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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Prediction: 23-16 Dolphins.
  2. I just bought 50 carbonlife weeks on Ebay for 50,000 calorie credits.
  3. Step one: Pay for government approved health insurance or go to jail Step two: Follow government approved diet or go to jail Step three: Take government prescribed medication or go to jail Step four: Pay for government approved life insurance or go to jail Step five: Apply for government approved lifespan or go to jail Step six: Receive compassionate government euthanasia at appointed age Step seven: Rejoice as the Great Society becomes a reality
  4. Why be negative? As McEnroe would say, "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!"
  5. It depends what your definition of "benefit" is. For example, if you consider it a "benefit" for society as a whole to sacrifice your benefits then that could mean seniors will indeed receive increased benefits.
  6. Nicely done.
  7. Funny how some consider themselves "realists" for predicting 9-7, and anyone who predicted 3-13 "dimwitted unrealists". Shouldn't we allow the season to unfold a little more before we declare who is the dimwit? One win at home over a terrible team is a pretty small window of data to make such sweeping judgments.
  8. There may come a time when such threats will be taken very seriously, and people will pay a lot of money to keep their name clean from the black list.
  9. We are living in a very historic period. I feel for the first time that this country is fast slipping into a dictatorship, as the Obama administration consolidates power, nationalizes industry, appoints Czars, stifles dissent, and takes over the press. Scary, scary times ahead. I keep a real low profile because it's increasingly apparent that getting black-listed as a dissenter could be hazardous to one's future.
  10. The Buffalo airport IS in Vegas... wake up, people! Wait, did you mean Las or Cheek?
  11. So, what are the odds of Stephanopolis ever getting an interview again with Papa Doc Obama?
  12. I would also take Lindell over Norwood.
  13. Maybe it was God who imposed militant atheism upon him and then forced him to fall in love love against his will?
  14. It never ceases to amaze me how people will see a single win against a bad team as a sign that all is well and the Bills are heading for the playoffs. Truth be told, even those who predicted the team to go 2-14 counted the Bucs game as one of those two wins. Let's chill out, people.
  15. So, someone apparently imposed militant atheism upon you rather than you choosing it with your own free will. Same with your love interests. How sad...
  16. This is an argument with a 10 year old.
  17. Or... Praying to God that your child survives surgery vs. Thinking about the evolution of the turnip while your child is in surgery (and secretly thinking the earth will have a better carbon rating if the kid dies!)
  18. John, how old are you?
  19. WTF are you talking about? What in the world does malpractice have to do with the existence of God? Try again...and this time try going up to the 4th grade, because your 1st grade grasp of the English language is killing me.
  20. Are you drunk? This is unintelligible rambling. If I were a militant, seething atheist I would be embarrassed at how you were representing the cause.
  21. I actually agree with you. God is unquantifiable by science and science is unquantifiable by the faith in God. One can believe in both science and God because one does not prove or disprove the other in any way.
  22. No, you are calling all people that believe in God or a Higher Power complete idiots, and at the same time wondering why there is push back. Well, maybe you need to rethink what respecting the beliefs of others is all about. Sometimes you just need to realize that the idea of "think like me or you're a dumbass" might not win you too many friends.
  23. Why should you receive any respect from people who disagree with you?
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