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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. The answer to the original post: The Bills stay in the region as long as you consider Toronto and Buffalo to be the same market. It won't be long before the team is relocated north IMO, so if you accept the idea that Buffalo is a southern suburb of Toronto you will be thrilled that the Bills are "staying".
  2. Best part of the game will be the uniforms.
  3. Looks like the powers that be are nearly orgasmic about transferring more home games to Toronto. http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/buff...ory/617198.html
  4. Because the Bills suck, and have the worst offensive line in the NFL?
  5. We're all waiting with baited breath to see who's the first imbecile to predict a Bills win.
  6. Seeing the Bills sporting the throwback road whites would be pretty cool, though.
  7. When the Bills go 4-12 it will feel nice to still be talked about nationally while TO melts down on a daily basis. Time to enjoy what he was brought here for! TMZ Bills.
  8. ...and win just one for the Gipper.
  9. Kemp vs Lamonica? Shaw vs Ferguson? Ferguson vs Marangi? Dufek vs Kofler? Ferragamo vs Matheson? Kill me now? ...toowalk amongst yaselves.
  10. RJ teaching Sanchez to eat little tofu meals, sonar his amino acids, and how to read defenses? Are you friggin' kidding me? This dude has bust written all over him...
  11. He may be right, but how dare he be right on this site!
  12. Ralph had always taken the side of small markets: fact. Ralph has always been a small market owner: fact. Toronto is a very large market: fact. Ralph has moved games to Toronto, and plans to transfer more there in the future: fact. Ralph will not block the relocation of the Bills after he dies: fact. Ralph's kin would get more for the team if they can be Toronto based rather than Buffalo based: fact. It is not in Ralph's interests to advocate small markets over large markets anymore: reasonable deduction.
  13. Wild hunch on your part? I'd like to see the hard evidence that Erie County or the NFL will block Wilson from adding more games in Toronto.
  14. Methinks thou doest protest too much... Guess you think my opinion is wrong. Then again, for you to get that emotional about a simple observation regarding Ralph's interests suggests there may be more to it than that. Either way, you seem to care about my opinion a whole lot more than I care about yours.
  15. Why do you consider a reasoned deduction based on the facts on the ground to be a wild guess? Do you not hold any opinions based on reasoning without legal evidence, or must everything pass through an attorney before you reason whether or not the Bills will make the playoffs or sign a free agent?? Pretty high standard for a message board, don't you think? Opinions are all we're about... but, if it makes you happy, I'll go looking for a strand of Ralph's DNA and start wiretapping his calls.
  16. Of what? My opinion about Ralph logically becoming more large market oriented as he transitions the Bills to large market Toronto? Since it was 100% based on my personal, circumstantial deduction, I don't have any DNA or wire-tapping evidence to report at this time. However, I am working on it!
  17. Already there... answer #4.
  18. Ralph isn't really a small market guy anymore, gang. Sorry to say, he'll likely be advocating more from the large market perspective now that he's transitioning the team from Buffalo to Toronto.
  19. Feh. The original post was worthless, the mocking replies worthless, the petty exchange of insults worthless...I guess that makes it just like every other thread!
  20. I'm just shocked, SHOCKED, to hear that there is serious discussion about moving more Bills games to Toronto. SHOCKED I TELL YOU! Oh, and for those of you who find this news deeply troubling, what the hell have you been smoking? Ralph refusing to put in any stipulations to keep the team in Buffalo after he dies, then bad-mouthing the city repeatedly for being too poor and low rent to deserve a team, and then transferring home games up to Toronto as a "regional expansion" somehow didn't quite penetrate your awareness of what's going down? When will you folks learn that being a fan of Buffalo and a fan of the Bills is simply not a direct correlation anymore. It's like Buffalo is to Applebee's; yes, there may be a franchise in your community that you enjoy, but the restaurant is only part of a larger chain that will stick around only for as long as they remain viable according to franchise standards. This isn't the days of old, when you identified the WNY community with your NFL franchise. Ralph Wilson is separating from Buffalo, filing for divorce, and though you may not like it you should at least understand that what once was is no more. Move on. Let it go. Make peace with it...Ralph certainly has. You can choose to be happy with whatever few games of alimony remain after Ralph elopes to Toronto, or live in the past and remain bitter and resentful. I suggest changing your priorities, finding new hobbies, and trying to remember the good times instead of dwelling on the nasty breakup.
  21. Racism shouldn't be automatically assumed, but it shouldn't be summarily disregarded, either. We shall see, but the police do not have a particularly sparkling record of racial fairness and equity when dealing with African American suspects.
  22. If pointing out that we don't know all the facts yet is riling things up it just proves that those who comment are very quick to judgment, particularly when the suspect happens to be black. Stereotypes replace facts for those who live in ivory towers. We still don't even know if the pedestrian disregarded crosswalk laws or other traffic rules, either. Why not just call for his lynching already and just get it over with?
  23. It think we also have to consider whether or not Dante was the victim of being overserved by an irresponsible bartender (assuming, of course, the police leak about his blood/alcohol rates are legitimate and legal).
  24. There are many, many ways a suspect can have their rights violated, so don't presume this is so cut and dry yet. Also, breathalyzers cannot be 100% trusted. I've known people to blow way over the legal limit after gargling a little mouthwash, just to name one possibility. Was he properly informed of his rights? Was he unlawfully coerced to admit something? I stand by Stallworth, and anyone who doesn't at this point is simply playing God with the law.
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