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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Ralph is getting exactly what he deserves: The disrespect of every respectable football man in America.
  2. Your arm must hurt from reaching so far to find an example, and if that's all you came up with it certainly wasn't worth the effort.
  3. That's some pretty thin logic to suggest Fewell was just a figurehead because Dick was really secretly running the defense. When Dick was canned Fewell seemed to somehow be able to run the defense without him, and for some reason Chicago wants him to run there defense...or is that also a canard because Lovie Smith is an ex-defensive coach. Oh, and we also know that because Parcells was a defensive guy, Belichik was just a figurehead defensive coordinator for the Giants.
  4. A former small college coach who once played the game? Gotta say, that's not reaching very high. Perry Fewell has at least 7 games of NFL head coaching experience, and showed he could go 3-4 to finish the year for a terrible Buffalo football team. He would be able to put together a staff quickly, knows the area, wants the job, and showed that he would implement the hard-nosed style of football that Bills fans have been longing for seemingly forever. I see Fewell as the better pick.
  5. Better how? Certainly not more qualified, and certainly not more experienced. Let's be honest, "better" means "pretending Ralph is making real changes", when, of course, he's not.
  6. Tell me again why they would get rid of Fewell and hire Frazier? Is it because of all that wild buzz and excitement the hiring of Leslie would create in WNY?
  7. Prediction: The Chiefs win 10 games next year.
  8. It's good to have villains in sports...makes it more interesting. Kiffin certainly has become the most hated and reviled man in college football in a very short period of time, and I can't stand him myself...but I'm glad this petulant little douche is around.
  9. IQ acting up again today? Honestly, when I read brainless slogan idiocy like this it reminds me that stupid people get the retarded news coverage they deserve. Mouth breathers of America unite! Go to your nearest seething political blog and find out what to say and how to think! Reminds me of the idiot Bills fan, who after getting spanked by the Patriots for the 45th consecutive time reflexively screams out "BELICHEAT" after every NE touchdown. Annoying, petty, and very, very stupid.
  10. Trolling, trolling, trolling...keep that doggy trolling...trolling, trolling, trolling...rawhide.
  11. I really liked Callahan if we're talking ex-Raiders coaches. He'd be perfect for Ralph...bad record, bad with the media, will take the NFL minimum and always seems to leave the teams he coaches much worse off than when he arrived.
  12. Project much, my battered friend? You must have the biggest inferiority complex on this message board. Still, as I said before, I do offer you my pity, and hope one day you'll be strong enough to realize you deserve better than the turd sandwiches Ralph's been feeding you for the better part of 50 years.
  13. Ralph is lucky to have Buffalo, not the other way around. Buffalo fans are the best in the world, and Ralph is a piece of garbage owner who gives them one losing team after the next in return for their devotion. Ralph simply is beneath Buffalo. Buffalo is better than him, deserves better than him, and, when he is gone, Buffalo will be better off without him.
  14. Only on MSNBC could Pat Buchanan be called a conservative. It's like calling Joe Lieberman a liberal.
  15. From a commentary perspective I agree. It drives the political anger quotient off the charts among the masses, but after awhile it loses effect and becomes predictable noise that causes a lot of people to tune out. From a news perspective, though, I like it. Fox is a very valuable watchdog of the left, causing them to face real repercussions if/when they spread disinformation. Same for networks on the left, who keep the right clean with their scrutiny. As you alluded to, what we are honestly missing from the equation are commentators that are not programmed by the left or the right, and are capable of analyzing the issues from both perspectives without the flaming bias. Of course, the public craves red meat from both sides, not subtle, introspective, genuine discussion.
  16. Relax, dude. She's hired to give political commentary, not report the news. If Fox commentators are mostly right of center, so what? Most networks have commentary, reporters and anchors who are left of center. I think it's healthy that we have choices. Sometimes those on the right will watch MSNBC and CNN to see leftwing talking points. Same holds true for Fox. Those on the left, whether they want to admit it or not, do tune in to see what the other side has to say.
  17. Hey, I remember how outraged Hitler was when Ralph signed TO.
  18. Sorry, I can't think clearly with your boobs standing at attention like that.
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