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Endzone Animal

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Everything posted by Endzone Animal

  1. The Bills are so bad that... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Huh? Oh, sorry, what was the question again? Anyone catch that incredible Vikings/Bears game last night?
  2. I'm fine with Weiss as HC so long as Wilson retains Guy and Modrak.
  3. It's retarded posts like these that make me realize just how stupid it is to bother with message boards.
  4. You put words in nobody's mouth but your own, which is fitting since they were so self-serving.
  5. Credibility lost, Melvin.
  6. Well, since I'm not Christian I apparently don't have the proper grace to answer that question.
  7. Heard that myself. Speculation from the Bulldog is that Brohm is lacking in the IQ department. Considering he had the highest Wonderlic score in the 2008 draft, I find that difficult to believe.
  8. This argument lacks intelligence.
  9. '83 and '84 with Williamsville South. Beat Lew Port in '83, and I was fortunate enough to survive "tackling" Moose Johnson, who was an unbelievable beast. In '84 we hammered Grand Island to clinch the State Championship, which was voted on at that time by the writers. I was the starting defensive end and had 3 sacks. Awesome, awesome experience.
  10. You guys are badly misrepresenting the rape story from Judges 19. Without the context of the chapter to follow, which reveals how the gang raping and murder was the most ghastly of sins that would be harshly and profoundly avenged, you get the false impression that this behavior was somehow endorsed by God. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, this heinous act was no more approved by God than the acts of Sodom and Gomorrah. The entire tribe of Benjamin was effectively wiped out as payback for being complicit in the crime. Take my advice: Stop cherry picking bible verses to fit your agenda. In the end, it will only make you look foolish.
  11. A few observations: I'm kinda surprised by the poll. I figured that this being a Bills forum, where only the most rabid fans congregate, unconditional cheering for the Bills would be first, and the option of rooting for them to lose for a better pick would be right behind it. I just assumed this would be the case. Rooting for them to lose for a better pick still indicates passion for the team. The disaffected numbers are the most surprising, and damaging. An angry or heart broken fan is still devoted, and praying for a reason to cheer again. The disinterested and detached are another story. It's very, very hard to start caring again with any real passion when the feeling is gone. If the numbers are so strong here, the lack of caring percentages must be unbelievable amongst the general pop right now. I can certainly understand this sentiment because I'm among them. I already went through the angry, already went through the depression, already fought through the heartache, and now I feel next to nothing. I hope for the sake of those who do still care that good things come again soon for the team, but for myself it will not significantly affect me either way. Been like that for a couple years now, really. Since then, I'm more intense than ever for the Sabres, and that's now where 100% of my Buffalo sports heart is invested. I still come here periodically for nostalgia, and to see how the Bills fans are reacting because I care about the city and the people, and hope they find some happiness. I don't ever intend to switch allegiances to another team. It's not possible. Apathy doesn't transfer well, anyway. I am now simply what is known as the "casual fan" who tunes in if it's convenient, but without any emotional investment. I have moved on. I hope there are not too many more out there like me, but I suspect there are, and if so that really is a shame.
  12. What answer best reflects your opinion about this week's Bills loss?
  13. Tebow doesn't go in round one, period. No chance.
  14. The smart money is on sarcasm, but I don't want to kill your buzz.
  15. Make that three of us.
  16. The Super Bowl is still not out of the question.
  17. Thurman has always been uber sensitive to the slightest possible diss. His HOF career was built on his anger about being dissed in the draft, and the whole time he was playing he was an arrogant, petulant SOB to fans and media alike over any perceived dissing. I am guessing this situation is a combination of a couple worthless, lowlife thugs (Lynch and Hardy?) giving less than deferential treatment to Thurman, and Thurman taking it to ridiculous extremes on his Twitter.
  18. Wilson will NOT bring in a high powered coach/GM. He'll milk it like he's serious, talk about how he wanted to bring in the best but it didn't work out, and then hire a cheap shlub like Dom Capers saying he'll be better than all those celebrity options anyhow, and we're lucky to have him. ...and the "Billieving" fools will fall in line like sheep.
  19. It will be Dom Capers, so curb your enthusiasm my friends.
  20. Somewhere, Turk Schonert is sitting back and just laughing his ass off right now.
  21. So have I.
  22. Soon our Dear Leader will be imposing a Calorie Cap as part of our involuntary, state mandated health care entitlement program. Penalties for going over the cap will include fines and/or imprisonment, depending on the amount of the violation. Unauthorized consumption of pizza and wings will be punishable with a mandatory minimum sentence of 1 year in The Party's maximum security reconditioning center.
  23. I comment at Sabres message boards about 20-1 more often than the Bills boards. I've got the NHL Center Ice package and not the NFL ticket. I watch 95% of the Sabres games, and have seen two of nine Bills games. I am educated about every player on the Sabres roster, and nearly every potential NHL player they have in their minor league system. Growing up, I was a fan of both and played both sports, but definitely was more passionate about the Bills. That was slowly but surely reversed over the past 10 years, as the Bills wallowed in ineptitude, but the full blown switch in my fan interest and allegiance came the day that Wilson signed the deal to play regular season home games in Toronto. Being a Sabres fan means hating the Leafs, and the thought of a Buffalo team playing home games in Toronto was a deal breaker for me...the final straw. It's all about the Sabres now for me. If after Wilson croaks the Bills somehow remain in Buffalo, I'll be open to return again and say go Bills, too, but not before. For the foreseeable future, the colors I consider my home town colors are the blue and gold (well, really yellow), and not the red, white and blue of Ralph Wilson.
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