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Jamie Nails

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Everything posted by Jamie Nails

  1. It just goes to show that they are keeping four TEs. Mulligan is the new Lee Smith.
  2. Bryce Brown ahead of Williams. Henderson ahead of Kujo and Gray the second tight end.
  3. And the fins are number 9. Barf
  4. So does EJ gain in the Monday Whosdaq? Cassel was an awesome 2-6 for 27 yards
  5. I think the EJ start is nothing more than the daily rotation. It was his turn
  6. Can someone post a link to the Bills and Beers Twitter list? Have it on my work CPU but not phone.
  7. Sure! On that note, another little nugget from the Sirius interviews... They had a number of Bills players on throughout the segment, one of which was Kyle Williams. He was asked if this was the best interior line the Bills had had in a while. He said something to the degree of, "without a doubt; no question. This is the best in a long time." It was really nice to hear. Clearly it's a huge improvement over last year!
  8. Little note from the Rex interview: he named Miller the other starting guard. We know it was a forgone, but this was the first time- to my knowledge- that he called it game, set, match for Miller.
  9. Nice work with these. One suggestion. Maybe go with: Manuel Simmsulation
  10. talking him up to maximize trade value.
  11. Kyle Orton's Orgy is my personal fav.
  12. Anyone clad in a wife beater bringing deck chairs, fishing poles and a 12er of Genny Cream to tonight's practice?
  13. Merrill Hodge Nerlens Noel Jr.
  14. What!? Jugs gun wearing a Kelly jersey isn't an option?
  15. He clearly had a roster sheet in his hand during the segment. That was brutal.
  16. Unless one completely shats the bed, I see them keeping TT, EJ and Simms. If he's not distancing himself from the other schlumb, dumping Cassel will save some decent dough.
  17. Hogan is pissed
  18. Assuming he has options. These options could include packing it in
  19. He signed yet? I already ordered by Cherilus jersey.
  20. You prefer Joe Klopfenstein and Fendi Onabun be signed?
  21. With the news of Brady's suspension, the Bills are currently in negotiation with God and Jesus to round out the roster. Holy rollers in 2015; it's our time.
  22. So Williams and Hunter gone before camp starts. Figure an OL signing has to be forthcoming.
  23. Even though I just received my seasons in the mail Saturday, I've had the ability to sell for months- after paying for them.
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