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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Perfect, perfect, perfect Ralph choice. Nobody else wants him, he'll be the lowest paid HC in the NFL, and has long, long coaching history of mediocrity on many levels. BEAUTIFUL!
  2. Holy ****...it's true! http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/926904.html EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see it was posted elsewhere, too. WOW! LOL!!
  3. How about, you'd accept the offer? At this point, that puts you ahead of everyone else they've considered.
  4. If true, it really is hysterical.
  5. Why get the commissioner involved? Simply keep lowering your standards until someone says yes. Kinda funny how low we've already gone and still can't get the tiniest nibble...the fun is seeing how much lower on the food chain this will need to get before they can find a willing dance partner! I know one thing, it'll sure be the ugliest girl at the dance.
  6. Rich Brooks is available again, having recently retired from Kentucky. Coaxing a never-has-been out of retirement to become the lowest paid HC in the NFL would be the perfect MO for Mr. Wilson.
  7. Wow. Just, wow. Unbelievably wow. You are my new favorite poster.
  8. Actually, my inside sources tell me Dave Campo is on Ralph's short list.
  9. The only reason Brown might be elected is the voter anger stemming from the terrible economic crisis Obama inherited from George W. Bush. Wait a minute...
  10. Which makes him the prefect choice for Ralph.
  11. Clearly you don't understand me.
  12. With the Ravens loss, we can throw Cam Cameron back into the mix. He's friends with Nix and like to eat Twix.
  14. No lose situation? Maybe for a loser.
  15. Good analysis by Florio here. Jones would definitely dump Wade before Garrett, so if it comes down to one or the other Phillips is toast. Besides, Ralph hates Wade enough that he'd certainly do his part to help get him canned. I could see Phillips resurfacing as a DC in Minnesota to replace Frazier IF he came to BFLO.
  16. I'll believe it when I see it. Polls are one thing...counting the votes is another. Maybe a few Black Panthers and nasty union men hovering around strategic suburban precincts will help make sure Brown comes up short? We'll see...
  17. RIP to the golden years? Not so sure your memory is all that sharp. The real flukes were those brief winning runs. Ralph and the Bills are a legacy of failure, losing, cheapness and threats to leave the community for wealthier, shinier cities.
  18. Nope. If you are happy believing as you believe I do not want to be the one to burst your bubble.
  19. Nix is a "real" GM? My, my... how low the standards have become in Buffalo. The Bills are smart to label Frazier as "their guy"? No, they've been rejected by everyone else so far, including a full blown contract offer that was just summarily dismissed by Harbaugh. If this is making Frazier "their guy" it's sure a funny way of showing it. This OP shows me - perhaps more than any other post - just how low things have gotten in Buffalo, and I offer sincere pity to this fan base which has apparently hit rock bottom.
  20. Careful what you wish for...As Sullivan quite accurately pointed out: There may be only 32 NFL head coaching jobs, but that doesn't mean the Bills are one of the 32 best opportunities in football. Others have clearly demonstrated that many coordinator and college HC positions are more appealing. If Ralph does as you suggest, meaning to rule out any candidate who's not too excited about Ralph and the Bills, you may be reaching incredibly low for a HC in the end.
  21. I tend to agree with this assessment, but there is still the possibility that he will be angered by Wilson offering the job to others before him, and then possibly coming in with a low-ball contract as an afterthought. I still think he'll take it in the end, but if he doesn't this is why.
  22. Anyone know what Frazier makes in Minnesota?
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