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Everything posted by DDD

  1. If the beard fails, then EJ has to get himself married and wear his wedding band on the field. It's only weird if it doesn't work.
  2. It's a sad statement when Fitzpatrick is a better option than EJ Manuel. Ouch!
  3. I live in Florida and these damn raccoons sh*t in my pool. And let me tell you, it's nasty. The little buggers use the step to do their duty. I put a child safety fence in front of the portion of the pool that has stairs and for the most part it has deterred them. Not sure how this would help your yard situation though.
  4. Love it. Looks like the Bills will be wearing the vintage standing buffalo helmet to honor Mr. Wilson against the Dolphins.
  5. Reminds of the cologne commercial scene from Rocky II.
  6. Off the top of my head, the firstof which is obvious: 1. Playoff comeback win against the Oilers. Epic. 2. MNF loss to Cowboys a few years ago under Jauron. Was a loss but incredibly exciting. Good call on 1988. Fred Smerlas blocked that kick.
  7. He's coming to the sidelines to rest between plays. Coach Hackett doesn't want to see him puke on the field.
  8. For the last time dammit, I went to H-A-R-V-A-R-D!
  9. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic about Josh Reed or are mistaking him for Andre.
  10. Down here in Florida you get about 3 years out of a battery. They never last the full warranty and you hardly get any credit for the replacement even when pro-rated. Sam's Club has the best prices by the way.
  11. Reed ain't no Michael Crabtree.
  12. My favorites are the one with the creature that sucked salt out of people, the one with the two gangs that attacked each other where they called the phasers "heaters", the one with the underground creature whose eggs were being inadvertently destroyed by mining, and of course the tribble episode.
  13. Perry Tuttle Equalizer
  14. Comedy: The Blues Brothers Sports: The Natural Military: Platoon Drama: The Untouchables Animated: Finding Nemo Action: Goldfinger SciFi: Star Wars
  15. Didn't Lavar Arrington do the same thing with Aaron Maybin?
  16. Golisano is a businessman. His bottom line is the bottum line. It's kind of ironic however that the Sabres did much better when he owned them pinching pennies (video scouting, Campbell, Drury, Briere, etc) vs Pegula who was spent ridiculous money and has the worst team in the NHL to show for it.
  17. These puff articles about new coaches, training techniques, change of scenery, etc are a dime a dozen. How could we forget the one in the Buffalo News about John McCargo's rebirth under Bill Kollar. There is no substitute for experience and hard work but you also need talent to succeed in the NFL, especially at QB. Look no farther than Ryan Fitzpatrick or JP Losman.
  18. Don't worry. With Obamacare you can see a physician assistant or nurse practitioner. Who needs the expertise of an actual physician anyway?
  19. Whaley said traded for Watkins to get into the playoffs this year right? How does trading Stevie Johnson do anything other than hurt the Bills in 2014?
  20. If the accusation is true I will never understand how multi-million dollar athletes put themselves in situations involving drugs, alcohol, or reckless driving. There is little to gain and so much to lose.
  21. He better not be late to his hearing.
  22. His clothes look like he picked them up on the clearance rack at TJ Max.
  23. Cancerous mole = malignant melanoma. The earlier these are caught the better. Mark Spitz is a survivor. Bob Marley die from one under his nail.
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