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Everything posted by UBinVA

  1. At the end of the day, if you just create a jobs works program we are not really solving the problem. Yes, you will have more people employed for a short period of time but no real product was produced. After a road is built, or a bridge repaired, what future value or revenue will that asset bring? Nothing. To sustain an economy we need to invest in companies that will actual produce a product that other people will purchase. That is why tax breaks to corporations and small businesses are vital. If these businesses have more capital and profit making ability, people will start to invest in these businesses again due to potential gains. The other part of this problem that know one is talking about is our deficit. Our government must cut spending and cut it fast. We can not afford these social and entitlement programs. Look at California, it's a total mess because they fund everything for everyone. People in the higher income brackets can not keep paying the bill for people who do not contribute to the society. It comes down to the principle of freedom, liberty, and the respect of private property. Once these inalienable rights are taken away by the government, we have tyranny. Thomas Jefferson: "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." The founding fathers on wealth redistribution: http://motls.blogspot.com/2008/10/founding...ibution-of.html
  2. Mike Gandy was flagged three times for holding penalties. Granted he had a hard task, but he looked bad.
  3. NOTE: These amounts are above and beyond the funding they already get. So, what’s going to happen? I work in the government and know exactly what will happen. They will act like drunken sailors, hire more staff, and spend recklessly, spend for the sack of spending due to time constraints placed in the bill. Then when the money runs out, they will ask for more because they just grew their staff by 50% and they need to sustain them. Absolutely ridiculous, our kids will pay a big price in the future for this disaster and so will we.
  4. Department Of Agriculture $44,000,000 - Agriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental Payments; $209,000,000 - Agricultural Research Service Buildings and Facilities; $245,000,000 - Farm Service Agency Salaries and Expenses; $350,000,000 - Natural Resources Conservation Service Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations; $50,000,000 - Watershed Rehabilitation Program; $5,838,000,000 - Rural Development Programs, Rural Community Advancement Program; $22,129,000,000 - Rural Housing Service, Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program Account; $2,825,000,000 - Rural Utilities Service, Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program; $100,000,000 - Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; $150,000,000 - Emergency Food Assistance Program" (This includes grants for Puerto Rico and American Samoa); $300,000,000 - Administrative Expenses ($150,000,000 each in '09 & '10); $650,000,000 - Forest Service, Capital Improvement and Maintenance; $840,000,000 - Wildland Fire Management Department Of Commerce $250,000,000 - Economic Development Administration, Economic Development Assistance Program; $1,000,000,000 - Bureau of the Census, Periodic Censuses and Programs (additional funding); $350,000,000 - National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Salaries and Expenses; $2,825,000,000 - Wireless and Broadband Deployment Grant Programs; $650,000,000 - Digital-To-Analog Converter Box Program; $100,000,000 - National Institute of Standards and Technology Scientific and Technical Research and Services; $100,000,000 - Industrial Technology Services $300,000,000 - Construction of Research Facilities; $400,000,000 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Operations, Research and Facilities; $600,000,000 - Procurement, Acquisition and Construction (includes not less than $140,000,000 for "climate data modeling") Department Of Justice (DoJ) $3,000,000,000 - State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance; $1,000,000,000 - Community Oriented Policing Services National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) $400,000,000 - Science (not less than $250,000,000 "shall be solely for accelerating the development of the tier 1 set of Earth science climate research missions); $150,000,000 - Aeronautics; $50,000,000 - Cross Agency Support Programs (restoration and mitigation of NASA infrastructure and facilities damaged during 2008 disasters) I thought Global warming was settled!!! Why are now spending $250M on more research. National Science Foundation $2,500,000,000 - Research and Related Activities; $100,000,000 - Education and Human Resources; $400,000,000 - Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction Department Of Defense $4,500,000,000 - Facility Infrastructure Investments; $350,000,000 - Energy Research and Development; $920,000,000 - Military Construction, Army; $350,000,000 - Military Construction, Navy & Marine Corps; $260,000,000 - Military Construction, Air Force; $3,750,000,000 - Military Construction, Defense-Wide; $140,000,000 - Military Construction, Army National Guard; $70,000,000 - Military Construction, Air National Guard; $100,000,000 - Military Construction, Army Reserve; $30,000,000 - Military Construction, Navy Reserve; $60,000,000 - Military Construction, Air Force Reserve; $300,000,000 - Department of Defense Base Closure Account 1990 Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA) $950,000,000 - Veterans Health Administration, Medical Facilities; $50,000,000 - National Cemetery Administration Energy And Water $2,000,000,000 - Army Corps of Engineers, Civil Construction; $250,000,000 - Mississippi River and Tributaries; $2,225,000,000 - Operation and Maintenance; $25,000,000 - Regulatory Program Department Of Energy $18,500,000,000 - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; $4,500,000,000 -; $1,000,000,000 - Advanced Battery Loan Guarantee Program; $500,000,000 - Institutional Loan Guarantee Program; $8,000,000,000 - Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program; $2,400,000,000 - Fossil Energy; $2,000,000,000 - Science (weird science?) Environmental And Other Defense Activities $500,000,000 - Defense Environmental Cleanup Borrowing Authorities $3,250,000,000 - Western Area Power Administration; $3,250,000,000 - Bonneville Power Administration General Services Administration $7,700,000,000 - Federal Buildings Fund; $600,000,000 - Energy Efficient Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Procurement (no mention of buying only American cars) Small Business Administration $426,000,000 - Business Loans Program Account Department Of Homeland Security $100,000,000 - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (non-intrusive detection technology at sea ports of entry); $150,000,000 - Repair and Construct Inspections Facilities (at land border points of entry); $500,000,000 - Aviation Security; $150,000,000 - Coast Guard, (alteration of bridges); $200,000,000 - FEMA, Emergency Food & Shelter Department Of The Interior $500,000,000 - Bureau of Reclamation, Water and Related Resources; $325,000,000 - Bureau of Land Management, Construction (for priority road, bridge and trail repair or decommissioning); $300,000,000 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Construction (for priority road and bridge replacement and repair); $1,700,000,000 - National Park Service Construction; $200,000,000 - National Mall Revitalization Fund (half of that requires matching private funds); $100,000,000 - National Park Service Centennial Challenge (signature projects and programs); $200,000,000 - U.S. Geological Survey for Surveys, Investigations and Research; $500,000,000 - Bureau of Indian Affairs, Construction; $800,000,000 - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Hazardous Substance Superfund; $200,000,000 - EPA, Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program; $8,400,000,000 - State and Tribal Assistance Grants ($6 bln, Clean Water State Revolving Funds; $2 bln, Drinking Water State Revolving Funds; $300 mil, Title VII, Subtitle G, Energy Policy Act of 2005; $100 mil, Comprehensive environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980) Department Of Health And Human Services (HSS) $550,000,000 - Indian Health Service; $2,188,000,000 - Health Resources and Services; $462,000,000 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Disease Control, Research and Training; $1,500,000,000 - National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Research Resources; $1,500,000,000 - NIH, Office of the Director; $500,000,000 - NIH, Buildings & Facilities; $700,000,000 - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; $400,000,000 - Discretionary Funds, Secretary of HHS (Tom Daschle won't have to pay taxes on this); $1,000,000,000 - Administration for Children and Families, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance; $2,000,000,000 - Payments to States for the Child Care and Development Block Grant; $3,200,000,000 - Children and Families Services Program; $200,000,000 - Administration on Aging, Aging Services Programs; $2,000,000,000 - Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology; $900,000,000 - Public Health & Social Services Emergency Fund (three parts for advanced R&D, prepare for influenza pandemic, improve IT at the Department of HHS); $3,000,000,000 - HHS Prevention and Wellness Fund Department Of Education $13,000,000,000 - Education for the Disadvantaged; $100,000,000 - Impact Aid (Title VII of the elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965); $1,000,000,000 - School Improvement Program; $200,000,000 - Innovation and Improvement; $13,000,000,000 - Special Education (ref. IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act); $16,126,000,000 - Student Financial Assistance; $50,000,000 - Student Aid Administration; $100,000,000 - Higher Education; $250,000,000 - Institute of Education Sciences; $14,000,000,000 - School Modernization, Renovation, and Repair; $6,000,000,000 - Higher Education Modernization, Renovation, and Repair; $79,000,000,000 - State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Corporation