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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Wow...two holes to go and Woods is still down by one. I still favor Tiger, but Rocco has me wavering.
  2. Mediate is a machine.
  3. Funny how many people want this to be all about lawyers and strategy. I guess the fascination our society has for TV shows about lawyers has had quite an effect on our collective psychy. I happen to have sympathy for a victim of a hit and run, hope that whoever was the one who did it is punished heavily, and could care less how this impacts the Bills or the guilty party. I applaud the effort of the police and DA who are doing everything possible to get to the truth, and want to see justice served.
  4. fork that, Rocco just tied it up!
  5. Agreed, but I think that fork was actually planted when Woods holed the 12 footer yesterday on 18.
  6. Watching online at work...great way to spend a monday!
  7. Miami will not lose to FSU. They just own the Seminoles.
  8. I left Buffalo for Florida after graduating college in 1989. The primary reasons were weather and economy, and I have built a good life here in the nearly 20 years I've been gone. Still, my Buffalo lingo ("pop", the hard "a", etc) remains as strong as my affinity for all things Buffalo, and the difference between the WNY area united together as one vs the transient culture of Florida is as striking as ever. I still miss Buffalo very much, but more out of nostalgia now than anything else. I think about my family still there (both alive and deceased), the food, sports, old friends, etc...but I am very conscious that not living there for the daily grind separates me from the real, everyday WNYer - and while my heart is always with Buffalo my reality is here in South Florida. I go back with my clan once or twice a year for a long weekend, but over the years it has developed the feel of visiting my past more than returning to my real world...a strange and surreal sensation that I belong here with every fiber of my being, but at the same time belong to another world and am just guiding a tour of what once was but will never be again. It's bittersweet to go back, because I see all the things I miss and love, but don't have to experience any of the misery and gloom of everyday life, which is essentially what bonds the Buffalonian together far more than the Bills or the Sabres - that idea of being a tougher breed who doesn't just cherry pick a few selected restaurants over a long weekend, but takes the punch of life that comes from living through the good, the bad and the ugly that WNY has to offer. In that sense, I am self-conscious during my flights in when I visit. I feel in a sense that I ditched the town, either because I didn't have the stomach for the fight, or because I thought I was too good for this town and turned my back on them like so many others, or maybe a combination of both. It's a wierd mixture of pride and shame that comes over me, as I drink beer, eat wings, and pretend nothing has changed, when really it did and I was one of those who didn't have the mettle or the loyalty to hang in there like most of my family and a few friends did. It's a wound buried beneath the surface that never has entirely healed. This conflicted sensation manifests as my plane lands at Buffalo Airport, looking at the people and feeling a bit like an embarrassed tourist in my own home town. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I live where I live, love my wife and kids, and appreciate how wonderful it is to sport shorts and a t-shirt under palm trees on New Years Day, and I sincerely don't want out of the world I have, but that gnawing feeling in my gut that I somehow let down my roots by taking this path when I hit the fork in the road stirs everytime I go back to my old hometown. Sorry about my ramblings, but this thread has brought all these dormant feelings to the surface. Lastly, like a previous poster said, if the Bills really do relocate to Toronto I'll never root for them again. It's 100% about Buffalo to me...
  9. And Mario Cuomo, too. He definitely was Democrat.
  10. Sad...We've lost an openly pro-Buffalo media giant - not something that comes around too often.
  11. Bourbonboy, I'm sure the investigators are simply dumbfounded by Lynch's silence and are only doing what needs to be done to get this cleared up. As odd as it may be for this to get to the point of a grand jury, I think it's even stranger for such a lower level criminal investigation to be stonewalled like this by the lead suspect. I'm kind of glad to see the police and the DA taking their jobs seriously. BTW, does anybody know if Lynch has any criminal record in California? I know he has a clean record in Buffalo, but if he has something from the past on his record it would explain why he has taken it this far.
  12. Thanks, I missed that part somehow. Still, it seems strange that this is how we all should react whenever the police suspects us of anything, particularly something that doesn't even carry a felony charge. This advice would compel all people to refuse to cooperate with police until seated at the stand under oath. I guess the lawyers would appreciate that, but it sure would grind the criminal justice system to a hault.
  13. Is the message board a private organization, and new members are to be shunned? Seriously, what have I done to make you attack me like that?
  14. Seems to me he is saying that ASSUMING Lynch is guilty he is strategically better off refusing to cooperate with authorities. I saw nothing in Esmonde's article that suggests it would be wise for an innocent man to refuse to cooperate with the investigation.
  15. Ummm...a woman is the victim of a hit-and-run, and the principle suspect is a Buffalo Bills player who refuses to speak to authorities. THAT is the reason the DA is "going after them".
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