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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. "Trash the victim" thread, anyone? I hear that 6 year old was nothing but trouble...
  2. Terry Miller deserves an honorable mention.
  3. Shouldn't we start a "trash the victims" thread for this?
  4. If nothing else, we can be happy in knowing we are assembling a group of guys that will embarass Totonto when they steal our team.
  5. Yeah, the gay thing...while that is probably true, he has taken a hot rich babe from Manhattan to at least pose as his woman, and word is he will be marrying her to make the national stage to quell those fudgey rumors.
  6. It will be Charlie Christ. McCain cannot even hope to win the election without Florida, and without Christ he has no shot. Of course, even with Christ, who is very popular in Florida, he probably still can't win in the Sunshine State...just not a good year to be a Republican, particularly if you are as unpopular with your own base as RINO McCain.
  7. I once shot a man in Reno... just to watch him die. Of course, this should in no way reflect upon my character because I was at the time young and free spirited, plus the trashy victim didn't need to go exaggerating the moaning and groaning as he lay mortally wounded.
  8. I'm relatively new here, but should my sarcasm meter be buzzing?
  9. Agreed on all counts. Mathews and Olbert are indeed leftwing activist hacks, and Brokaw is servicable in the interim, but he's too old for this grind and not really much of an interviewer. I think the best choice would be Chris Wallace if they could pry him away from FOX. If not, probably an ex-politico with press credentials like Ari Fleischer.
  10. Been to many games in Dolphins Stadium, and I think it's a great spot. It's easily accessable right off the Turnpike so you don't have any city traffic or I95 to deal with, is centrally located between Lauderdale and Miami and is west of the worst traffic congestion, parking is excellent, there is good tailgating space, the stadium itself has excellent seating and site lines, the Bills fans make up about 50% of the crowd, the weather is great...I think they did a great job with it.
  11. Getting out before the kingdom crumbles.
  12. Should we start a "trash the victim" thread on this? Accuse the victim of faking the wound, and suggest the criminal really is a fine young man who is the victim of a conspiracy?
  13. If you have irrefutable proof that she falsified being run over, and that her injuries are fake, than the burden is upon you to provide this evidence. So far, all you've done is make lame excuses for the criminal and express irrational hatred for the victim. I suspect there is a bit of unhealthy affection for Lynch at play here...at least that would help explain your desperate attempts at defending his despicable behavior, while demonizing the victim of a hit-and-run.
  14. This thread is a disgrace. "Let's trash the victim"????...what an embarassment to Buffalo.
  15. I'll be very interested to see the opinions on this board if in fact Lynch has pleaded guilty to hit and run.
  16. Meeting is fine, provided that at least some minimal preconditions are met. It's the unconditional willingness to bargain with those who refuse in advance to give one inch that is naiive and dangerous.
  17. It's legally smart to hit and run?
  18. McClellend spends a lot of time talking about what he "feels" was being discussed and plotted at meetings that he was not highly enough regarded to be permitted to attend. He then calls those "feelings" facts.
  19. Hit and run is worse...drunken fights are common, and probably all of us at one time or another have gotten into them. However, a hit and run is something so heinous that none of us, and likely nobody we ever know or will know, would ever consider doing...
  20. McClellend and his book have been so discredited by all except the most rabid and irrational leftists that at this point it's hard to even look at him without chuckling.
  21. I would imagine there are more players with criminal records today than 40 years ago...just a hunch. I suppose that's in part a reflection of our culture today; glorify the drug dealer, the pimp, the gangbanger, the porn star, etc. Sports tends to be more a reflection of society than anything else, so if you don't like what you see from the NFL or NBA you probably are also not too happy with the plight of our pop-culture as a whole right now.
  22. Radical racist to radical leftist...not sure which is worse.
  23. Whether you are pro-weed or anti-weed is not relavent. Being anti-stupid, I'm offended by what a moron this guy was for going on camera with his dope buddies in the first place. Looks like another low-IQ fool for us to deal with.
  24. Perhaps moslems are actually ugly people polite enough to cover their nasty faces?
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