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Everything posted by UBinVA

  1. What about that nasty rendition program Bush Clinton started? How dare the Bush Clinton administration setup a program to capture terrorists Mad Caused Disasters and interrogate them? What about the Carnivore program that Bush Clinton authorized that gave government agents the ability to copy all the e-mail traffic that goes through an ISPs server-computer? I guess it's only Republicans that get slammed when supposed civil liberties are trampled but the Democrats can do it without any repudiation from the left or the MSM.
  2. Bills v. Raiders AFC Championship game 1990. My dad was heading to the gate near the stadium when he realized he lost his ticket. After searching awhile, he decided to head back to the car. I the way back, my dad saw a guy selling a ticket. My dad said how much and the guy said $50, so my dad bought the ticket. He looked at the back of the ticket and his name was printed on it because his group had a distribution list. My dad said hey, this is my ticket I lost and showed his ID. His friend talked his other friend to give the money back since it was his own ticket he just bought back. My dad was just grateful to get into game and gave the guy $25. The best additional $25 he spent with a 51-3 blow out of the Raiders.
  3. This blog is another take on the problems of WNY that I posted a few months ago. The Stimulus will lead America in the direction of Western New York If you want to know what President Obama's new style of government-led, Democratic Party economic and political policies will bring to the country, you need look no further than Western New York -- http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/02/the...ad_america.html
  4. Yes Yes Yes Yes and if not, so what. It doesn't really matter now since they have our full play book thanks to the MSM and Obama. This is the best recruitment tool possible for jihad when your enemies are not affraid of you.
  5. 3 trillion dollars to be spent on crap and PC sales go up a bit. Break out the Champagne, good times are here again.
  6. No one would have thought we would have TO a month ago, and I have no idea and neither does anyone else for that matter of TG's goals and objectives with regard where he wants to play. My point was that this triad (LE, TO, TG) would probably be the best in the NFL. Will it happen, I doubt it. But I can still dream of the possibility which is about the only thing that makes me happy these days vs. the cold reality of Buffalo sports in recent times.
  7. Could you imagine the impact if the Bills pulled this off? Now this would sell some seats and give TE some weapons. Evans Owens Gonzalez WOW! http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/9376864...-trade?MSNHPHMA
  8. Are you on Obama's payroll then?
  9. What a tool you are, communism is for nobody to control. Tell that to Stalin and Khrushchev who had total control of everything. nobody to control hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  10. Well I guess I got you on that one. So quick to defend the first lady, but dumb asses like you could spew all the vial Bush hatred and name calling and that's OK. Sarah Palin is this, her family that, on and on and on. Well that's OK because they are right wingers and we all know they are all nuts and the MSM will never call us out on it. Well, screw you. I think her views of America are of contempt and utter disregard for this counties values and principles. That is my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I'm not the one who said she is not proud of this country, she did.
  11. Will he be bring along his teleprompter? This is nothing but a scam and P.R. move. I bet he's logged more miles on AF one than anyone 60 days into office. Well, if I was married to that American hating Bitc$, I guess I would find excuses to get out of the house also.
  12. Che Guevara was revolutionary Marxist, a communist and a murderer. You can't get to communism without first being a socialist state. So this dude, a former vice chairman of Morgan Stanley and the head of AIG's financial products division didn't know about Che when he was going to this small Cuban themed party held in London? So I guess AIG was run by a bunch of idiots. And those Che wearing college students haven't been brainwashed by their professors that Che was a good revolutionary for the common people or do they just buy a this shirt to look cool?
  13. You're an idiot. This post was about elitist and socialists that are now running this country and industry. The AIG executive wearing a Che shirt shows how far reaching the socialists have infiltrated this country and how popular these iconic views are without proper perspective. As far as your second rant, what the hell are you talking about? All I know is that Chris Dodd said he didn't put that amendment in the bill but was later modified in committee. Well, who runs and controls the committee? The dems I think. Of course, it is worth mentioning that Dodd is also the largest recipient of AIG political contributions, with more than $100,000 in the 2008 cycle.
  14. Is this the future of our capitalists system? These elite scum bags must be called out and exposed. When people are proud to show off Che Guevara and not true leaders of freedom and liberty; we as a people are screwed. Our schools need to teach our children the truth about people like Guevara. People in Obama camp also wear this crap and it makes me sick. http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/03/aig...he_guevara.html http://www.wikio.com/news/Gerry+Pasciucco CHE SHOW ONLY GLORIFIES PORTRAIT OF A RUTHLESS KILLER http://www.today.ucla.edu/portal/ut/971010CheShow.aspx
  15. I didn't see any BUSH curley fries offered 8 years ago, what gives?
  16. Half white meat / half dark meat?
  17. Any examples of this? Any new treaties/laws of this magnitude and scope over ones personal business with respect to their kids will have unintended consequences. I don't want any government body telling me what I can or can not do with regard to my kids within the current law of course. Chip, Chip, Chip away on our liberties.
