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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. You're making progress, but still have a ways to go before freeing yourself from victimhood. Admitting he is the disease who's responsible for the years of suffering you and your loved ones have been experiencing is a good start, but now it would be helpful to ask yourself why you would defend staying with this cancer still? What is the hold he has over you? Shouldn't every healthy relationship have minimum preconditions? Has he really earned your undying loyalty? You know you're better than this. Don't give into your fears of being alone, and just dump this cancerous bum once and for all. I can't tell you how much better you will feel once you've gotten rid of the "disease" from your life and moved on.
  2. Lynch = McGahee
  3. I'm saying you should never support anyone who abuses you out of desperation, dillusion, or fear of being alone.
  4. Translation: "Nobody else will ever want us, so we must stay with the abusive wretch and consider ourselves lucky to have him." It's taken right out of the battered wife syndrome handbook, gang.
  5. Denial...a powerful force. Look at the hysteria from some of the battered wives, lashing out at those who confront them and call out their abusive relationship for what it really is in what amounts to a message board intervention. Look, nobody wants to be told they have a problem, that they can and should act to extracate themselves from their perpetual victimhood, stand up for themselves, and stop defending their abuser. In short, this defensive reaction is predictable and expected. But, there is a solution, there is help, you can leave Ralph behind and move on. It won't kill you, it won't kill Buffalo. It won't destroy your lives. You'll be a better person if you just start thinking of yourself as better than that, that you don't deserve to be mistreated, that your life will be better without him and his unhealthy hold over you. For those of you who do recognize that life as Ralph's doormat isn't necessary, that you can choose to get out of a disfunctional and abusive relationship and move on without blaming yourself, please don't fret or panic. You have nothing to fear. You won't be an outcast! Be strong! YOU DESERVE BETTER, AND WILL GET IT ONCE YOU LEAVE HIM!! Say it again: RALPH, GET OUT!!
  6. Not surprised to see this board filled with so many battered wives still groveling about how it's better to have a cheap, cheating, lowlife, abusive husband than no husband at all. It's natural to be conditioned to think this way after so many years of degradation; having so little self respect you'll take anything at all, no matter how terrible and shameful, because you fear being alone. Breaking free of this mindset is incredibly difficult, and I would not expect to get any different reaction than that here at the epicenter for fans in denial of their battered wife syndrome. What many of you don't realize is that outside of the little message board cacoon there are plenty of fans who are filing for divorce from Ralph. Longtime fans leaving him, fans who have stayed through both good times and bad for decades, who have finally taken one too many backhands across the mouth and are moving on. Some are interested in dating new suitors, while others are just content to give up on NFL fanhood altogether. Most of us, though, are taking time off to clear our heads, not sure if or when we will be willing or able to open our hearts up to any NFL team ever again. It's all over for so many of us. Ralph is our abusive ex-husband who took our hearts and money and trampled it to dust. We do not forgive him, we will not reconcile, we don't accept that he'll really change somehow and everything will be OK, or that we are really to blame for our abuse and make excuses for his behavior. He's out, gone, kicked to the curb, and we will never, ever be willing to return to that disfunctional relationship ever again. Consider this thread a support group, therapy, a place for all of us former battered wives who finally had enough of the abuse, stood up for ourselves at last, and divorced Ralph Wilson. We can commiserate about our abuse and all the times we took it, speak in one big, loud voice to tell him and his team they can go to hell. It will be good for us to help each other through the heartache and anger that has finally now boiled over after all these miserasble years of abuse. Belt out these words, people; they are cathartic: "GET OUT, RALPH!"
  7. Said he would not be leaving the television booth.
  8. Just reported on WGR that Cowher will not be going back to coaching.
  9. The point he's making is that NOBODY is certain Jauron will be fired. EVERYONE here likely thinks Wilson will retain him. You're simply not going out on a limb...rather, you're preaching to the choir.