For National And Community Service $160,000,000 - Operating Expenses; $40,000,000 - National Service Trust Social Security Administration $900,000,000 - Limitation on Administrative Expenses Smithsonian Institute $150,000,000 - Facilities Capital National Foundation For The Arts And The Humanities $50,000,000 - National Endowment for the Arts Department Of Labor $4,000,000,000 - Employment and Training Administration; $120,000,000 - Community Service Employment For Older Americans; $500,000,000 - State Unemployment Insurance and Employment Service Operations; $80,000,000 - Departmental Management; $300,000,000 - Office of the Job Corps Department Of State $276,000,000 - Administration of Foreign Affairs, Capital Investment Fund; $224,000,000 - International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, Construction Department Of Transportation $3,000,000,000 - Federal Aviation Administration, Grants-in-Aid for Airports; $30,000,000,000 - Federal Highway Administration, Highway Infrastructure Investment; $300,000,000 - Federal Railroad Administration, Capital Assistance for Intercity Passenger Rail Service; $800,000,000 - Capital and Debt Service Grant to the Railroad Passenger Corporation; $6,000,000,0000 - Federal Transit Administration, Transit Capital Assistance; $2,000,000,000 - Fixed Guideway Infrastructure Investment; $1,000,000,000 - Grants at the discretion of the Secretary of Transportation Department Of Housing & Urban Development $5,000,000,000 - Public & Indian Housing, Public Housing Capital Fund; $2,500,000,000 - Elderly, Disabled, and Section 8 Assisted Housing, Energy Retrofit; $500,000,000 - Native American Housing Block Grants; $1,000,000,000 - Community Planning & Development, Community Development Fund; $4,190,000,000 - Neighborhood Stabilization Activities (ACORN money here?); Community Development Fund; $1,500,000,000 - Home Investment Partnerships Program; $10,000,000 - Self-Help & Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program; $1,500,000,000 - Homeless Assistance Grants; $100,000,000 - Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control, Lead Hazard Reduction
  5. Keep on electing Democrats for your state and local governments and Buffalo deserves to be in economic blight for a long time to come. Most urban areas in this country are run by Democrats and most are sh-- holes with high taxes, crime, poor schools, and poor public service. The north east and now the mid-western states now have mostly Democrats running the states and it's all crumbling down. The problem now is that all you democrats and leftist are moving out of your lousy circumstance and coming south. They are now turning our nice republican communities into liberal communities and bringing the same crappy policies and politics down here. Stay the hell out of Virginia people!!! If you want a better community and future, here's just small list of things that need to happen: Elect conservative business leaders Lower all taxes Dismantle the government unions Provide incentives for businesses Cut the red tape for new development (environmental, zoning, etc) Consolidate governmental services (school systems, police, garbage, etc) Outsource most services to commercial contractors Hold elected officials accountable Run the Government like business with stated goals and objectives Partner with other local communities Provide people with school vouchers to give people a choice and create competition with the failing public schools Create incubator zones for small business Team with universities to start enterprise zones Create a program for retaining the best and the brightest people in the area Will it happen, never! we are our own worst enemy
  6. http://www.spymuseum.com/pages/agent-childs-morris.html Looks like Joseph McCarthy and the other anti-communists of that era were right about the mass influence of the USSR in American politics and their influence in labor unions and other discontent. This also sheds some light on why the FBI was bugging Martin Luther King, Jr. due to his relationship with a known communist Stanley Levison whom was a close advisor to MLK.
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2008/12/21...g-middle-class/ The only way the Obama/Biden admin will achieve this is by taking the upper and upper middle class down into middle class status. The socialist model wants everyone in society to be the "Middle Class" with only the government bureaucrats and their ilk to be the only power brokers and elites. This is classic Marxism and we better wake up America. The constitution is one of limited government, not a government that seeks to control all aspects of our existence. I will take decades of conservative government (Not Bush's form a Government) to undo the damage that will be caused by this future administration and the last years of Bush's. Let's not be fooled by the "Global Warming" Alarmists which seek to profoundly change our economy and life style based on bogus facts and world order politics. Please visit the Heritage Foundation for intelligent information on the constitution and conservative values and principles.
