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Jamie Nails

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Everything posted by Jamie Nails

  1. This is interesting from another draft perspective. This now makes Tampa much more likely to take Watkins (if available) or Evans at 7, thus forcing another top talent down the board to us at 9? Tackle perhaps?
  2. I thought this was going to be another crackdown on beer funnels, drinking games or open containers at the Ralph. From moving back the time the stadium lot opens to disallowing short buses, I'm sure we'll see another round of that as the season approaches.
  3. Looks and sounds like it's nothing more than the logical next step toward a sale of the team.
  4. Out of curiosity, anyone know her age?
  5. This intrigues and scares at the same time.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if they move Graham to S; draft a 3-4 round CB and eventually cut Smith or Brooks.
  7. And the few days of F5 fun fade into offseason oblivion
  8. I've been following him on Twitter over the course of the offseason. He acts connected, but is, in fact, very much an outsider. He's just quick to jump on rumor and informed speculation from legit sources and claim it to be his own. He's quick to pound his chest when something is right and hold it up as if he knew all along. I would trust his road soda's opinion as much as his. For instance, what legitimate writer, says "As many of my followers and readers know, I have a tie into a high up member of the front office." Please. If you're connected, you don't have to say this. Just let your track record speak for itself.
  9. Everyone's favorite espn blogger, James Walker, is reporting that the Bills have removed themselves from the bidding.
  10. The biggest issue is money and they haven't talked figures yet according to Rapoport. That doesn't indicate "all but signed" by any stretch.
  11. Rapoport is saying it's bs. Still far from done and other teams still in play. Pro football talk is always a day late and second hand.
  12. The only song that Jackson has on his Iphone right now, is "Must be the Money" by Deon Sanders. And like a good Metallica fan, nothing else matters.
  13. My 2 Cents: This is a complete ploy by his agent to drive up the asking price. The Bills aren't going to bite and get into a bidding war. They have a price, may have already offered and will stand pat. Let Washington get into cap hell if they so choose.
  14. Just going to go out on a limb here and bet that you didn't do so 40 days before the draft.
  15. Not a rumor, just My 2 cents. Unlike the Bills to tie up so much in one position. Hope I'm wrong
  16. I don't think this rules out a WR with size early in the draft. They inevitably cut Stevie or Graham if Jackson is signed.
  17. "Yup. Still got it."
  18. Please no more, however well reasoned, theoretical trade threads. None of them EVER materialize.
  19. First visit to Skins per Rapsheet
  20. And incarcerated Bob has 125k followers.
  21. Guess what I was thinking is that it couldn't hurt. If they land D'Jax, great. If not, their interest at least puts some pressure on Britt. Also hurting our chances: he's tight with Marshawn from their days together at Cal. Don't think he's going to give us a ringing approval. If we come in at the same level as other teams, I think we're at a disadvantage.
  22. Thinking our interest, especially that it's been made public, could also be a ploy to get Britt to make a decision.
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