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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. I didn't say, and I fail to see how where I live now makes a difference in my opinion.
  2. That would be great news, because it would mean the Bills actually made the playoffs.
  3. I believe I'm just as funny as I think I am. That said, how one could defend dodgeball is beyond me. Why not just bring back smeer the queer again? We are supposed to be an evolving society, and nothing harkens back to times of brutal discrimination like these games which teach our children to celebrate persecuting the weak.
  4. When the Colts were moved they were taken almost a thousand miles away to a smaller market. Toronto is just up the road and is an enormously wealthy market that can support the luxury box and merchandizing necessities of today's NFL. We should be encouraging Ralph to expand more games to Toronto so the team will be more competitive on the field and remain long term within a short drive from Buffalo.
  5. Have to agree with Fezmid. Dodgeball is a license for the strong kids to bully weaker, less athletic kids. What is gained from having a ball whizzed into a kids face? Dodgeball should have been banned a long time ago, as should tag and capture the flag, for that matter. Activities like line dancing, yoga and aerobic walking would help kids stay in shape and have fun without all the bullying and blood lust.
  6. Buffalo isn't a baseball town. Besides, the point is Bills fans OWE Ralph for giving them a team locally that they probably didn't deserve when he could have made a ton more money shipping them off to another city. If you don't want to root for the Bills because they play in Toronto, fine, but you OWE Ralph for a legacy of loyalty to Buffalo and should root for that organization no matter where they relocate. If Ralph's team moves to Toronto you can still get there without chartering a flight, so in that sense he's doing Bills fans a FAVOR by moving the games there instead of LA. All of you on this board OWE Ralph, not the other way around. Don't forget it.
  7. Since when was he found guilty of disorderly conduct? I believe in innocent until PROVEN guilty, don't you? As far as I'm concerned, he's done nothing wrong and the charges are baseless until a jury decides otherwise.
  8. Time to start thinking about Buffalo as part of Toronto's extended market. Come on... we're talking a 90 minute drive. Toronto is still close enough to be considered Buffalo's team. Cheering for Ralph's legacy in Toronto is the least Bills fans could do should it come down to that.
  9. Indeed he does. He sacrificed unimaginable wealth to allow a tiny, impoverished city that barely deserves Arena Football to enjoy the NFL. Now we should all return the favor and offer him a warm thank you as he does what's necessary to make sure his family is taken care of after he passes away. It's Ralph's team, not Buffalo, that fans need to cheer for on Sundays. Ralph who the uniform represents, not Buffalo.
  10. Donte will be Donte... The way I see it, as long as he does the job on the field why should it matter what he does off the field? Hell, he could have burned down an orphanage, just so long as he gets it done on Sunday who cares?
  11. If TO catches 15 touchdowns, Marshawn rushes for 1,500 yards, Dante has 8 INT's, and the Bills go 13-3 while moving their home games to Toronto, everyone will still be going nuts with Bills fever. Most Bills fans realize that Toronto has more money and a bigger population, and are reconciled that it makes sense for Mr. Wilson to allow the team to migrate north. He's paid his dues keeping the team in Buffalo despite all of his lucrative offers to relocate, so we now should get behind him when he looks to finally make some money. Toronto is still close to Buffalo, so he should be applauded for keeping the Bills within driving distance instead of shipping them off to LA. Some posters here should show more loyalty to Ralph, and lose the immature, selfish "Buffalo first" mentality.
  12. As long as they win do we really care what city the Bills are playing in?
  13. In Cuba everyone has a job, a place to live, and access to free healthcare and medication. I know America can't come close to saying that.
  14. It's about time. Maybe if we hadn't provoked them over the years with the foolish embargo we would have had an ally. Since the cold war ended there is no justification for the Cuban boycott. Time to mend fences. Besides, maybe we could learn a few things from them about healthcare and education.
  15. Everyone is tired of the "victim card" until they themselves are the victims. When I was young I stayed out past 3 am, got drunk, and was involved in bar fights plenty of times. We've all done stupid things and made mistakes. Besides, he is 100% innocent of all charges until PROVEN otherwise, and that means I'm giving him the entire benefit of the doubt. Before this is over, I would expect the police to have some explaining to do. Anyway, all that matters is what he does on the field.
  16. Rush is a wingnut homophobe of the worst kind, but at least he doesn't compare Obama to "Hitler" as you did.
  17. Comparing Obama to Hitler is beneath even Rush's invective. You need help.
  18. Very sad. I had some drinks with him at a bar in Clearwater during spring training about ten years ago. Nicest guy you'd ever want to meet, and his voice was as distinctive in person as it was on TV.
  19. Feh. This is much ado about nothing, and I fully expect the charges to be dropped without incident.
  20. The article is obviously a panic piece by faux news. They are just all to excited to stoke the flames of fear of socialism in order to discredit all the work Obama has done to stop the bleeding. My question: Even were this bogus report were true, would it really be so bad to have the government of the people controlling what the institutions of the greedy are doing with America's money?
  21. Limbaugh is only interested in himself, so praising Obama over America's use of excessive force against the pirates is only a snide tactic to advance his Neocon policies of aggression over diplomacy. It's despicable that Rush would use this tragedy as a front to advocate war mongering colonialism.
  22. We have to assume that Dante is completely innocent, the tazering a form of wrongful battery, and the charges against him false until proven otherwise. I think it's safe to say that we will all be forgetting about this very quickly and looking ahead to what he does for the Bills on the football field. BTW, would anyone be so concerned if he were a fry cook instead of a professional athlete? Don't think so.
  23. I just hope that when the Bills win the Super Bowl this year Sullivan recants all the negativity he's written about the team over the years. Maybe if he didn't incite such gloom the Bills would have already won one.
  24. Go to UB. I went to Baldwin Wallace, a very small school and Tim Graham's alma-mater, but looking back on it I should have either gone with UB or Syracuse. Many more options both socially and academically, plus the career advantages of a school with a giant alumni.
  25. Buffalo needs every bit of optimism it can get. A lead sports columnist who refuses to see the glass as half-full may be fine for other cities, but Buffalo deserves better. Besides, he's an outsider. Time to replace him with someone from Buffalo who actually cares about the Bills.
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