Lost interest the day they lined up in Toronto to play the Dolphins last season, and have yet to regain my interest since. I've gone from full blown fanaticism from childhood through my late 30's to absolute disinterest in my 40's.
Actually, to be honest, I am slightly more than apathetic, I'm resentful and find myself happier when they lose than when they eek out a few undeserved wins. In my opinion, if the owner doesn't care if they win, doesn't care if they stay in Buffalo, and is just playing out the string on a long, long career of failure/refusal to put out a winning product, than I would prefer he be rewarded with the losing he deserves.
I hope that Ralph Wilson never gets a Super Bowl victory, and am rooting against him every single week; it's all that's left in my remnant from being a fan...to root for him to get beat, from a distance, without caring enough to even watch unless it fits neatly into my schedule.
No more Bills jerseys, hats, t-shirts, or novelties. I haven't sported one of my 4 jerseys this year, and only once did I wear one last year. Same with hats. I don't want to promote anything that is associated with Ralph Wilson, and will continue boycotting the franchise in this manner until he dies. If the team stays in Buffalo after his death, than I will once again give them my love, but until that time I give nothing.