Worried he might have an inflated sense of himself coming into camp. Hope Rex targets and goes at him, including exposing in preseason to make him the player we need him to be this year. A regression from Darby would not be good
"I want to learn. I want to play for Tom, and I want to play for Jimmy, and I want to play for Bill."
If this doesn't evoke imagery of Darth Vader bowing at the feet of the emperor, I don't know what does. Poor Chris has been drawn to the dark side. Next thing we know, he'll be slaying Jedi younglings.
I live in Danville do it every Sunday.
Vader- wish I could make it, but have the kids solo that weekend while wife is away. Paying dues to allow me to go to 5 games this year!
It's very positive- all of the negative stuff is skipped or glossed over. These are designed to get fans pumped for the season and it rejuvenated a little of my somewhat wavering optimism.
If anyone got snubbed today and wants tickets, PM me. I have extras in lower bowl to every game except, Jets, Niners, Pats, Steelers.
I have a few good uppers for Pats and Steelers too.
Will cut you a TBD deal
Steven has been smart to lock Jerry in the closet when they are on the clock. Otherwise, it would have been the Johnny Football sideshow. Hard to go wrong drafting BPA big nasties.