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Oneonta Buffalo Fan 2

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Everything posted by Oneonta Buffalo Fan 2

  1. And dominating the Wild Card. ONE MORE WIN TO GO!!
  2. Either way it's up and running!
  4. Not yet. wait till 12:50!
  5. And don't forget Berman IS a Bills fan!
  6. Never tried Stoogetv but channel surfing works.
  7. Granted I'm off to a HUUUUGE win this week there's only one person for the second week in a row who's not living up to where I drafted him.....TJ Housmanzada.........Never expected this.
  8. Just putting this out there.....anyone who had Brady.....well he most likely blew your entire season.
  9. Please welcome our #2 QB!
  10. AWESOME! We now have a good chance to win the division.
  11. Oh...how sad.......................................................YEAH RIGHT! GO BILLS!
  12. T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Jason Campbell, and Chris Cooley.....they were all none existent and I already have lost.
  13. I'm going to say the entire defense deserves it. WOW! They were amazing. And I think Trent should get the MVP award too. I think he's proven he can play for good.
  14. Jauron is the coach no matter what. WHat you people keep missing the point on is that team like the Colts and Patriots are good year to year because they keep the same people on the team year in and year out. The system stays consistent!
  15. Still not buying it. I think it's a bluff. McCargo might break out this year and it hinted at the end of last season.
  16. Wow I'm not the only one saying this. For those who don't remember, Ellison STARTED last season at OLB and played well before he got hurt. And don't forget Digi. He did fine last season and should have a similar role this year. We're fine.
  17. I think your now the only one but he can't really catch.
  18. Problem is that he has the leverage now. If we lose another person on the OL we might have no choice but to give in.
  19. Where would this thread have gone without a lovely post from me about how dominating the Sox are. And no I've never jumped ship.
  20. If the injures are serious. If that happens then, we'll give in.
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