  10. Totally irrelevant AND well done? Odd way of thinking... Of course, the battered wife always is self-loathing and thinks the abusive spouse is justified in beating her. If only you were prettier he wouldn't be so cheap, right? Or, is it that nobody else will have you, and an abusive husband is better than no husband at all? Maybe all of the above? At least you'd have a chance at happiness. With Wilson still smacking you around you have no hope at all. We can only hope...
  11. The battered wife post of the year, folks. Crying because we should feel lucky anyone will have us. So he gave us a black eye, some bruised ribs, a few chunks of hair missing, sleeps with other women in other cities, at least he was willing to marry me in 1960. He may not be perfect, but I'd never get another suitor...look at me, I'm ugly and depressed...whaaaa!! Come on, already! Stand up and show some pride in yourself! Stop being his doormat and walk out! Leave him!!
  12. The NFL likes it's traditional franchise cities to keep teams. If Ralph wants to move us, buh-bye. Running him out would be the best thing that could ever happen to Buffalo, and the galvinization of the city to replace Wilson's crap with a new team would spark an explosion of growth. Of course, forcing him to sell because the city rejected him could also lead to a local big dollar owner to buy him out, which would be ideal, of course. Time for NYC to start funding Buffalo projects instead of the other way around. This uproar would create the perfect opportunity to force investment here to rebuild a new stadium downtown, on a rebuilt waterfront, and give the city a shiny new start. Out with the bad...
  13. Just bring more of you on board. You are doing everything right, and if enough people do as you are doing we'll be done with Ralph forever.
  14. Better no team at all than one owned by Ralph. Relocating is a step up from the current situation. At least if he relocates there's a chance that we could pull off a Cleveland, a St. Louis, a Baltimore, or a Houston and get a team again but without Ralph Wilson being involved. It's a risk that is well worth taking.
  15. Mularkey had no HC experience, either.
  16. Step one: Refuse to support the team as long as Wilson owns it. Step two: Pass it on
  17. The fans did a great job forcing out the leftover Culverhouse scum after Hugh died in Tampa. The fans in St' Louis all but ran Bidwell out on a rail. In Houston they shoved out Bud Adams two years early on his Astrodome lease. It can be done, people.
  18. No, but I think you may have just dropped a deuce! Do us all a favor and mail your excrament to Ralph's house signed, "Sincerely, Everyone in Buffalo".
  19. They beat us, at home, in front of the whole country, on Monday Night, when the season was on the line for us and meant nothing to them. We went 2-8 to finish, failed to score a TD on offfense in the last 3 home games, and went 7-9 for the 3rd straight season under Jauron. Damn straight I'm equating.
  20. Whichever team plays the relocated Bills, and probably the Dolphins since that's where I now live.
  21. That's exactly what needs to be taken away from this wretched, wicked owner who cares about nothing else.
  22. Ralph Wilson is simply not fit to run this team, and his contempt for Buffalo is palpable everytime he is asked about the future of the franchise. He could care less if they win, could care less if the team remains in Buffalo long term, and could care less what the fans think as long as he gets his money. Well, I think it's time to run him out of town. We shouldn't just take what he gives us and say thank you because we have so little esteem we're just happy to have anything at all. If he wants to threaten us with relocation I say we respond by telling him to go to hell. Better to have this cold, greedy ass-hole take his miser act someplace else, because he's done nothing but take advantage of our loyalties as fans, spit on us, and crap on our faces when we complain. Ralph: Do us all a favor and get rid of the team. Relocate it if you don't think Buffalo is good enough for the NFL, or sell it now to the highest bidder and let the chips fall where they may. Just get the hell out and don't let the door hit you in the ass. Here's to you and that family fortune we paid for going bankrupt. Bills fans should say "ENOUGH" and turn their backs on Wilson's garbage he calls a team. We aren't going to play the battered wife role forever; just take it again and again because we don't want to risk being alone. We'll do just fine without you Ralph, thanks. GET OUT!
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