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Everything posted by drunkcanadianbroad

  1. This guy is a real jerk.
  2. I'll bring a friend. I am running out of Marshawn $$$.
  3. The line forms on the left.
  4. I'm running out of money. Seattle is close to Canada, right?
  5. Can I at least get an honorable mention?
  6. If I was a US fan I'd don't know whether I'd drink in sorrow or celebration or both. I do know one thing. I'd drink.
  7. Do liquids count or only food? Is grain alcohol processed?
  8. I may be a Drunk Canadian Broad but at least I can still tell time and know he was referencing your 5:59 post. Well, I can tell time when there isn't a big hand and a small hand.
  9. When Canada is playing on home ice we all drink and have a good time and root for Canada. When Canada is not playing we are not that interested so we drink to try to have a good time being schnockered. It is possible that the fans did not even know which team the were cheering because they were so drunk.
  10. Yes. They blew it. That's why I got so stinkin drunk. I was looking forward to tying one on in celebration.
  11. Actually thee women's curling team blew it to the Swedes. I got #$^@-faced after that one. Thank God the men's team took home the gold. I got hammered to celebrate.
  12. The men's and women's teams both took Olympic gold on home ice. It is one of the greatest moments in the history of Canada. To celebrate, I went out and got drunk. What better thing to celebrate Canadian victory? Had they lost, I fear I would have had to go out and get drunk to drown my sorrows. What else would a Canadian do? If one team won and one lost, I would have had to get drunk to resolve my mixed feelings. Overall, what I remember of the Olympics were great. The only bad parts were waking up and seeing my vomit frozen to the snow. Yuck. Well, I'm pretty dure it was my own vomit. If not, even yuckier. I also wanted to stand in front of Shawn White at the bottom of the half pipe so he could run into me. More $$$$$ for beer. Unfortunately White went last and I had passed out by then.
  13. My sisters did it first and my brothers will be next. My only regret is that I could not go on the ice with my toothless alcoholic sisters for their display of what Canada is really all about: Being drunk. If I get "hit" by an American athletes car while we're in Vancouver, do I sue in Canadian court, or American court? Or both?
  14. You weren't wrong.
  15. A time and a place is all I need.
  16. I think I was bombed after 2AM on Chippewa once and about 3 million good things are going to happen.
  18. My big payday coming this weekend.
  19. Sorry, aboot that. I'm drunk. What did you expect. Anyway, just waiting for my big payday. Should be coming by the weekend.
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