  18. On our way to the New World Order. Our sovereignty is under attack and we are doing it to ourselves. The Dems and the U.N. want to destroy our constitution and our way of life. I say go F%^k yourself. Second Amendment: Gun Control http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=50671 Human rights: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/11/16/...hts-Council.php UN CRC: http://www.parentalrights.org/index.asp?Ty...6-C1974B1A57F8}
  19. He who controls the money, controls you. That's a simple fact. No conspiracy in those statements. The bigger the government, the more control they have and the less control you have. Liberty is diminished and freedoms that we take for granted are taken away. Just wait when the government takes over health care and you have to wait in line or not get that operation you need for 6-12 months if at all. You're a moron, go live in France for a year then tell me if you like that kind of socialism.
  20. This is just another example of government chipping away at our liberty and freedoms with more federal regulations and foolish laws. Most on this board are too stupid realize it that every law, every regulation, and every bill passed strips us of more freedoms and personal choice and this is just another example of that. Government has intruded into our lives far too much and it needs to stop. If you want your government to tell you what you can eat, what medical treatment you can receive and when, what car you should buy, what you can or can't do on your property, then go right ahead. I sir will not, and I will fight this tyranny with every breadth. "Public service is simply, and absolutely, about advancing the interests of Americans." - Barack H. Obama, January 21, 2009 So Connor you drone, who defines the interests of Americans? Obama? Pelosi? left wing liberals like George Soros? I reject this populist belief system that Obama is spinning and all he stands for. Obama is a Marxist and Fascist and when this finally realizes it, it will be too late. These people in Washington are career politicians and are more interested in power than in "Public Service".
  21. What a crying shame if this happens. The government needs to get out of health care decisions and private business practices. This overbearing gov't is getting out of hand if not already. http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stor...57?OpenDocument
  22. This country is so screwed we don't even know what hit us. WAKE UP YOU LIBERAL DRONES!!!!!! AND WHEN RED CHINA IS MORE CAPITALIST THAN THE U.S., YOU KNOW WE'RE FU$KED. From Drudge Report: Caracas - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday called upon US President Barack Obama to follow the path to socialism, which he termed as the "only" way out of the global recession. "Come with us, align yourself, come with us on the road to socialism. This is the only path. Imagine a socialist revolution in the United States," Chavez told a group of workers in the southern Venezuelan state of Bolivar. The controversial Venezuelan leader, who taunted the United States as a source of capitalistic evil under former president George W Bush, added that the United States needs a leader who can take it to a "higher" destiny and bring it out of "the sad role that it has been given, as a murderous, attacking power that is hated all around the world." Chavez said that people are calling Obama a "socialist" for the measures of state intervention he is taking to counter the crisis, so it would not be too far-fetched to suggest that he might join the project of "21st century socialism" that the Venezuelan leader is heading. "Nothing is impossible. Who would have thought in the 1980s that the Soviet Union would disappear? No one," he said. "That murderous, genocidal empire has to end, and some day there has to come a leader ... who interprets the best of a people who also include human beings who suffer, endure, weep and laugh," the outspoken Chavez said. Developing...
  23. Obama should step down also. He is in way over his head. And if Bush ever used a teleprompter as much as he does on routine duties would have been blasted as a dumb ass by the MSM (not that they didn't do it anyway). This guy is a joke and our country will pay the price. Sad day in amerika. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0309/19663.html
  24. I would agree with that, fascism means alot of things to many people but we can summorize Obama's fascism this way: Source From Wiki: Aims to create a single-party state (ACRON) Seeks national unity and development by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation or a race. (Class warfare / Wealth redistribution / skin in the game)) Fascist governments permanently forbid and suppress all criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement. (silencing conservative voices on talk radio) Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people as individuals rather than as a collective nation or race (democracy, individualism, liberalism); that is deemed detrimental to national identity and unity (internationalism, communism, class conflict, laissez-faire capitalism); that protects and empowers people deemed weak and degenerate that oppose major changes to institutions and cultural values that it proposes (conservatism) and that undermine the military strength and military ambitions of the nation (pacifism).
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