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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Fascinating column, and one that I think accurately shows the world increasingly moving away from democracy and capitalism in favor of appointed rulers and collectivism. Perhaps Marx was correct when he said democracy was just a stepping stone to communism. Even in America, the historic bastion of anti-collectivism and representative democracy, laws are more and more being written by appointed judicial fiat rather than elected legislature, socialism has gradually supplanted capitalism as the dominant economic model, and the word profit has frequently come to be considered a pejorative. As a fiscal and social conservative I find these trends loathsome, but I am a realist and will need to adapt to succeed regardless of the changes - no matter how objectionable I may personally find them. I am pessimistic about the politcal future of my values and beliefs, but optimistic that people who believe as I do are resourseful enough to overcome this "progressive" decay.
  2. I'm sure I'm in the minority on this topic, and expect to be slammed for my opinion, but I am disgusted by the whole Toronto deal, and if the Bills do split games as the article suggests I'll probably lose my interest in the team. I just can't help but feel like the wife is openly cheating on me, publicly mocking me for being so unattractive and poor, and biding her time until the Canadian rich guy she's hooked up with gives her a giant ring and moves her into his mansion so she can make the divorce official. OK, I'm done...now back to your original programming, and feel free to rip me a new one if you like...but dammit that's how I feel.
  3. Is this career threatening?
  4. Ugggghhhh...We should expect our businesses to sacrifice their profits out of patriotism? Dear God. Increasing taxes will incentivise businesses to invest in America rather than abroad - where taxes are next to nothing? Please, please say you made a typo, or hit the "add reply" button before you proof read.
  5. pBills: Jarhead, spewed bipartisan idiocy, not Republican idiocy. I'm republican and found that comment of his just as offensive, elitest and flat out wrong as you do.
  6. I totally disagree with this comment. I have lived in Cleveland, Tampa, Ft Lauderdale, all places that have better economies than Buffalo, and nowhere do people have a better work ethic than in Buffalo. We Buffalonians do love our beer, but certainly blowing money on a few cold ones over the weekend has not caused recession. I'm proud that Buffalonians are tough, kind and hard working people...and as for the beer, well, a guy named Tim Russert loved his beer more than anyone and somehow managed to become educated and successful, wouldn't you say? You sound a lot like Barak Obama...mocking Buffalonians for clinging to their God, their guns and their beer.
  7. Ouch! The Celtics are the Lakers daddy, and spankings were administered with extreme prejudice.
  8. Maybe they should throw him a special parade? You know, to help advance diversity and all...
  9. Really...so in my dozen or so comments I've taken this community down more than anyone in history, eh? You need serious help.
  10. Why does he have that sh-t eating grin? Oh, yeah.
  11. Teehee...you have already tried the case in your own mind and have declared a verdict! Fascinating. You realize that the investigation and recusal didn't happen for no reason, and that if it were as purely innocent as you believe than none of this would be taking place, right? Or are you smarter and more "in the know" than the justices who have determined there is substancial enough cause for a full investigation into his conduct?
  12. Are you denying that he was forced to recuse himself from the bench and declare a mistrial over the beastiality case he was presiding over because of this porn scandal, or that he will be facing an investigation into the nature of his involvement in operating a pornsite of his own in violation of the Judicial Conduct Act, or are you flat denying both? You realize you and your friend John Adams are only making yourselves look foolish by rejecting reality, right? Link: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5h3YrphW...5pBkOQD91BFRP80
  13. A bit totalitarian of you, no? I have accurately reported what has happened to the judge, you want it to be different, and then declare that I must leave the message boards. It seems you don't care for those who don't fall in lock-step. BTW, who is this Molson? I am assuming he had the temerity to disagree with you and you subsequently drove him out?
  14. "Faking", I applaud your tenacity on standing behind what you have faith in, which I have no doubt makes you a very good and true Bills fan. However, while the article did include discussion points, it is not hypothetical that Kozinski was forced to recuse over his porn site, it is not hypothetical that he is most certainly going to be facing investigations for violation of the Code of Conduct and the Judical Conduct Act, and it is not hypothetical that if it is found he contributed to his porn site while at the office he will face serious disclipinary action. I am only stating the facts, as irate as that may make some of the more passionate 1st Ammendment Rights activists frequenting this message board.
  15. SD: If you were unaware of the news cycle, it is not my invention that Kozinski was forced to recuse himself from the case and declare a mistrial because of his fetish-porn site scandal. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oew...0,4396754.story The next step will be the launching of proceedings to determine what disciplinary action can and will be taken against him under the Judicial Conduct Act as well as violations of the Code of Conduct canon for federal judges.
  16. Seeing that the Judge has now recused himself from the beastiality trial he was so ironically presiding over, it appears that the only thing left to determine is whether or not his fetish porn site was indeed being operated in any way from his judge's quarters. If he surfs the net for barnyard sex at home that's his business, but if he's operating a fetish site that is using his own real name from his own chambers...buh-bye judge. SD: If you, your wife, all your friends, and/or the entire free world, get off on fetish porn in their private time I could care less. I also could care less what the judge's wife, mommy, drinking buddy, or any other internal family member or friend has to say in defense of his character. The point is whether or not we want our chief justices operating such sites, publicly and in their own name, from their tax-payer supplied offices. I know if I operated a site like that from my company's computer I'd be fired. Bad judgment by the judge, and it will cost him dearly.
  17. Ad hominems aside from my good friends who defend Judge Kozinski's beastiality site, I would like to make one correction: Above I said he was the most liberal judge on the most liberal court, but that was an error. I meant to say that he is the most LIBERTARIAN judge on the most liberal court. Sorry for the typo.
  18. Is that really the best you can do? I realize that the defense of the indifensible is not easy, but that's all you can come up with? Listen, I discuss politics with people on both sides of the fence on a daily basis, and whenever one side devolves into ad-hominem blurbs like the one above it's as if that party has waived the white flag and surrendered their argument. I know you can't win this one, knew it the moment I read your comments, but I at least had hope for a better fight on your part. This is no fun!
  19. Your link is a letter from the judge's wife. While I think her desire to defend her husband is an admirable quality for any wife to have, it provides absolutely no value as a source.
  20. One little correction: Though he was a Reagan appointee, he is widely considered to be the most liberal chief justice of the most liberal circuit court in the nation, and has subsequently had more rulings overturned by the Supreme Court than any other lower court in the nation. As to the "what's wrong with that" argument from the original post, well, it is certainly not considered appropriate to have a chief justice operating an animal porn website from his office chambers, so even the most liberal politicos, including Diane Feinstein, have publicly asserted he should be removed from the bench. This is one of those disturbing matters that are so crystal clear to everyone that there is actually bipartison agreement.
  21. Line of the day: "Tory Pines has been Tiger's "'binky'".
  22. In the end, it had to be Woods.
  23. They play on until someone wins a hole.
  24. Big Brown getting beat in the Belmont was a historic upset.
  25. Rocco with the lead heading to 18!!! Big Brown anyone?
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