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Everything posted by UBinVA
We're all being taken for a ride on the Obama
UBinVA replied to Helmet_hair's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
A President Romney would have tried to cut spending, taxes, capital gains and the congress would have nothing of it. Until the GOP gets some balls and starts acting like men and laying out principled policy, sound economic judgment and calling Obama what he really is (A Populist and Socialist) this country will be radically changed forever as if it's not already in 5 short weeks. The GOP needs congress and in 2010/2012 we'll get that chance. Obama ran and is running his presidency on class warfare rhetoric tactics and Saul Alinsky ("Rules for Radicals") style tactics. Rules for Radicals provides the organizer with a tactical style for community organization that assumes an adversarial relationship between groups of people in which one either dominates or is dominated. ... Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.” “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” -
CNN and Time Investigate the Obama Presidency
UBinVA replied to UBinVA's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You're a drone, but I'll cut you some slack because you're probably only 10 years old. -
This is just the crack investigations we need for the most spend thrift President in history. CNN INVESTIGATES: How to get First Lady's toned arms... http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/02/26/tonin...arms/index.html TIME MAG INVESTIGATES: The Obama Team's Drink of Choice? Coke, Not Pepsi... http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...1882167,00.html
Over-Regulation Leading to This Mess
UBinVA replied to StupidNation's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So this whole mess started in the Clinton Administration!!!!!! So Bush is not the evildoer of economic crises after all. -
I liked it. Keep on posting. People need to be reminded of the hypocrisy in the media and what classless twits the Democrats are.
War dead will now be allowed to be photographed
UBinVA replied to Kelly the Dog's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Bush knew the MSM would use the caskets as a political tool (day in and day out) to sway public opinion against the war. CNN "Another bad day in Iraq, here arrives 50 dead American soldiers... here arrives 45 dead soldiers...,here arrives 63 dead soldiers..., when is this going to stop, look at all these young lives cut short by an unjust war. blah blah blah." The MSM would politicalize these deaths and Bush did not want that and I don't blame him. The press could print names, dates, quantity, etc. of all casualties in the war but nothing quite hits home like seeing caskets come off a plane with loved ones in tow. The MSM would have exploited this to move their political agenda, foster anti-war feelings and use it as a ratings segment. -
Lets discuss the Obama Stimulus
UBinVA replied to drinkTHEkoolaid's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
tennesseeboy is as stupid as his avatar. Hopefully the Rev. Al won't see it and come to Bush's defense. He's too busy shaking down corporations. As far as socialism goes, we are getting closer than most people think. Things don't happen over night and slowly (more rapidly with Obama and this "crisis") the government will start to take over all forms of businesses. Maxine Waters already said so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUaY3LhJ-IQ It's a slow bleed and it's already on the way. Obama wants to drive this economy into the ground even further so that more fear will send the stupid American public into clamoring for an all out Government take over of everything. Unfortunately, Obama will run out of time and the next election cycle will bring adults back to congress and the White House. -
Industries got deregulated - WRONG no oversight whatsoever- WRONG assumption they would conduct their business wisely and ethically - WRONG "Big government" is said to be a bad thing, but that's not quite true. - WRONG- WRONG Big government is not so much the problem as INEFFECTIVE. government - of any size. - WRONG- WRONG- WRONG better to have some controls - WRONG a little more oversight - WRONG greedy ignorant morons - RIGHT ask for some oversight - WRONG "big government! - WRONG paying for greedy corporations - WRONG dumb needless wars - WRONG - WRONG - WRONG incompetent greedy nitwits - WRONG (incompetent stupid nitwits - RIGHT) Dude, you really have some issues. "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" -- Ronald Reagan
The Notorious G.O.P. going "off the hook"
UBinVA replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The markets tanked every time Bushes opened his mouth also this past year. The point is, the market place wants government out of their business and a return to free market principles. And I don't want to here from you drones that is was the "free market principles" that got us into this mess in the first place because it's just not true. This country was founded on limited government and free exercise thereof. Since Hoover and FDR, this country has been quite the opposite. A return to market based reality with winners and losers driving the free market is what we need. Not a nanny state were the score doesn't matter and failure is rewarded. -
Are you under the belief that all the "stimulus" money will be used for it's intended purpose and not line the pockets of Obama's political allies? I'm no friend of corrupt CEO's and they should go to jail just like Ebbers and Lay. Listen, people are in business for one thing, that is to make money. If CEO's line their pockets, then their market share will suffer and eventually will be run out of business or should go to jail if they break the law. Instead, the bad business practices these CEO's have been doing with the help of the federal government will not get bailed out by the same people that caused it to begin with. Look at the markets today. If Obama is doing the right thing, the markets certainly don't like it. Cut capital gains, cut corporate and individual tax rates and the economy will start to recover.
Where do you get your information Oh yeh, CBS, MSNBC, CNN? Please read this from Thomas DiLorenzo (professor of economics at Loyola College) http://mises.org/story/2963 Who do you trust more with your money, you or the government? How about YOU controlling how YOU spend YOUR money rather than the government dictating the spending of it. Remember, it's not the governments money, it's your money. If the government was a private business they would have been out of business years ago or in prison based on their total and utter incompetence. If you want to stimulate the economy now, put more in the hands of the people to either invest or spend it the way they please now via tax cuts not tax credits. Tax credits just give money to those who don;t pay it to being with. Having said that, tax cuts must be long term and permanent so small businesses like mine can plan and make business decisions based on a stable financial future.
