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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. I fail to see how losing Kelsay would improve the Bills defensive line, and they stunk last season. Wait... didn't I say this already in the Peters thread? Oh well, off to the Parrish thread.
  2. Bruce Smith pouted every single year and is now in the HOF. I fail to see how the Bills offensive line is better now than it was last season, and last season they stunk.
  3. I consider the past 10 years of Bills football to be one, long colonoscopy.
  4. Not familiar with Mr. Crayonz, and are you suggesting my avatar is Holy?
  5. Opposition to President Obama is probably not a smart idea if you value your job security and well being. Dissent is best kept to one's self in the current climate, and even then should be held very close in check. I express only support for Mr. Obama, and will continue to do so for as long as he remains in power.
  6. 50,000 fans chanting J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets! in Toronto.
  7. He could room with TO in Toronto.
  8. Was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor?
  9. How transparently sarcastic must I be before it is appreciated?
  10. This statement is absolutely true. Like it or not, the nation has shifted decidedly to the left and these policies are a reflection of that sea change. Want to pine for the days of the Reagan revolution? Might as well be longing for the days of the Revolutionary War, because that's about how antiquated that dream is in today's reality. Though for conservatives the shift towards liberal socialist policy may seem outrageous, the future is only going to be more liberal and socialist and the current standard of what is left will be considered center or even center-right over time by comparison. I say this from a position of neutral observation, not advocacy in either direction.
  11. Allen Wilson is just a typical hater who doesn't have any faith in the team. Same with Jerry Sullivan. All these columnist critics of the Bills are jerks and should be fired. The job of a Buffalo based journalist is to put a positive spin on the Bills.
  12. At least Bills fans can take some pleasure in knowing that Toronto gets to suffer through some of the misery, too. Oh, wait, they'll be rooting for the Jets.
  13. Being a Bills fan means having absolute certainty that they will go undefeated, win the Super Bowl, stay in Buffalo forever, and live happily ever after. Anything less would just mean being a bad fan. right?
  14. The Demetrius Bell fan club. This is what it's come down to... ouch.
  15. As you all know by now, in place of conventional sports that encourage score-keeping conquest, I have been actively campaigning for healthy, positive alternatives. One idea that has been catching on is skipping, which is now being used in the Boys School of East Monmouth in place of whiffle ball. Check out how much fun it can be for all ages! http://www.iskip.com/
  16. In 2004, I assisted a small, private middle school in New Hampshire incorporate a semester where the theme of the curriculum coupled Vagina Monologue discussion groups with egalitarian physical fitness programs. Sports that promote male domination were abolished, replaced instead by expressions of nonjudgmental body awareness that allow students to be comfortable celebrating their fitness diversity.
  17. Plans are in motion for some of our inner city schools to replace flag football with musical gardening. By playing classical music for students while they prune trees and shrubs, weed gardens, and plant flowers we are able to create a healthy environment for learning, bonding and building self-esteem.
  18. With Kelsay and Schoebel the Bills are already set at that position anyways.
  19. Another project that I am proud of is a small school in Northern Florida that last year replaced speedball with Maypole dancing. I have 3 more schools that are set to add this to the PE curriculum for the 2009-10 school year. This is already common in the UK, where potentially violent school activities were replaced years ago: http://m.gmgrd.co.uk/res/282.$plit/C_...05231_Image.jpg
  20. I have been championing alternative sports for children since the late 80's, and have a successfully managed to get several charter schools in Florida to replace dodgeball with interpretive dance. http://www.bpc.edu/news_and_info/news/2006...etive-dance.jpg
  21. I think the Eagles overpaid. After we sign Michael Vick, the DL's will be held back on a containment rush so that it won't matter who we have blocking. Fill the team with waiver wire linemen, and let Vick, Lynch and TO win a Super Bowl and become the symbols of WNY.
  22. If the NFL is to follow the Jewish calendar, than the Jets need to reschedule the following games: September 20th: Rosh Hashanah, when Jews are not permitted to drive or watch TV September 27th: Yom Kippur, when Jews are not permitted to drive or watch TV. October 4th: Succos, when Jews are not permitted to drive or watch TV. The Giants will need to reschedule these games: September 20th: Rosh Hashanah, when Jews are not permitted to drive or watch TV September 27th: Yom Kippur, when Jews are not permitted to drive or watch TV. October 4th: Succos, when Jews are not permitted to drive or watch TV. October 11th: Simchas Torah, when Jews are not permitted to drive or watch TV Also, it should be noted that neither the Jets nor the Giants are permitted by Jewish law to have games on Saturday due to Shabbos, so in the playoffs they will only be permitted the Sunday time slots. Now, let's also make sure that the Yankees, Mets, Rangers, Devils, Islanders, Knicks and Nets are not scheduling any games in conflict with the Jewish calendar out of religious respect. Seriously, I am Jewish, observe all the holidays, miss games when I'm not permitted to attend or watch, and have somehow managed to live through it without being offended. I hate to see these issues publicized because it only makes Jews look demanding, and then fans the flames of Judeophobia. Schedule the games where they may fall and Jewish people will work around it just fine. We know how to use DVR's, we understand Tivo, we are capable of selling our tickets to others who can use them, and don't need the unwanted attention that comes with making a stink for sports to follow our rules and laws.
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