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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. We already had that...from the late 80's to the mid 90's, Marv Levy was a figurehead who just went along for the ride back.
  2. I'd prefer Allie Sherman.
  3. A dynamic, speedy RB for USC with excellent KO return skills. My primary concern would be his age, though. At 57 he may not have that burst anymore.
  4. I, for one, am opposed to the draft.
  5. Global cooling raising the price of heating oil.
  6. Big deal. So Harry Reid said Obama was the perfect Uncle Tom candidate... what's wrong with that? Light skinned (half white even!), doesn't speak like a typical negro (can even pronounce "ask" properly!), but can still put on good minstrel shows to rally the negroid audiences if necessary... and without having to apply any blackface! Harry was obviously complimenting Obama. Besides, his stellar rating with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and support of the most liberal social programs, is proof that "Massah" Reid (as he's known amongst friends) has a long, rich history of being very pro-negro.
  7. What's wrong with Reid saying he prefers his party's negroes to look and speak more like white people? I think it's refreshing candor to see the Senate majority leader of the Democratic Party communicate to other negroes that they should stop looking and acting like typical darkies if they expect to get ahead. This is what's called being a "progressive".
  8. Thanks for the kind words, but I assure you that I will not be "bending over and taking it up the hoo-hoo hole" from Ralph. Actually, avoiding that scenario is exactly what this is all about. Now, please excuse me while I wash the vomit off my sleeve...
  9. Washed minds think alike, I guess.
  10. I'm not campaigning for anything... you are. As I said before, if you want to be a mindless drone I'm certainly not going to stop you. In fact, I'll even offer you pity.
  11. works for me... try it this way: http://www.sportslogos.net/images/logos/7/170/full/3538.gif
  12. Well, at least we agree on something. Now, regarding your question, please read the many posts I've already made on that topic...it's tiresome constantly repeating myself.
  13. Unconfirmed report of Bills new unis...
  14. Guess what: There are more of us than you think. Take off your blinders and realize that a utopian world of blind Ralph Wilson drones does not exist. You want this forum strictly for the use of "Kool-aid drinking Billievers"? That would sure make for a fun message board...I suggest you realize we want our team free from the clutches of the evil Detroit miser who extorts the fans without reward. We will be happy to root for the Bills, even if they suck, so long as the OWNER is doing all he can to make them winners, and unconditionally commit to Buffalo as the permanent home for his team.. He wants to put out a cheap, losing product that the ignorant masses will forever support unconditionally. You are only enabling this behavior with the "BILLIEVING" garbage. Stop thinking small, and buying into Wilson's game. Start rejecting the perpetual abuse, the endless preying on your fears, and start BILLIEVING that Ralph is LUCKY to have Buffalo to represent his team, NOT the other way around. If he doesn't appreciate Buffalo, and do everything in his power to please his customers, HE can go eff himself.
  15. I wonder if Cable will KO Davis when he goes to fire him.
  16. How nice that this classic battered spouse is trying to help us ex-battered spouses get back together with our abusers. Idiot...
  17. You just made a 500 word post about how you don't care what I think? I hope you realize how stupid that makes you look. Anyway, I'll keep mine shorter: I don't care about you, at all, even a little bit, and care even less if you approve of my not being a fan of Wilson's dreck. The End.
  18. Mike Nolan..classic selection! That would be the IDEAL Ralph hire. A coordinator who already failed miserably at HC. Ralph could get him for the absolute minimum, and he would be willing to obediently tow the company line to keep his job. It's as good as rehiring Jauron. PERFECT.
  19. Shouldn't be long before we start hearing Jim Haslett's name again. Who else would take the job?
  20. Ralph may be regretting his decision not to retain Fewell...or to fire Jauron, for that matter.
  21. I think most of those who divorce the Bills actually are divorcing from Wilson, not Buffalo, and the moment he is gone will return to cheer for the team again - provided they stay in WNY. I don't think any of us cares what "Joe Superfan" thinks. You know who I'm talking about, the small percentage of mindless sheep who would obediently cheer for Wilson's team even if Ralph personally urinated on their mother's forehead. I root for Ralph to fail. I root for Ralph to go away. I hate him. HE has trashed Buffalo, HE has publicly insulted the fans, robbed their wallets, consistently used the precious football team as leverage against the Buffalo community, as a weapon to launch attacks and insults at the residents. It's almost incredible to behold. People claiming to be "Buffalo" loyalists blindly following a Detroit tycoon who craps on their city, puts out a terrible product, takes their money, and tells them they're lucky to have him. It's transparently a case of battered wife syndrome, where the Bills fan takes the beating, comes back begging for more, and pledges eternal loyalty to the abuser because it's better to take the battering than be alone. Sorry, not for me. I will never again root for a team owned by Ralph Wilson. He is a cancer, and I just don't cheer for cancer. I respect those who go to the games to tailgate and have an outing. I respect those who treat the Bills like they would treat the Erie County Fair...getting out of the house, catching up with a few friends, eating some good food, and then going home after a nice day with the family. I do not respect the drones who "BILLIEVE" in Ralph's Bills unconditionally, and challenge the "loyalty" of others who don't mindlessly love, honor and obey Wilson's product out of fear. I pity them.
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