You are a drone. The government can't do anything right. The more they get involved, the more they F up. This whole mess was started by the Gov. and their policies of liberal lending, forced over regulation of the mortgage industry, over spending and over taxing. The government hasn't produced one product and does not add any value to the GDP. If you do live in LA, just look at your state. It's a disaster, socially and fiscally. Just like Western New York. What do they both have in common, Democrats run the places. Read this article about our once great community and how we got their and then tell me this country is not headed for the same result. http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/02/the...ad_america.html
http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/0...chew_socia.html We truly live in strange times when a communist is tell America we must be less Socialist. And the funny thing is he is right. Putin is right!
You're right, I read the whole quote again and it does seem he is saying we need to be more open and talk about race. The word about being cowards is not the right message nor the right phrasing in my opinion, and should not have been used in that context. If he used the word coward in describing peoples fears of being called a racist if they speak openly about race then he should say so in a more straight forward fashion. Look at Bill Cosby for example. He speakes some truth about his own peoples culture and everyone turns on him like he's crazy. If a white person said the things he said, that person would be lambasted and called every name in the book inclusing a racist bigot. If being called a racist by the PC police and risking losing your job or reputation by being honest about race in America, then it's not about being a coward more than it is about self preservation.
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0209/18999.html This nation has done more to promote race relations and good will than any other on earth and he calls us cowards? This guy is a travesty. We have our first 1/2 black President and he is the first black Attorney General and he says this? Less than 100 years after the slaves were freed, blacks have progressed to the highest level of office this land has to offer after a great struggle and now we hear this? You may feel this way Mr. Holder but I don't. Maybe you are the coward sir by allowing your party to continually patronize and put down the black's in this country. If it wasn't for the Republican's of the 1860's and 1960's, your people would never be in the position you are today. By the way sir, I believe Mr. "KKK" Bird is still a Democratic Senator today. Do we have race issues in this country, you bet. But you can't account for a few peoples backward way of thinking by calling the entire country cowards on race. The fact of the matter is, we can't honestly talk about race relations without being called a bigot or something else. This P.C. stuff has to stop.
In D.C. you can get arrested for unregistered ammo already. Don't ask me how or what that means but it happened not to long ago near the White House. google it, cuz I'm going to bed.
I thought I saw Jimbo at a GOP convention on TV a few years back. Is he WNY'ers next Jack Kemp?
http://www.buffalonews.com/437/story/578644.html Is this the more positive light we can expect from these barbarians? From the article: "Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light." Europe and this country better be prepared for a major push towards these religious laws under the cover of racism by these people. The U.N. is pushing this agenda with the "Durban II Review Conference" and the Obama admin is falling for it. Other info on Iraq and Shria law on the upswing. http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/2897 And to think that our troops put panties on some prisoners heads and we are the ones called barbarians and criticized around the world. Maybe we should have just decapitated them and everything would have been alright.
Is Jimbo a lefty or a righty?
Read this (and read it all) and then tell me we know everything about Global Warming and that we humans are the cause. The fact is, the earth is too complex to even think about modeling, and even if we did understand all of the inter-relationships (which we don') there isn't enough computing power on this earth today that could crunch those simulations and give a reasonable result of climate prediction. Sure, we'll spend trillions to stop CO2 emissions, only to find out it was all for nothing. Such fools the masses are. http://www.junkscience.com/Greenhouse/
Follow the money! Follow the money! Follow the money! Fear, Fear, Fear That sells a lot of crap in this world and it still works today. Just look at the stimulus bill being sold to us by Obama. Catastrophe, worst in our history, unprecedented disaster!!! We must do something NOW!!!!! Here, let’s spend a trillion dollars for my pet projects and employ more ACORN social workers and minority union construction workers to build a few bridges to nowhere. That should get investment back in this country so real companies can start to expand and the consumers can gain more confidence.
Public service is simply and absolutely about POWER! Obama is a populist and a socialist. He doesn’t care about individual freedoms or liberty, it's all about wealth redistribution and government intervention into our daily lives for the "good" of the people. What ever happened to good old self respect and taking care of ones self and family. Now big brother has to do it for everyone and we expect it and demand it. This mentality will be the downfall of this country and you are too stupid to even realize it. So I proved a point. Every time extreme weather happens it can be blamed on Global Warming or now called "Climate Change" since global warming might not happen at all. Katrina, global warming, tornados, global warming, hurricanes, global warming California wild fires, global warming. on and on and on. Who cares about the recorded history of the earth now some 4 billion years old. The earth has cooled and warmed up probably a million times during it’s life with no help from humans. Now that we have been burning fossil fuels for 100 years, all of a sudden we are the cause of a .5 degree increase in average temperature. You global warming fear mongers need to get a life and look at the real facts.
Did Al Bore have a Global Warming meeting here? We're getting climate change all right but not the kind he thinks. Global temperatures have decreased over the past 10 years but you won't hear that from the MSM. Once this fact gets out and average temps continue to fall, I'm sure they will find some simulation or climate model that relates CO2 to global cooling. All of this wasted time, energy and money over things we can't control. We have become our own worst enemy. http://news.mainetoday.com/updates/039516.html
It's quite simple and pretty closely follows the 80/20 rule. Top 25% of the wage earners pays 86% of the Fed tax bill. 50% pay 97%. That means that close to 50% of the population do not pay income tax but get all the benefits from the rest of the 50%. We are close to the tipping point where this can not be sustained without a decrease in benefits. When the incentive to earn high wages is offset by a diminished return on hard work and investment, we will see the failue of the whole system. The tax base can not be sustained even with the cost remaining the same which they won't. Check out the tax tables your self. http://www.ntu.org/main/page.php?PageID=6
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. "You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." The late Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005