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Jamie Nails

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Everything posted by Jamie Nails

  1. make like a tree and leave. How's 3-4 feel?
  2. one post huh bolts fan? how'd that game end up today?
  3. I'm going to call bull crap on your post. I saw what I saw. They were in late Friday night aka Saturday morning. Billieve ESPN all you want homer...they've always done us bills faithful right...right?
  4. kaeding and his superior athletic ability walked, the other knuckle heads took cabs.
  5. it was more like 5-6 but hey who's counting.
  6. I'll be there!
  7. If he get laid and misses 3 fgs on sunday they are the biggest bills fans in the world. When's the last time you took one for the team and slept with an visiting team's kicker? JK
  8. I just flew in to buffalo this afternoon from California. Got into town, checked into the hotel and went to the sabres game. After leaving the game (5-2 sabs win) we were walking back to our hotel. After consuming 32 blues at the game we had to urinate so we stopped at the hyatt. Right as we walk in the Chargers team bus shows up and the players get out. I'm inside just hanging out to see what I can see so i posted myself by the elevator as the plays slowly make their way to their rooms. Funny enough, the elevators break (or at least one of them breaks) so I have some quality time with the special team unit as they wait in the lobby. After a few jabs at the players (specifically Kaeding) they get up to their room, I get my bathroom break and I move along. After leaving, I go up to Chippewa and no less than 10 minutes behind me are 2-3 cab loads full of chargers. After I see them get out, who do I see...yup...my buddy Nate Kaeding walking by himself. Long story short, their young bucks are chasing tail tonight. Rest assured TBD, I've taken every opportunity I had with this face time to tell them how bad they are going to lose on Sunday and to hex Nate Kaeding. GO BILLS- Good luck with the ladies tonight Nate Kaeding you 5'5 dwarf. you'll need it. PS: I'm done early tonight because I got up at 3AM this morning to fly out to buffalo.
  9. alas, that was yet another painful loss to the titans.
  10. I was at the native new yorker as well. Just didn't make your pictures
  11. I spent most of the afternoon looking up to the roof of the stadium as I couldn't bare to watch our inept defense give up yet another first down.
  12. you heard it here first. Who needs Tim Grahm when you have Mrs. Lindell... Bills had a police escort on the freeway and about 20 cars full of bills fans following the buses to the airport honking let's go buffalo. Crappy day but pretty cool way to show our love.
  13. I'm in az waiting for my flight. I was on the bus from the rental car place with Lindell's mother. She said she talked to Rian and he told her that Trent would be fine. Take that for what its worth...
  14. leaving tomorrow am!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I'll be there. PM me if you want to get together for some beers before the game.
  16. me too brother...me too!!!!!
  17. Either way we win tomorrow and win next week and win against the cards. 5-0 at the break. I loved him too, he made a cash move and now Crow's gone. Let's move on and LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. if the season tickets are an indicator its the niners game in November.
  19. Offense: Edwards, Jackson Def: Youboty. Guy saved the game for us in the 4th quarter with that open field first down saving hit. He was the only player that was consistantly making tackles today.
  20. 104 and I was yelling it at the top of my lungs
  21. I have no voice today. My ears are still ringing. My hands are throbbing from pounding the seats. I did not sit the entire game and the dude behind me was crowd surfing after the Parrish td. Nuff said.
  22. switch it to Hamden.
  23. Flying out from California Friday morning. Section 104, row 14 seats 4 and 5. Parking lot- when it opens!
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