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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. How many of the duplicate posts must we endure?
  2. My sources have told me that this post will be fired before noon.
  3. All in a row: Wade Phillips, Gregg Williams, Mike Mularkey, Dick Jauron. Any reason to believe that changes for the better are coming? Nope...not until Ralph is toast will anything improve.
  4. Dick would have had more passionate support if he bought the players cheeseburgers.
  5. Belichik "showing off" by outcoaching Jauron? This post is a classic...
  6. Marinelli would be the perfect replacement for Jauron if he were to be fired after next season's 7-9 record.
  7. If they are firing him to accommodate Favre the Jets organization is retarded. Favre was horrendous the last half of the season, and nothing Mangini could do would have helped. If they are firing him because they just don't think he can coach, and are not merely placating a washed-up Farve, than I respect what they are trying to accomplish.
  8. Yes, amazing what a tough, smart coach who won't take any crap from his players can accomplish.
  9. I agree with the sentiments of the original poster, and would join him in a crossed swords stream over Ralph's headstone. One thing, though, that will not work: adopting another team. You can't. You can try, but your heart won't be there. Best you can do is root against the Bills or just give up on the NFL. My plan is to essentially fire Wilson, hope for him to somehow become financially ruined, cheer for his team to lose, and then cheer again for the Bills to win AFTER they get new local ownership to replace him. Relocate and it's over forever, of course. If other people have a problem with angry fans feeling this way, tough sh-t. I don't care what other "fans" think, this is how a lot of us see it, and if some of you lemmings intend to tell me off for feeling this way here's my middle finger pressed on your forehead in advance. As I've said before, I would rather have no team at all than have one owned by Ralph Wilson.
  10. Firing Jauron simply won't get it done as long as Wilson is the owner. We'd just get another loser retread like Dom Capers for the NFL minimum to replace him. Wilson needs to be fired before any improvements can be expected. Going on 10 seasons in a row without the playoffs is no accident.
  11. Wow, a team owner who actually wants to win, and fires their coach after a winning season because he failed to make the playoffs again. What a concept!
  12. I'm thrilled today. I didn't bother watching the game because I simply don't care, and when I caught scores I was delighted every time I saw the Pats winning. I couldn't be happier. I hope next season they go 0-16 and extend Jauron's contract again, because until Ralph croaks or sells off the team I will be hoping that his product loses every time they play. I'd rather have no team at all than have one owned by Ralph Wilson.
  13. Doddering is the one part of Sullivan's critique that at least gave Ralph an excuse. If not doddering, than greedy, spiteful, petty, inept, heartless, cheap, and anti-Buffalo. He should have stuck with doddering; it was his most flattering option.
  14. Toronto Luxury Boxes
  15. Donahoe? Somebody here actually misses Donahoe, and thinks the Bills would have been better off keeping him?
  16. Losman/Edwards/Hamden. Ferragamo/Dufek/Kofler. Collins/Van Pelt/Hobart. Johnson/Van Pelt/Brown zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........
  17. I will not support this organization until Ralph Wilson is no longer the owner. If the Bills remain in Buffalo after he's dead or sells the team I will be back cheering in full force, if they relocate I'll root against them as my most hated team in football. I am currently rooting hard for them to lose. I will NOT be the battered wife anymore. I will not be the mindless sheep led to continuous slaughter by the owner who gives me the proverbial finger every year. I've fired Wilson, kicked him to the curb, will not support anything that has to do with him or his team. He is nothing to me, zero, and I will hope with all my heart his franchise loses every single game until he croaks. I would rather see the team leave town than stay with Wilson as the owner. I want him out, gone, and nothing short of that, even a miraculous reversal of won/loss record, will change that. It's him that I loathe, it's personal, and that's how it will remain as long as he's the living, breathing owner of this team. Others may hate people like us for this lack of devotion, call it blasphemy, call it selling out, but to me the real selling out is feeding that greedy bastard's coffers with a penny of my money after he's sh-t all over my devotion, my loyalty, my investment of time, money, heart and soul, without caring a lick.
  18. 12 oz curls every night, starting around 5:30pm, followed by anarobic meat cutting, fork lifting, channel surfing, finger pulling (especially fun for the kids), and bringing it home with a big loaf-pinching.
  19. Jauron will not be fired...he'll be the coach of the Bills until Wilson croaks.
  20. I thought I saw an apparition in her beaver, too.
  21. His own sons called the police on him and helped turn him in. You know you're a lowlife piece of sh-t when your own sons want you in jail.
  22. A big, giant, whopping who gives a sh-t. Wilson's still the owner, Jauron's still the coach, Brandon's still our COO, Modrack and Guy still handling personnel...What the hell else really matters?? Until the above ALL changes it doesn't matter in the least who we may or may not pick.
  23. I look at the Lions, look at Ralph, look at the Lions, look back at Ralph, and I suddenly realize that we in fact ARE the Lions.
  24. Ralph C. Wilson will never see a dollar of my money ever again. I will be boycotting as long as he owns this team. No hats, no shirts, no jerseys, no attending games, no fan gear of any kind. Total cut off. In short, I have fired him.
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