or a socialist. The U.S. is mixture of both systems to a certain degree. I choose the capitalist side because I believe it's the purest form of freedom and liberty. -
According to the Tax Foundation, approx. 31% of Americans DON'T pay Federal Income Tax. So, how do you give a tax cut to someone who doesn't pay them to begin with? Oh I see now, it then becomes a tax credit to those people and they now get more money back from the government that they never paid to begin with. Net results, more welfare and wealth redistribution. If the Democrats are really the party of equality for all, how about the flat tax? That to me is the most equitable of all systems. http://www.taxfoundation.org/research/show/1410.html
Any President or Presidential candidate using e-mail now is an idiot. If I was President, the first thing I would do is eliminate all e-mail from my top advisors and place stringent restrictions on its use for other staffers. The gotcha game is DC is so bad and any record of an apparent misdeed or misspeak could land you in hot water even years after. It’s so sad our leaders can’t use this technology. If they do, they use it at their own peril.
I just got back from the Pentagon 9/11 ceremony. It was a very touching ceremony and a total class act by all speakers, Pentagon Memorial Staff, and our great military. I also got to shake President Bush's hand after he greeted every last one of the family's survivors that perished that terrible day at the Pentagon. He hugged them, kissed them, and consoled them all. The ceremony itself and the video they showed during the event did bring me back to that day and how I felt. I was supposed to be at the Pentagon that day but decided to work off-site at a contractor facility. I felt the rage, sadness, victim hood, rage again and then revenge on the barbarians that caused this unjust destruction and death. I now have a better sense of what the President must be thinking every day he is in office. The Presidents primary responsibility is to protect and defend this country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. What a responsibility it is indeed. He brought the fight to them and has paid a very high political price in doing so by the MSM and the left who would rather treat terror attacks by negotiations and the judiciary than by military force. Since we have put terrorism at home on the back burner of our consciousness for the past five years, it is good to relive this event at least once a year so we do not become complacent again. It also serves as a reminder with the struggle that stills exists today but most would like to ignore and pretend it does not exist. So, no matter how hard it is to watch the events of 9/11 unfold again, we must. We must never forget.
I will have several.
Condi And The Mass Murderer Break Bread
UBinVA replied to molson_golden2002's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
In a stunning and surprise about-face on December 20, 2003, Libya said it would give up its Biological and Chemical Weapons programs for developing weapons of mass destruction and allow unconditional inspection and verification. The official reason given by Colonel al-QADHAFI was that “his country was ready to play its role in building a world free from all forms of terrorism.”. The favored speculation is that he was fearful of “regime change” as was done in Iraq against Saddam Hussein by the West. Libya has not signed the1993 Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty. It seems to me that we DO talk to countries willing to become part of the international community and not the other way around. It seems our past enemies are now some of our best allies, only after we defeat them and show them the light to freedom and democracy. It might not happen in all cases, but we should always try. -
How many years did it take you to get your Bachelor's?
UBinVA replied to JK2000's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I think he has a point!!!!!! "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University." William F. Buckley, Jr. -
FedEx Field suck$, for a stadium that holds 92,000 and built in 1997, I was really expecting something special. First of all, if you don’t have a parking pass forget it. You can only get a parking pass if you’re a season ticket holder or buy one from a scalper. Their were no scalpers to be found so we ended up parking at the only cash lot we could find about ½ mile from the stadium. I bought some cheap tickets on-line in the corner of the end zone about 35 rows up and figured they would be better than the nose bleeds. Boy was I wrong. Does anyone remember the rock pile with those columns right in the middle and obstructing your view if you happened to sit behind one? Well, try a 3 foot concrete column obstructing 40% of the field view along with the grandstand above obstructing any pass or punt. Their are these type of obstructive view seats all across the north side of the stadium. Dan Snyder and the redskins should be ashamed of selling these type of seats in this day and age. I guess their are still suckers born every day including myself for this game. Needless to say I only stayed in the seats long enough to suffer the pan and misery of those people who actually own those God forsaken tickets. Traffic out of the stadium was just horrendous. I can’t imagine what it would be like when the stadium is actually full to capacity. As far as other amenities, they were just average and the place seemed a bit dirty and unclean. I’ll take the Ralf any day over that stadium. As far as the game, it seemed like a typical Bills game for that past 6 years. Sloppy offense, porous defense until the last minute, and our opponent seemed quicker and sharper. I did love those uni’s though. I wish they would use them as their regulars. Bills should cut Shaun Nua ASAP, this guy was out of position and couldn’t make a tackle to save his life. I isolated on him because he looked large out their and his performance was pretty bad IMO. Expecting some nice things out of Hardy and McKelvin this year. Youboty got a lot of playing time and looked decent. We need to get the ball to Parish more, he almost broke away with some nifty moves after a catch but ended up losing a first down. Edwards looked shaky, Losman looked good, Hamdam also held his own. O-line needs work, esp. in the running game as usual. Defense should be much improved but has yet to show any improvements in this game.
This "Man Made" Global Warming is bunk. I wonder if there was a scientific consensus of "Global Cooling" creating another ice age if these same scientists would recommend the balls out burning of fossil fuels in order to counter act the global cooling. I bet not. So if couldn’t counter act global cooling, we can’t create global warming I also bet that given the choice between “global cooling” or “global warming”, most scientist would say global warming is the better option. I’m sure you people left in Buffalo wouldn’t mind a few more degrees all season. CO2 as a percentage of climate influencing warming is so small as to be inconsequential. Plus, as an operations research analyst and simulation programmer, I can’t even imagine a simulation program taking into account all of the variables, interdependencies, complex relationships, initial starting conditions, and so forth even being able to predict with 50% accuracy any long term temperature result based on projected CO2 levels. It’s simply impossible. We have trouble even today with closed controlled system where we control all of the input variables and know a hell of a lot about the reactions going on and still our simulations can be off by more than 60% from the actual result. What these “scientists” do is create a model, tweak the variables and parametric relationships to give a certain desired result that will then give them more money to make another model that will give them the same result and so forth. So we’re going to spend trillions and trillions of dollars based on junk science and the fear mongering Al Gore globalists based on simulations that don’t mean sh--.
Tim Russert was a great American and a great Buffaloian. Our Buffalo community should be proud to call him our native son and our brethren. RIP Tim and may God bless your family during this time. Tim made us proud to be called Buffalonians which is evident in the coverage he has received in the press. He wasn’t afraid to wear his feelings on his sleeves and always had Buffalo in his heart. We need more people like Tim in this world who puts his family first and he also loved this great country with all his heart. I didn’t always agree with his political views, but his intellect and the manner in which he conducted himself was unparalleled in this crazy world of partisan politics.
What do you think the futures market would do if the president said this: “My fellow citizen of the United States, as of today, we are opening up our coasts, ANWR, and the Utah valley to oil and gas drilling and mining our vast resources of shall oil. We should be able to produce an additional 8-15 million barrels of oil per day starting in the year 2012 from all our known reserves. Our country has an estimated 20-40 billion barrels of known oil reserves and possibly 10-20 billion more in unknown reserves. We also will approved the building of 25 new nuclear power plants that should come on line in the next 10 years. This vast expansion of our natural resources should make us energy independent in ten years. As a result, a 5% tax on all fossil fuels will be imposed on all oil products to fund research and development into the next generation power and energy systems for our future generations only. Thank you and may God Bless America.” The next day, the gas prices will start to fall dramatically, the stock market will take off as people start to invest in oil and technology companies, optimism for our future will sweep the country that will spur spending and a total economic recovery will begin. The dollar will start to rebound drastically as people will now have confidence in the U.S. reducing its deficit and curtail spending.