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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Who said it does?
  2. Wow...just, wow.
  3. I think there are many, many reasons why people identify with a specific religion, but self-delusion is certainly not one of them. As evidenced by this thread, self-delusion transcends theology.
  4. Maybe there's hope for you, yet. Welcome down from your high horse...
  5. Fresh meat for a team that was running low on healthy beef.
  6. Not. dude has no knees left.
  7. Dissent can never be tolerated amongst the self-righteous.
  8. The irony is astounding. Doing a mindless cut and paste in the same post you're preaching against "regurgitating the statements of others". A complete lack of self-awareness is common among those who are infected with moral absolutism.
  9. Please, God, move them to Toronto.
  10. Because totalitarian absolutists are always the ones who commit the most heinous crimes.
  11. You are the one with totalitarian dogma and delusion in this conversation. I see your outlook as absolutist, arrogant, mindless, militant and zealous. Sorry, but that's how I see it - it's my "belief".
  12. "Why" we believe in anything is a subjective matter. You choose to believe that nothing can exist beyond the natural laws of science. Most believe otherwise. Either way, both are making a rational choice. Irrational belief comes when one side cannot concede the other has a point. I may believe that God exists, but could still understand why someone would believe otherwise. Likewise, someone rational who doubts that God exists could still understand why someone would believe He does. The irrational cannot understand how anyone can think or believe differently from themselves.
  13. I give up... clearly this is over your head.
  14. Seriously? Are you really this dense, or is this a joke? Here, just for you and your equally "challenged" friend... super·natu·ral (so̵̅o̅′pər nac̸h′ər əl) adjective existing or occurring outside the normal experience or knowledge of man; not explainable by the known forces or laws of nature; specif., of, involving, or attributed to God or a god
  15. You do that, but first you may want to look up the definition of supernatural and note that it's quite different than the definition of science. If this lesson causes you to suddenly believe in claims that cannot be measured scientifically that's your business.
  16. That may have been the worst clock management I have ever seen, and Pennington deserves the majority of the blame. An old vet like that needs to know how to manage a clock in the final minutes better than that.. Oh, and Ted Ginn...BAHAHAHAH!
  17. Apparently you are not smart enough to understand what the term supernatural means.
  18. How does that matter?
  19. Again, a really stupid comment. Science by definition is the opposite of the supernatural, and therefore cannot prove or disprove its existence. Come on...it really isn't that hard to understand once you take your blinders off.
  20. I am not saying I am religious. I am merely staking the claim that anyone who believes that the supernatural is quantifiable by science is stupid.
  21. Are you really this stupid? Marshawn, Leodis, is that you?
  22. Wrong, I watched it in slow motion several times. The defender did not interfere with the pass...just a flat out drop. BAHAHA!!
  23. Ted Ginn...
  24. People who are hostile to any possible existence of God are unbalanced extremists soaring on an ego trip. You can't prove or disprove supernatural with science or reason, because by definition the supernatural would be beyond the realm of science and reason. I consider jihadists and militant atheists identical twins; mirror reflections of one other from opposite ends of the religious spectrum.
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