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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Iowa State is Big 12 and BCS. If he turns the program around there like he did in Buffalo he's competing for BCS Bowls and National Championships. Winning the Mac gets you to Toronto. Besides, how great would it be for him to lead Iowa State to prominence while the man he replaced struggles at Auburn...you know, the same Auburn that won't hire Gill because he's married to a white woman? He takes that job if they offer it.
  2. Positive: we are one season closer to Ralph Wilson no longer being the owner of the Bills.
  3. Not sure yet, actually. I enjoy some give-and-take, so I may stick around some. Time will tell...anyway, I thought trolling was hijacking threads with unrelated and off topic nonsense, not simply failing to fall in line with the prescribed cheering interests of the battered wives. Am I wrong?
  4. If "ifs and buts" were beer and nuts... Bottom line, the call failed because it was the wrong call - and that follows the pattern of Jauron repeatedly failing to make the right call in the right situation. Give your team the best opportunity to lose, and most often they will...especially when they aren't so hot to begin with. I'd have been upset if the play succeeded, because rewarding bad coaching with undeserved victories only serves to perpetuate the bad coaching. Also, I'm rooting for the Bills to lose, as Ralph Wilson has violated my code of conduct that preconditions my being a fan. "Beat the Bills" is my motto so long as Ralph C. Wilson owns the team. Sorry to all you battered wives who long for your abusive spouse to change, but I hope they never win another game until he's gone.
  5. Not at all like the old man. Senior cut on a dime, while his kid has no shimmy in his shake...more of the North/South running style.
  6. Wow, I guess I haven't been such a great tipper afterall. I always do 20% and round to the nearest dollar, so on a $14-16 order I would tip $3.00, and on a $17-$21 order I would do $4.00, etc., with a max at $5.00.
  7. The unions cost the Big Three over $70/man hour, while Toyota and Honda employees cost $49/man hour. Greed is never good, whether it's the employee or the employer who's guilty of the vice. No, a loan is contingent on the recipient demonstrating they have good credit, good debt-to-income ratios, and have a business model that convinces the lender that they will not default. In this case, none of the minimum criteria for a loan has been met. It is a bailout. No, it shows that they understand the reason our country is in such bad shape right now is our lending institutions made a habit of giving out trillions of dollars in unsecured loans to those who had bad credit or no credit at all. To extend this bad policy to the unions would be fiscally irresponsible and have a devastating impact on our economy.
  8. yaawn...who cares which awful QB gets the nod.
  9. Yikes. The Bills would need to win? Yikes.
  10. Joe's right about McCain. I was just as appalled with his endorsement of the bailout.
  11. I know the season must end with us winning out, Miami and the Jets playing to a tie, and a whole bunch of other crazy upsets. Oh, and then there's the act of God...
  12. There are religious liberals, and conservative atheists. This is really a misguided thread designed only to provoke a right/left fight for no apparent reason. The real question is whether it is right or wrong to post signs that denounce the beliefs of others.
  13. I think the better question would be, what does this guy have to do to get fired? Wilson thinks he can do no wrong. Barring a scandal involving little boys, Dead Dick will be the head coach of the Bills next season.
  14. Don't get me wrong...I'm all for drastic action and a walkout. Just thought it might be tough to actually pursuade fans to make that leap en masse...if it doesn't take, you just have a few dozen guys stomping out without any real effect at all. However, bags over the head are a universal symbol for being ashamed of the owner and his team, and would probably attract a bigger, more willing following for a statement to be made.
  15. Love the bags and signs idea...this organization is an embarassment, and this is a good way to embarass Wilson right back. I'd love the highlight shows to focus on the crowd all wearing paper bags to humilate the man who is so callously willing to bring shame upon the city his team is allegedly supposed to represent.
  16. So you like the Jets...good for you. Paint your face green, buy a Favre bobblehead, and hang out with their obnoxious fans chanting J-E-T-S if it makes you happy. I was at the game when we ended the Dolphins streak in 1980, so don't go there...it was one of my greatest life moments. But, if you want to say which of these teams TODAY is the one I hate less, and which organization I respect more for turning things around the right way, it's the Dolphins.
  17. Obama is essentially following the Bush model in foreign policy by appointing Robert Gates as his defense secretary. I like it a lot, but I would imagine those in the peace movement are very uncomfortable right now. Just wait until he starts quoting General Patraeus to defend delaying our withdrawal from Iraq! BTW, anybody else think that Dicky Jauron and Barack Obama sound incredibly alike in their interviews?
  18. Jets fans are the worst in the NFL. The Patriots act is sooooo played. The Dolphins? I also was around for the dreaded 0-fer 70's, but let's be honest: this team they have now is a likeable group of overachievers who do everything right.
  19. The Bills players and coaches will be happy to sign on for the boycott, too. They already started running for the bus against San Francisco.
  20. Pick another West Coast QB to go with the Ohio State DB we take in Rd 1...
  21. Haven't the Bills been drafting between 9 and 14 for the past 10 years? Oh, wait, forgot about the Mike Williams year. Maybe it doesn't really matter...
  22. Go Fish. I respect a team that can turn it around overnight by bringing in a top GM who cleans house and hires a tough, fiery coach.
  23. Please stop...you endure one bad season and you think you know pain and misery? That's like telling a rape victim that you've had bad sex before, too. It's like telling a holocaust survivor that you also suffered from gross living conditions while in college. It's like telling those who barely escaped 9/11 that on that same day you almost died from terrible hemorrhoids. You know nothing of our woe.
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