  8. I "Scooter" Libby He should also place Colin Powell and Richard Armitage under investigation for hiding the truth from the Special Prosecutor that railroaded him.
  9. Did you ever see the teeth of the British people? They have universal health care and it sucks. If you feel so bad, why don't you buy these "poor" people some tooth brushes and a bottle of scope. Spread the wealth and help your fellow man.
  10. No problem, with Obama in White House, I'm sure he'll extend unemployment in perpetuity. No workie for a long time and collecting off the system. As long as you fat cats are stilling paying your taxes.
  11. Bill Ayers - Just a guy in my neighborhood Rev. Wright - I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother "Frank" just some guy in his book - Happens to be "Frank Marshall Davis" known communist and Obama's mentor http://www.aim.org/aim-column/obamas-communist-mentor/ Hell this list goes on forever and he's only 47 years old. Hell, same age as me. I know I didn't hang out with any left wing radicals in High School or College like this guy did. Have you guys read his book? It's pretty telling where his ideology is and it's only been expanded with age. You Obama supporters are not being objective about this guy. People want to believe what they here and he does sound great with his polished speeches and rhetoric, but you need to look inside the man and what those words really mean. If elected, this will be the single biggest disaster in U.S. Presidential history. A Pelosi - Reed - Obama controlled government will be unfettered bringing about a progressive liberal socialist ideology that will be hard to overturn.
  12. I'm around the $3,500/yr along with volunteering my time. But that's not the point. If the government now wants to TAKE that $3,500 I usually give to charities then that's going to hurt both myself and those charities. If anyone wants to find out where this economic plan of Obama's is going just look at socialist Europe. The proof is in the pudding and all you Obama supporters can't see the pudding through the wipe cream. The only thing you see is the big fat sweet cherry on top that you can't wait to bite into. If this Marxist is elected, I wounder how long it will take before buyers remorse sets in when the almighty Obama drives this country into the ground.
  13. Funny you say that. Most wealthy liberals say they support higher taxes but then they hide their money in off shore accounts and hire the best CPA's to minimize their payments, setup B.S. corporations and find other loop holes. That is with their rights but come on, they are all hypocrites. I have not once seen a left wing higher tax supporting jackas$ once write a check to uncle sam because they feel they are not being taxed enough. Liberals = Hypocrisy Do as I say, not as I do. Has anyone seen Joe Biden's charitable contributions? Check it out, less than 1% Obama's is almost as bad. 1998 $215,432 $195 1999 $210,797 $120 2000 $219,953 $360 2001 $220,712 $360 2002 $227,811 $260 2003 $231,375 $260 2004 $234,271 $380 2005 $321,379 $380 2006 $248,459 $380 2007 $319,853 $995 Total $2,450,042 $3,690 Obama's 2006: 6.1% 2005: 4.7% 2004: 1.2% 2003: 1.4% 2002: 0.4% 2001: 0.5% 2000: 0.9%
  14. Does it really matter? Biden now lowers the figure to $150K. But what the hell, those people making $150K are rich too. With a $1.5 Trillion spend increase for his programs, they will have to tax everyone making over $50K. Of course Obama's tax and spend policies will not work as proven by history. You need money to make money, everyone knows that. If the incentive is gone and capital is taxed at outrageous rates, the money will flow overseas where the returns are better. Look how Ireland turned it's economy around by lowering corporate taxes. You Obama supporters are ignorant and uninformed. Hope, Change, Hope, Change. The only change you'll get with Obama is a change back to 1976 and even worse.
