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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Trent's injury gives Jauron just the excuse he needed to slither out of this intact.
  2. This is what happens after 8 years of George W Bush.
  3. How sad that we're already reduced to reminiscing...
  4. Like the financial sector and the automotive industry, I'm relieved that the government will be taking over the healthcare industry. I trust that the government knows better than I do what's right for me and my family, as well as the best collective interests of Oceanian.
  5. Give the points and take the Jets. No brainer.
  6. ...and greed isn't dead, and gluttony isn't dead, and lust isn't dead, and sloth isn't dead, and arrogance isn't dead...
  7. Dear Marv, Please stop making a fool out of yourself. Better to quietly slither away with everyone thinking you're a kindly but clueless old man who never should have been disturbed from convalescence to become GM to begin with. I uncomfortably pictured you rolling steel balls while listening to that interview, and was praying you weren't going to tell us how you have proof that someone stole the strawberries. Sincerely, Endzone Animal
  8. I'm quite frankly surprised that nobody here picked up on the fact that I was referencing Ralph Wilson in this post. To those who jumped in with the knee-jerk assumption that this meant Rush Limbaugh, or suggested in some convoluted way I meant Al Franken, I hope this goes to show that you need to think before you type. You see, what the frothing zealots overlooked was the fact that my final sentence referenced this person being inducted into the HOF, which I presumed would be more than enough clue to reveal the subtle, humorous dig I was taking at people who try to blindly demonize without first considering the hypocrisy of their words. I hope those of you who dove right in without thinking learned something, but I suspect you'll just get overheated and try to justify your actions as perfectly reasonable.
  9. Obviously double entendre humor is not your forte...my comment went so far over your head you'd need the Hubble to see it.
  10. WTF are you talking about? Did you reply to the wrong post? Seriously, I'm at a loss for how you've connected the dots here...
  11. I am incredibly offended that an arrogant, white bigot, who regularly and publicly denigrates an entire community of people because they aren't wealthy or privileged enough for his tastes, would ever be allowed to own an NFL franchise. The league needs to take action against that pompous-ass hater who callously feeds the masses cheap, substandard garbage year after year, but instead they induct him into the Hall of Fame.
  12. With that kind of belligerence you'd never become an owner.
  13. But, but, but...Poz might play! That'll change everything.
  14. You asked if I would accept him, which is a different question than if the other owners would.
  15. If a horrible, extremist propagandist like Al Franken can sit in the senate than there is no question Rush Limbaugh can be an NFL owner. Anyway, if he'd keep the team in Buffalo, invest in building a winner, and get us a Super Bowl he could show up in blackface for all I care.
  16. Advice: Share the most mundane details of your tedious existence with complete strangers on a message board, and then do whatever they say.
  17. I would like to see Wilson name himself Owner/HC/GM. I mean, he's a hall of famer now, so why pay a coach and GM to do what he could do just as well himself on a part time basis? He could coach the team on game day from his luxury box, and being a GM is easy when you are keeping the team $20 million below the salary cap.
  18. I don't want to see the Bills disgracing their throwback championship uniforms anymore, including this week against the Jets. They don't deserve to represent the players from that era. They are perfectly matched in those repugnant Donahoe clown suits, and should continue wearing them as a symbol of their perpetual futility.
  19. My favorite relocation stories are the ones about the St. Louis and Houston fans who essentially kicked their loser, lowlife owners right out of town. It inspires me. Better to have no NFL team at all than to have a terrible product owned by a scumbag who doesn't respect or deserve the fans they expect to pony up for whatever garbage they tell them to buy.
  20. Did the Raiders have any chance at beating the Giants last week? It's really just a matter of whether the Bills are blown off the field by 4 touchdowns, or hang close and lose at the end. Either way, it ends in defeat.
  21. I've never seen anything worded like he worded it above. I think the flaw some foolish posters have is they read something to the effect of "The team will continue to lose as long as Ralph is alive and remains the owner", and think they just read, "Die, Ralph, Die!! Hurry up and die!!!"
  22. Who the hell ever said any of this? Until proven otherwise, I'll just chalk you up to being a complete ass.
  23. With Trent and Fitz on the roster what the hell do we need a QB for?
  24. Ralph brought in Donahoe to improve the bottom line, period. He accomplished that. Ralph doesn't care if they win, he cares that the team is profitable. Bringing in an expensive GM who will want Ralph to increase spending on players and coaches is the last thing he wants. He loves that Brandon scored a merchandising/ticket sales coup with TO, that he helped secure relocating home games to Toronto for mega-bucks, and kept payroll costs at an absolute minimum. Ralph could not be happier right now.
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