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Jamie Nails

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Everything posted by Jamie Nails

  1. Cue the if we run the table and a million things happen, we'll be in the playoffs thread. Probably won't happin.....again
  2. Yeah, let's go. Drop the puck!
  3. Who would be their starting five if he can't go. Seems pretty thin on the interior for the patsies
  4. Want to throw it out there, River Works is amazing. It's not in full swing yet, but will be a gem for years to come. If you coming to town, as I did from CA last week, it is worth a visit. I come to Buffalo at least twice a year and there were a ton of new spots, this place included that cropped up in less than a year since my last visit.
  5. he'll be fine. He didn't reinjure it. He was tight so they backed off. Totally precautionary. They are trolling Bellicheat
  6. I think the hit from Brooks on his previous return contributed to the fumble. Footsteps.
  7. They could have just cut Andre Fluellen and held onto to BB? Ok. In Doug I trust.
  8. But Matt Cassel got a snap!
  9. Go Bills for we are here to cheer for you, go Bills, we are your fans so true. With victory in site, we'll cheer with all our might, so go Bills, fight, let's go!!!!!
  10. Weather is nasty in downtown Buffalo tonight. Hope it clears out some by the am
  11. I'm staying downtown at the embassy and the little LIQ up Delaware has it in bottles.
  12. Lol. Thanks. I posted because I'm on the plane to Buffalo (coming from 106 degree CA heat) and weather.com won't render on the janky wifi. TBD is my weather lifeline at the moment
  13. TBD weather gods, what's the latest heavenly precipitation prognostication for Sunday?
  14. I'm sure they'll find a ball boy to step in that will outperform Wood.
  15. Dare I.... It's always Shady in Buffalo, dude!
  16. The dark sky app is saying scattered light rain?
  17. Nice. I'm from Vacaville and live in Danville.
  18. I'm in too. What's the parking situation like at the stadium?
  19. Good to see that espn still has Cris Carter making picks. Hope he has a fall guy lined-up for his record.
  20. They forgot the most important part of Sunday's forecast: Cloudy with a chance of pain.
  21. Could Pitiful Pete Prisco have a more douche photo?
  22. Boom goes the dynamite
  23. 5th strip of duct tape
  24. Have him and Gilmore swap numbers before the game
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