  15. Clinging their guns and bible I assume.
  16. It's about power and control. First you convince the masses there is a problem, then any action you seek can be related to controlling or solving the problem. Almost any industry, government policy or action and be viewed through this lens of Global Warming and then be subject to control by the very same people pushing the agenda. These people will tax, regulate, limit, control, and drive the economy down with it as a result of their actions. So it's not about economic destruction per se, it's all about power. The earth has been going though periods of cooling and warming for millions of years. We should all be good stewards of the earth and eliminate all pollutants to a maximum extent. But to create bogus claims and fear mongering about a global catastrophe if we don't act now is just ridiculous.
  17. 95% tax break? How about a 40% subsidy to those who don't pay any income tax! That is the honest way to present the Messiah's plan.
  18. DC Tom, that's a disgraceful thing to say about McCain. You may not agree with his politics or anything else but my god, don't disrespect his 20 year service and conduct as a POW. I use the hero word very judiciously. Our society has over used that word where it doesn't fit. The press and our society has used it for victims of attacks and other non-heroic activities and it has diminished the true meaning of hero. The victims of 9/11 where not hero's, the police and firefighters were hero's putting their life on the line for others, but the others that died are just victims. John McCain was and is a hero in my mind.
  19. So just because I don't follow the party line and I believe that a "scientific consensus" is a proven theory then I'm a heretic? I am an engineer and I do know a lot about scientific studies and simulation models that the global warming theorists all rave about. The problem is that they can't prove it. That's why they have to call it "scientific consensus". I posted here many times on the subject on global warming and I just don't buy it. I don't care if Ronald Regean himself said he believed it it wouldn't change mt mind. I think we should be good stewards of the earth and cut down on pollution as much as we can but not at the expense of peoples rights and the good of the economy. Read this article if you can, it's long and I know most liberals are not tolerant of opposing views and not intellectual honest but give it a try. You might actually learn something. http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/10/an_...e_viscou_1.html
  20. So why are they not out of business or lost massive market share after 8 years of Bush? You people are unbelievably gullible.
  21. H211 LLC, a California limited liability company is controlled by Google's founders. Do a little research before calling me stupid, stupid.
  22. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/23/a...ogles-founders/ Now come on folks, I'm all for letting people do what they want with their money when they earn it but don't go around calling for drastic measures for everyone to fight CO2 and global warming and then go out and spend $ on a Jet fighter for fun that will create more CO2 in one flight than I do all year. The people who believe in the Global Warming as man made and tell everyone else what we should do to cut down should at least practice what they preach. Fact is they don't. Wake up people, man made global warming fear mongering is just another vehicle used to grow government, grow regulations, and control our lives. The only thing is, it doesn't apply to them.
  23. You're a complete jack-a$$. The primary responsibility of our government is to defend this nation and is one of only a few areas spelled out in the constitution were the government is allowed to collect revenue to support a military. Meanwhile, the politicians have bloated our taxes to pay for things not even mentioned that account for over 60% of our current spending and debt. I could tell you exactly how many aircraft we have in our inventory down to the tail number, were there located, and how much we spend on maintenance for each one. I work with these numbers and databases all day. So for you to issue that statement with knowledge of our capabilities or lack thereof is plain foolish.
  24. You can't have capitalism without the freedoms guaranteed in the constitution. Capitalism is the embodiment of free markets and free exercise thereof. One is tied to the other like no other nation on earth because we have individual rights and freedoms written into our founding documents. Plus capitalism wasn't even a term back then but the rights to own private property and the ability to transfer that property without government regulation was key to providing the foundation of free markets and capitalism. So I guess you view America as unethical and a down right mean country just like Michele Obama. I don't view us that way. Have we mad mistakes, yes, have we been the beacon of hope for many oppressed people in the world yes we have. While not a perfect nation, we are the most perfect in a non perfect world. In our early years we where imperialistic not because of desire but because it was in the best interest of the United States. This country could have taken over just about an other territory we wanted but we didn't and we still don't. We respect others sovereignty and we have shown it. People who have antipathy toward this nation should just leave. Just back your bags and get out. If you really hate your parents I'm sure you wouldn't live with them either.
  25. I'm a conservative who supports republicans or democrats that support conservative ideals. I'm am as disappointed with GOP the past few years as anybody on issues of spending. Their are many RINOs in the GOP that we need to identify and replace with real conservatives in our primaries.
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